TER General Board

Should I contact TER if a listed provider has stolen pics?
sophiastjohn See my TER Reviews 883 reads

A number of kind gentlemen contacted me the last few days about a lazy provider who can’t be bothered to have her own pictures taken and has instead stolen my photos and video.  Who knows how many of her pictures are stolen.  This is why we have to stamp all of our pictures in sometimes obnoxious ways to insure against this.  It is particularly irksome to spend thousands of dollars on a photographer/set design/wardrobe, not to mention the actual time to shoot the pics and then to carefully select the ones that I feel represent who I truly am. And of course that doesn’t include the thousands of hours of getting my round ass into the gym when I don’t feel like it, so it is photo worthy to the best of my humble ability.  And then there is the effort that goes into trying to eat healthy food so I can be my personal best for the 5 star gentlemen who choose to see me.  They deserve all that effort and much more, and not a wanker who steals pictures.   I can’t imagine what a disingenuous experience she must be in person, if she chooses to be a cheap version of someone else.   Miss Sexy Chloe Marie is not so sexy if she is a thief?  Here is her link to her site. http://sexychloemarie.callgirlfiles.com/about.   She is from Texas.  I’m told she is using my pictures in ads all over the country (including back page in Chicago).  

This is my 3rd go around with someone stealing my images and I have a lawyer ready to dial into this.   However my question is regarding her TER review listing.   I've not had anyone listed on TER steal my pics before.   Should I send this information to TER?  Has she broken any rules to disqualify her in some way from being on here?

Thanks in advance for any information.

-- Modified on 8/4/2016 4:26:45 PM

at the VERY LEAST, her profile should be changed to reflect that her pics are not real.  

If you KNOW someone is using your pics in a certain market, post a warning on that local board as well. If it's happening all over, it's probably a manager of multiple girls and/or a rip-off.

check P411 if she's using your pics there, it's a violation of their rules as well. They may give her the boot.

You should definitely tell TER.  You should also put the information on the providers only board as well so you can get advice on how to proceed on this matter as well.  Also clarify it in any vicinity that you are working as well.   Finally if you can go speak with a lawyer and say there is a provider that is using your likeness for profit and give her a text saying that you will sue for misrepresentation and profit of your likeness.  I will bet that will scare her as well.   Trace the phone number or source of information.

Posted By: sophiastjohn
A number of kind gentlemen contacted me the last few days about a lazy provider who can’t be bothered to have her own pictures taken and has instead stolen my photos and video.  Who knows how many of her pictures are stolen.  This is why we have to stamp all of our pictures in sometimes obnoxious ways to insure against this.  It is particularly irksome to spend thousands of dollars on a photographer/set design/wardrobe, not to mention the actual time to shoot the pics and then to carefully select the ones that I feel represent who I truly am. And of course that doesn’t include the thousands of hours of getting my round ass into the gym when I don’t feel like it, so it is photo worthy to the best of my humble ability.  And then there is the effort that goes into trying to eat healthy food so I can be my personal best for the 5 star gentlemen who choose to see me.  They deserve all that effort and much more, and not a wanker who steals pictures.   I can’t imagine what a disingenuous experience she must be in person, if she chooses to be a cheap version of someone else.   Miss Sexy Chloe Marie is not so sexy if she is a thief?  Here is her link to her site. http://sexychloemarie.callgirlfiles.com/about.   She is from Texas.  I’m told she is using my pictures in ads all over the country (including back page in Chicago).  
 This is my 3rd go around with someone stealing my images and I have a lawyer ready to dial into this.   However my question is regarding her TER review listing.   I've not had anyone listed on TER steal my pics before.   Should I send this information to TER?  Has she broken any rules to disqualify her in some way from being on here?  
 Thanks in advance for any information.

-- Modified on 8/4/2016 4:26:45 PM

TheBastard341 reads

Kidding of course, you should report her.  

So how does a lawyer defend you in a situation list this when all-in-all these activities are illegal? Just curious.  

And for the record, I am not usually attracted to older women but your pics and vid gave me some serious wood. You're quite sexy

Posted By: sophiastjohn
A number of kind gentlemen contacted me the last few days about a lazy provider who can’t be bothered to have her own pictures taken and has instead stolen my photos and video.  Who knows how many of her pictures are stolen.  This is why we have to stamp all of our pictures in sometimes obnoxious ways to insure against this.  It is particularly irksome to spend thousands of dollars on a photographer/set design/wardrobe, not to mention the actual time to shoot the pics and then to carefully select the ones that I feel represent who I truly am. And of course that doesn’t include the thousands of hours of getting my round ass into the gym when I don’t feel like it, so it is photo worthy to the best of my humble ability.  And then there is the effort that goes into trying to eat healthy food so I can be my personal best for the 5 star gentlemen who choose to see me.  They deserve all that effort and much more, and not a wanker who steals pictures.   I can’t imagine what a disingenuous experience she must be in person, if she chooses to be a cheap version of someone else.   Miss Sexy Chloe Marie is not so sexy if she is a thief?  Here is her link to her site. http://sexychloemarie.callgirlfiles.com/about.   She is from Texas.  I’m told she is using my pictures in ads all over the country (including back page in Chicago).  
 This is my 3rd go around with someone stealing my images and I have a lawyer ready to dial into this.   However my question is regarding her TER review listing.   I've not had anyone listed on TER steal my pics before.   Should I send this information to TER?  Has she broken any rules to disqualify her in some way from being on here?  
 Thanks in advance for any information.

-- Modified on 8/4/2016 4:26:45 PM

I don't know what TER'S exact policy is but it can't hurt.

Thanks everyone so much for the suggestions and thoughts!   I asked the board because I read the fine print where I could find it on TER for any rules and regs on the subject and couldn't find anything.  I thought there might be people here that have more experienced history in the industry than my cumulative roughly 4 years, and who might be aware of some precedence for this somewhere on TER.   I will be reaching out to TER and P411 and posting this in every market she is in.  This is my 3rd time up to bat with this issue and it is incredibly frustrating.   I spend a great deal of time and money in frequent photo shoots and selfies to show the community what I really look like.  I make alot of effort to be current as a courtesy to the fellows who are interested in seeing me so they can accurately get a sense of what I look like and there will be no surprises when the door opens.  The only time I copied a "look" from another girl during a photo shoot (from one of my fav people, the lovely Alyson Parker) before I used it on my website, I asked her if I could give her credit on Twitter when I post the photo on TER or on Twitter.  Her photos are so lovely and I was especially inspired by that one specifically since I felt it also sort of represents my personality (gray sweater), but felt it would be wrong to post that photo without her blessing or permission.  If she had felt weird about it I wouldn't have ever posted it.   As it is I have it on my site but don't post it elsewhere as a courtesy to her lovely original.  Would have been creepy to copy her look.  I can't imagine just outright stealing someone's photo!  
Chicago hugs to all who responded!  xoxo

-- Modified on 8/4/2016 9:02:36 PM

Even here in Australia. The thing is with platforms like this and Twitter they get busted pretty quickly. It's so pathetic and cheap to rip off someone else's hard work. Especially as gorgeous a saucy minx as you are. I guarantee this woman won't even be a shadow of your yumminess!! See you in September!!

She is literally using my tushie to get email addresses from men for her "private gallery" haha.  That is ballsy.  Hey on another more positive note,  I can't wait until you arrive in Chicago!  We have to break bread and have a glass of vino, since you are such an amateur sommelier.  Big sisterly love back to you darling Claire!

If it was someone else's pics j would think alright it's a moral dilemma right? But it's your own personal material that's being stolen. You should absolutely report her and send a firm cease and desist.  

Posted By: sophiastjohn
A number of kind gentlemen contacted me the last few days about a lazy provider who can’t be bothered to have her own pictures taken and has instead stolen my photos and video.  Who knows how many of her pictures are stolen.  This is why we have to stamp all of our pictures in sometimes obnoxious ways to insure against this.  It is particularly irksome to spend thousands of dollars on a photographer/set design/wardrobe, not to mention the actual time to shoot the pics and then to carefully select the ones that I feel represent who I truly am. And of course that doesn’t include the thousands of hours of getting my round ass into the gym when I don’t feel like it, so it is photo worthy to the best of my humble ability.  And then there is the effort that goes into trying to eat healthy food so I can be my personal best for the 5 star gentlemen who choose to see me.  They deserve all that effort and much more, and not a wanker who steals pictures.   I can’t imagine what a disingenuous experience she must be in person, if she chooses to be a cheap version of someone else.   Miss Sexy Chloe Marie is not so sexy if she is a thief?  Here is her link to her site. http://sexychloemarie.callgirlfiles.com/about.   She is from Texas.  I’m told she is using my pictures in ads all over the country (including back page in Chicago).  
 This is my 3rd go around with someone stealing my images and I have a lawyer ready to dial into this.   However my question is regarding her TER review listing.   I've not had anyone listed on TER steal my pics before.   Should I send this information to TER?  Has she broken any rules to disqualify her in some way from being on here?  
 Thanks in advance for any information.

-- Modified on 8/4/2016 4:26:45 PM

souls_harbor217 reads

If I may wax metaphysical a bit, the actual harm in many "copyright violation" cases is only to our pride (we hate to see our work credited to others.)

Unless she is in direct competition with you and absconding with your clients, there is no real monetary loss.  

She may be misleading clients about her appearance (or she may have chosen your pics because they closely match her.)

Naturally I would report her on the assumption that she doesn't look like the photos and is likely trying to rip off clients.  But your actions really only benefit those potential clients and the efforts you take will not really bring you any financial reward.

I say this as a way to view it so that it isn't so irritating.

some provider in LA stole my photos from Cityvibe and used them on her P411 profile and TER ad.I reported her on P411 and Gina suspended her acct until she used her own photos.She never did and her profile disappeared.Also her ter profile was updated to see real photos-No
This is when I started watermarking my photos.
Sorry you have to go through this I would contact every website she is using your photos on and let them know you own those images and she does not have the right to use them.These people who do this are thieves low class and are lazy as well as stupid.

Don't even waste your time arguing or trying to have a conversation with people who do this go to the source the websites where they are using your images.After the images keep being removed they will probably find someone else's photos and videos to steal.
I would also suggest doing a search on google images with your images regularly to make sure someone is not using your photos.Also if you do the google image search you can find all of those sites she is using your photos on.
Good luck to you!

Very useful information here thank you.  My pics are watermarked and unfortunately she took them from my photographer's site.  They are watermarking them now and being very responsive to this and I adore them.  And you are spot on that conversations with her have been less than savory.  She is threatening me some pretty radical stuff which is pretty ridiculous and laughable.  You can't argue with crazy, because crazy is crazy.  So yes I am going to her ad outlets.  Also I was given a great suggestion to contact PURE VIP because she is using my picture to entice clients to sign up for her protected pics and she is obtaining their email addresses under false pretenses.

I'm not hoping for financial gain.   I'm just tired of working very hard and spending a great deal of time and money to invest in my pictures and the more visibility and success I have, the more copy cats seem to be prevalent.  Lazy providers can get off their unethical butts and get their own pictures done.  I've been pretty easy about it up until now and moving forward I'm doubling down to protect my brand and image that I've worked hard to achieve.  I'm always happy to mentor anyone that needs any help or asks for my suggestions.   I would never refuse to help another lady in this profession who wanted my advice.  This woman is just lazy and from the sound of her reviews,  not very invested in this profession by any stretch of the imagination.

Posted By: sophiastjohn
I’m told she is using my pictures in ads all over the country (including back page in Chicago).
Every ad on BP has a "Report Ad" button on the upper right. Other Providers have reported having success that way. You might be asked to provide proof that others have said is not difficult to do (e.g., a new selfie in the same outfit or same setting).  

Search both the Newbie board and General for "DMCA Takedown Notice". Set the date range to at least one or two years (300 to 700 days) as this topic comes up from time to time. If an ISP is notified that someone using their service is using others' copyright protected materials, they are usually quick to take down those materials or obliterate the account.  

Also search Newbie and General for "watermarking.

Posted By: sophiastjohn
A number of kind gentlemen contacted me the last few days about a lazy provider who can’t be bothered to have her own pictures taken and has instead stolen my photos and video.  Who knows how many of her pictures are stolen.  This is why we have to stamp all of our pictures in sometimes obnoxious ways to insure against this.  It is particularly irksome to spend thousands of dollars on a photographer/set design/wardrobe, not to mention the actual time to shoot the pics and then to carefully select the ones that I feel represent who I truly am. And of course that doesn’t include the thousands of hours of getting my round ass into the gym when I don’t feel like it, so it is photo worthy to the best of my humble ability.  And then there is the effort that goes into trying to eat healthy food so I can be my personal best for the 5 star gentlemen who choose to see me.  They deserve all that effort and much more, and not a wanker who steals pictures.   I can’t imagine what a disingenuous experience she must be in person, if she chooses to be a cheap version of someone else.   Miss Sexy Chloe Marie is not so sexy if she is a thief?  Here is her link to her site. http://sexychloemarie.callgirlfiles.com/about.   She is from Texas.  I’m told she is using my pictures in ads all over the country (including back page in Chicago).  
 This is my 3rd go around with someone stealing my images and I have a lawyer ready to dial into this.   However my question is regarding her TER review listing.   I've not had anyone listed on TER steal my pics before.   Should I send this information to TER?  Has she broken any rules to disqualify her in some way from being on here?  
 Thanks in advance for any information.

-- Modified on 8/4/2016 4:26:45 PM

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