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She would soon...
floyd1039 10 Reviews 788 reads

Wake me up and demand more money. I make so much noise that even I don't like to sleep with me. lol

When a provider posts their rate for an hour,two or three and says overnights can be arranged but gives no idea of fee involved what can one expect to pay or does it vary by client?

Doesn't mean, hourly, two hourly, or three hourly rates are not.. But the former is more negotiable than latter...

and to hear her snore, fart, burp, morning breath... lol    

I guess that's more of a WE (wife experience).

Most would be charged five million dollars. A few would be charged nothing. In general, I cannot imagine anything worse than spending the night with a client. For me, it's too much intimacy, real life and overall weirdness and this is coming from a fairly happy provider who genuinely likes most of her clients. I like seeing clients between the four walls of my massage space.  

That being said, I cannot imagine any client wanting to spend more than an hour with me. When I was young and hot? Maybe. Now? No way.  I am NOTHING like my provider persona. My sweet mom, to whom I am very, very close, describes me as out there.

I'm not sure I want the whole eating together, having to go to the bathroom, teeth brushing, shaving, snoring, nose blowing, private weird little worlds thing.  Seems like it would be exhausting for a provider to be that fantasy girl for an entire evening and then again in the morning, and hard for that exhaustion not to come through, but maybe I'm wrong or maybe hats just me.  In any event I think I'd have to have known a provider for quite some time and had many, many one or two hour encounters before I'd ever consider an overnight.  In fact I feel like I'm heading in that direction with one girl in particular and I'm pretty sure I'm going to back it off or stop entirely with her...shit's just getting too real.  Overnight?  Probably not in the cards for me, kinda flies in the face of why I do this.

Seriously, I do!  

Because I am just not comfortable doing that sort of thing in front of a client, even if he's in the next room. Granted, I am a woman who is pushing forty years of age and hasn't never been married, much less even lived with anyone other than my dog. Women who have lived with husbands or boyfriends may feel much more comfortable than I do about overnights or perhaps they are simply far less weird than I am.  

The other main reason I am not comfortable with overnights is because I have a thing about people watching me sleep. I am completely freaked out by it. I do not even allow boyfriends in my personal life spend the night. I do not want them in my bed, because I cannot relax when I am sleeping next to someone. My bed is reserved for me and my dog. Other people are considered guests and must leave accordingly when the clock strikes midnight. I do not sleep at all when I'm sharing a bed, so I basically lose the next day. My workout sucks. I eat shitty food. I'm cranky. The extra cash just isn't worth it to me.

Wife and I went to separate rooms awhile ago.  My bud farts in bed, has no respect for personal space (especially during storms), and licks my face when the alarm goes off.  So pretty much the same as sleeping with a woman, but no pillow talk and he poops in the yard! ;-)

There is a couple that we are very close to. Other than guy on guy, there isn't anything we haven't done with each other.

So we decided to swap for an entire day. OMG, what a disaster. She and I started out wrong because we both sleep on the same side of the bed. I lost that one. She is a bit of a drama queen. What is cute in small doses, made me want to kill her  after 12 hours.

The strange part was when she was drying her hair putting on make up etc. I was really uncomfortable. It felt too intimate. Despite the fact she has sat on my face numerous times. I know hard to explain but it's strange.

We laugh about it now. She didn't like the fact I am a foot taller than her. Tough to curl up in bed which she likes.

The great German Chancellor, Otto Von Bismarck, said, "The two things you don't want to see being made are laws and sausage." I would add spending a day with a person you have a friendly sexual relationship with.

Posted By: thehumanist
Wife and I went to separate rooms awhile ago.  My bud farts in bed, has no respect for personal space (especially during storms), and licks my face when the alarm goes off.  So pretty much the same as sleeping with a woman, but no pillow talk and he poops in the yard! ;-)

wrps071089 reads

$500 to $1200 for a overnight. One provider who has a $300 rate charged me $800 for overnight.  

One that I saw for 6 days straight charged me $3000 for the whole 6 days.

who have hourly rates and services in the same neighborhood has this gal you are thinking of seeing, and offer that.

Where I live, a gal in the $300/hr range charges about $1,500 for an overnight, and a gal in the $500/hr range charges up to $2,500.

There are, of course, a lot of variations as some gals do, in fact, like overnights (with the right person, of course), and others who do not.

I've done overnights for as little as $600, and I think the most I've paid is $2,500.

Homewrecker929 reads

All this plays into the numbers game.  And if you fart in your sleep you owe a tip !


Yes, dinner is included (chez fisher I am the chef), and no, farts are just a part of the job.

Nothing wrong with asking donations not posted on her site/ad as long as you do it respectfully without any explicit language involved..

I knew a lady who charged 400 an hour and 1000 for a 14 hour overnight, and another lady who charged 500 per hour, period. You want her for 5 hours, it's 2500, 10 hours is 5000.

If the rate isn't listed, all you can do is ask her

I hate sharing my bed and I belong to the Church of Sleeping in late on Sunday so I don't, and won't, ever do an overnight, but that's just me. I like the part when the girl smiles and says "bye" and I sit and relax, thinking about the session, the next time I'll see her. I'll keep the fantasy a little longer thank you. Overnights are not intimacy for me. The last lady (unpaid) I had a sleepover with snored, cleared her throat, and let her dog sleep in the bed. Romantic huh? I know, I know ... providers don't do that and the good ones wake before you wake to brush their teeth and wake you gently with a bbbj followed by amazing, morning sex and breakfast in bed. I'll buy that bridge you have also ... :) Think I'd rather ride a bicycle without a seat.

And be so fatigued it's pitiful. I snore, have a major sleep disorder now, have to have the room almost pitch black to sleep,and especially when the sun comes up in the a.m. (you should see what I do to a hotel room when I travel).

The mornings are horrible for me and I have to be left alone when I first awaken. It takes two hours for me to stop feeling fatigued when I first get up, that's how long it takes the boatload of supplements and meds to kick in to help with the pain and fatigue.

Like I've said before, I'm a real charmer when I'm trying to go to sleep and again when I have to get up. So I'm with ya on this DD!

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 7/13/2014 4:24:17 PM

Wake me up and demand more money. I make so much noise that even I don't like to sleep with me. lol

I do overnights out of convenience (outcall is closer to my day job than my house) and to avoid drunk driving.

I may offer for a gent to spend the night at my incall if I'm particularly fond of him and if I think he likes me enough to see passed my sleeping noises and morning breath. So far so good. lol

I have had someone in the bed with me almost my entire adult life (12 years), so I'm not a big fan of sleeping alone now. I like snuggling, what can I say.

wrps07793 reads

I like to wake up and have fun with the providers during overnight at 1:00 am, 3:00 and first thing in the morning around 7:30 - 8:30 (depending when I wake up). Sometimes the lady will rub up against me like my wife trying to wake me up for another round. Then acted shocked that I am hard as a rock ready to go for another round. One of the tricks I use is to take the whey protein with dinner lol.

But you are correct the next day you are tired. That is why it is best to do the over nights on the weekend and take a long nap in the afternoon to catch up on sleep.

I'd probably strangle any man who awakened me at 1 a.m. If he did it again at 3 a.m, I'm murder him a second time.

RokkKrinn782 reads

...but then again, I'm the Great American Mangina, so what do I know?

I agree that it's hard for providers (or hobbyists) to keep their game faces on for extended periods of time.  It's inevitable that the "real" identities show through--but I kind of like that.  As long as I can keep my expectations in check, it's a more rewarding experience than a typical two-hour quickie.

As far as rates?  Every provider is different.  You just have to ask.  Definitely don't do an overnight with someone you've never seen before, obviously--have to make sure that there's some sort of chemistry/connection/whatever there first...

the rate is negotiated and depends upon what we are going to do, which amenities, room etc you want and if you want to have a friend of mine join us.  We have VIP room and Fantasy Suite as well as my room to choose from.

So many options and variables effect price.

thanks for all of the insight.  I have seen this particular provider many many times for a couple of hours each.  She has moved somewhat far away and am trying to get together with her again so having her come to my place and stay the night would probably also work best for her.  I agree, I'm not sure about increasing the whole intimacy thing as each time I start to get over her, I hear from her agan and start really missing her a lot. Also, since she doesn't post her overnight rates I want to be respectful about how I ask about her fee.  Cheers.

blueoxygen866 reads

Posted By: bviboy
When a provider posts their rate for an hour,two or three and says overnights can be arranged but gives no idea of fee involved what can one expect to pay or does it vary by client?  
We include overnights as part of our service unless a client specifically doesn't want it to be included. What this actually means is that you can hit it as many times as you like before you fall asleep and then when you wake up she starts by giving you a morning bj and then let you hit it once more for good measure.

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