TER General Board

She's a Flake. Do You Want To Suffer a Flake?
ItsMagic 8 Reviews 4631 reads
1 / 10

Not sure what to do in this situation, so thought I'd throw it out for advice.  

I had traded e-mails, provided screening info, and actually spoken with the lady on the phone.  The evening before our scheduled appointment, she left me a voice mail confirming for the next morning.  The next morning, I had a voice mail saying that she was sorry, but she had to cancel because she was called in to work and she offered an extended session to make up for the inconvenience.  She asked me to call her back and let her know if I could meet that afternoon or evening or any day next week instead.  I did call back and tried to arrange an afternoon appointment.  She did not respond and I tried again later in the afternoon, but again got no response.  I'm an understanding guy, so I figured she was having a busy day and would get back to me as soon as possible.  It's been 5 days and I haven't heard a thing, however, she posted on the local board that she is available all week.  Should I call her again or do you think I should wait for her to get back to me?  Ladies, what would you do in a situation where you had to cancel a confirmed appointment?  Would it be up to the gentleman to get back with you to reschedule?  Thanks for your input.


cutehunkie 70 Reviews 2495 reads
2 / 10

1) If she lost your number (i.e. broken answer machine, non working voice mail, etc), she has no way of calling you back. It's possible.  You did not mention if she has an answering machine or voicemail.

2) If she got it and has been slow to respond. She's not very professional in her attitude. I would move on.

netmichelle See my TER Reviews 3401 reads
3 / 10

She could be like me, a fluffy ball of jetlagged undercaffed and non secreataried piece of action.

loarthan 4 Reviews 2442 reads
4 / 10

It really boils down to whether or not you want to suffer an idiot or not.

All the regular excuses aside (lost number, broken machine, etc) if she was really interested in seeing you and was sincere in her protestations that life had caught up with her and she had to cancel, she could have found some way  to do the right thing in 5 days time.

If you really want to see her, great, do so.  Just remember she is a flake and as such, tends to the behavior of an idiot.

If you aren't into suffering an idiot, move on.  Plenty of great providers out there with their heads screwed on tightly that have great bodies, wonderful attitudes and spectacular moves.

Just my opinion and I could be wrong.

hrnyguy31 95 Reviews 2161 reads
5 / 10
MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2805 reads
7 / 10

I am sure most guys will not agree with me on this one, but this is not retail sales.  Yes, her behaviour is a bit flaky, but we are all operating under a different game plan than most business transactions.  

If the provider is someone who has a decent amount of good reviews, or someone I have had more than a couple of e-mails with, I would follow Michelle's advice and at least call.  It isn't like I am offering the woman the keys to my business...I just wat to spend some time with her, and there often are things going on in the ladies life thet we have no idea about.  The bit about her posting is frustrating, but it is worth a phone call at least.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.  You can always walk away at any point.

sexxygirrl 2392 reads
8 / 10

I'd say what you want to do is based on how hot you think the lady is.

If you read the Vegas board, there are several girls who flake out on their clients, are habitually late (like 2-4 hours); cancel, reschedule and cancel again, or just plain no show......yet if they are "hot" enough, the guys rave about them and say the effort and wasted time is worth it. Sometimes I can't believe what I'm reading.

Raving about the lady and excusing her bad behavior just reinforces further bad habits.

Being cynical, it seems to me that men will forgive a lady almost anything if she is a hottie. :)

greatrush 3 Reviews 2606 reads
10 / 10

YOU (provider) get one chance to make a great impression. Like a resturant, how likely are you to return for a meal when its been botched. Apologies aside, there is no reason to return. The seas are filled with tuna, shark, and 'cuda... why waste your time on some frumpy, spoiled, and inconsiderate lowlife?

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