TER General Board

She wasn't being sanctimonious at all, dude.
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 908 reads

It's not like she was telling you that you're a shitty person for thinking that porn mirrors reality. She even urged you to research it yourself. Jesus.  

In any event, here:  
"The anus is full of bacteria. Even if both partners do not have a sexually-transmitted infection or disease, bacteria normally in the anus can potentially infect the giving partner. Practicing vaginal sex after anal sex can also lead to vaginal and urinary tract infections."

ILoveToFuck2121 reads

Has anybody here ever pussy fucked a woman after having butt fucked her without changing condom or washing your cock?  I heard this would transfer fecal bacteria from the butt to the pussy which may give her a major infection.  Even if she had thoroughly washed her butt hole, it would still be dangerous. Any butt fuckers or providers would like to comment?

but I see it in Porno videos every day. Those ladies must be using an alcohol, H2O2 and chlorine cocktail douche after the scenes are recorded. So far I haven't read any reports of porn queen's pussies exploding, or falling out. I guess we need consult an "On set" gynecologist for a proper answer.

You miss where they stop and wash everything except for one or two takes. And yes, those women still get all kinds of screwed up from it, despite the precautions.  

The two, without washing, just don't mix. No matter how hot it is, and no matter how inspiring the videos are, it's still going to cause us problems the majority of the time :-(

But of course, you don't have to take the actual owner of a pussy's word for it. If you really think we are holding out, there's plenty of fun literature on the internet about it ;-)

I've viewed scores of videos where there was absolutely NO chance for a "washing" between penetrations. I'm not defending it; I only stated where I've seen it countless times.  

Get off your high fuck'n horse and exercise your reading comprehension skills before handing out your sanctimonious shit.

Posted By: OhCharlie
You miss where they stop and wash everything except for one or two takes. And yes, those women still get all kinds of screwed up from it, despite the precautions.  
 The two, without washing, just don't mix. No matter how hot it is, and no matter how inspiring the videos are, it's still going to cause us problems the majority of the time :-(  
 But of course, you don't have to take the actual owner of a pussy's word for it. If you really think we are holding out, there's plenty of fun literature on the internet about it ;-)

Check out her posts on the train wrecks on the DC board and the Chicago board. I rarely confront people on the board, but her attitude really rubbed me the wrong way on those two threads.

If they express their opinions in a condescending and confrontational way, then I have a problem. Let me re-write some of Charlotte's post and see if it comes across better:

As a woman, I believe I know my anatomy better than you. Besides, if you do an internet search on this subject, I think you will agree with me.

What I am trying to say is you don't have to shout or lecture to get your points across. That's all

hotplants769 reads

Now you're just being another part of the problem. Hey, my mind-reading skills are extraordinarily limited. But when tomcat writes  that he think someones' posts are condescending and he was rubbed the wrong way"? Whelp, I tend to think  that he perceives those posts as condescending, and they rubbed him the wrong way.  

No mind reading required.  

The great irony, here, is that OC's post was not  condescending. At all.  

BTW, you do know you're allowed to write more than 50 characters in a post here, right?

It's not like she was telling you that you're a shitty person for thinking that porn mirrors reality. She even urged you to research it yourself. Jesus.  

In any event, here:  
"The anus is full of bacteria. Even if both partners do not have a sexually-transmitted infection or disease, bacteria normally in the anus can potentially infect the giving partner. Practicing vaginal sex after anal sex can also lead to vaginal and urinary tract infections."

ILoveToFuck846 reads

The link to the WebMD article that Tobi provided proves that the butt hole is made for shitting, not for fucking. I remember a dermatologist talked about this. This doctor said that the lining in the butt hole will tear if this type of perversion is practiced. Why do you think gay men are more prone to HIV then lesbians?  Let us face the truth and not worry about offending a group of gay people. Fuck political correctness !

Posted By: Tobi Telford
It's not like she was telling you that you're a shitty person for thinking that porn mirrors reality. She even urged you to research it yourself. Jesus.  
 In any event, here:  
 "The anus is full of bacteria. Even if both partners do not have a sexually-transmitted infection or disease, bacteria normally in the anus can potentially infect the giving partner. Practicing vaginal sex after anal sex can also lead to vaginal and urinary tract infections."
-- Modified on 7/9/2014 9:31:46 PM

Aww, you even threw in some homophobia for good measure! I give you a B+ for trolling effort, but a D for originality.  

Posted By: ILoveToFuck
The link to the WebMD article that Tobi provided proves that the butt hole is made for shitting, not for fucking. I remember a dermatologist talked about this. This doctor said that the lining in the butt hole will tear if this type of perversion is practiced. Why do you think gay men are more prone to HIV then lesbians?  Let us face the truth and not worry about offending a group of gay people. Fuck political correctness !  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
It's not like she was telling you that you're a shitty person for thinking that porn mirrors reality. She even urged you to research it yourself. Jesus.    
  In any event, here:    
  "The anus is full of bacteria. Even if both partners do not have a sexually-transmitted infection or disease, bacteria normally in the anus can potentially infect the giving partner. Practicing vaginal sex after anal sex can also lead to vaginal and urinary tract infections."
-- Modified on 7/9/2014 9:31:46 PM

Some of you guys think we are all sanctimonious and talk down to you. Science, actual experience, and common sense be damned!  

If you read it to be pissed, you will be. If you read it like a normal person having a conversation (I even included smilies for you this time to avoid this), then you won't. Pick and choose lovers, I don't particularly care. If I'm trying to be bitchy you'll know why and to whom it's directed.

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 6:06:17 PM

Exactly right Charlie.
Why do they even ask questions if they are going to bitch about the answers, 'if anyone else would have said it then, well ,I would listen-but you said it & I don't like that you know more than me'......
The way people interpret things is always what is inside their heads. I've replied hello to guys & it wouldn't have mattered if I said hell fucking low or go fuck off---they reply, well sounds like your in a bitchy mood today- really!


Posted By: OhCharlie
Some of you guys think we are all sanctimonious and talk down to you. Science, actual experience, and common sense be damned!  
 If you read it to be pissed, you will be. If you read it like a normal person having a conversation (I even included smilies for you this time to avoid this), then you won't. Pick and choose lovers, I don't particularly care. If I'm trying to be bitchy you'll know why and to whom it's directed.  

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 6:06:17 PM

If you guys don't want to believe us. Fine, don't get pissy about it - feel free to google all the ways of the stank vag. Hell, flip that baby over to images! We are all literally trying to save you here and you just won't let us, hahaha

GaGambler793 reads

Not that I blame you, I would never dream of taking my dick out of a womans ass and putting it right into her pussy, nor would I use the same finger I had up her ass and insert it into her vag without having washed it first. You don't need to be a OB GYN to realize the health hazards to that type of thing.

I am a self admitted asshole, but even I have more concern for the health of the women I sleep with than to expose them to that kind of health risk. I guess common sense really isn't that common, is it?

Posted By: OhCharlie
You miss where they stop and wash everything except for one or two takes. And yes, those women still get all kinds of screwed up from it, despite the precautions.  
 The two, without washing, just don't mix. No matter how hot it is, and no matter how inspiring the videos are, it's still going to cause us problems the majority of the time :-(  
 But of course, you don't have to take the actual owner of a pussy's word for it. If you really think we are holding out, there's plenty of fun literature on the internet about it ;-)

I swear I just don't allow it now because of idiots who try to go back to the poontang after sticking their tongue up my ass. And I always an squeaky clean but REALLY?



But you've gotta admit that there is a distinct difference between rimming and anal sex. Unless the "rimmer" has a freakishly long serpent tongue, I doubt he or she would get as deep access as a cock; the depths of the anal canal tend to harbor most of the bacteria left after a super-squeaky ass cleaning, by simple nature of being one of those hard-to-reach-without an enema places (and i suppose being closer to the "source").  Most rimming will only probe I'd say less than an inch max into the butthole, and hopefully both parties have thoroughly scrubbed these regions to within this threshold (and if not, I would absolutely abort that mission!!). Further, saliva has constitutive antimicrobial properties, with both immuno-suppressive enzymes and other non-specific lysozymes, as well as s good amount of protective mucous, which hopefully lends some (but yes, not a tremendous amount) of defense against bacterial/other toxic threat. Conversely, your typical condom-ed dick may offer some antibacterial protection, dependent upon the brand of prophylactic, in the form of however the latex/polyurethane/etc. is treated alongside the spermicide, etc., but again by nature of the depth of penetration, the cock is just being exposed to potentially more infectious surface area. Thus, when this surface area is not subject to dilution/(minute) sterilization by saliva, as the tongue would be, and instead just sneaks back "downstairs", I would posit the baggage on board would be significantly greater than that transported on a roaming tongue. Enter: UTI.
So to end this mini-rant and answer the OP, I do insist on changing condoms in between trips to Greece and landing back in the homeland. All that deep thrusting once back in the vagina also seems like trouble waiting to incubate in even harder to reach places up the vag, just waiting to find its way to the urethra.. Awful, gross stuff!
However, don't get me wrong! I'm not overly thrilled about having a tongue that has just been up my ass and around the corner shoved down my throat, but then I usually don't love having a tongue shoved down my throat. That's just bad kissing!  But I'm not so squeamish about a rimming followed by more cunnilingus and/or some more kisses. I just keep on keeping everything as clean as possible, before, during (if possible), and after all of the dirty deeds!  
Sorry to go so far down the rabbit-hole.. just my 2 cents - err, 2,000,000 cents. :)
Bella Ma

doesn't have time to do much before the tongue is back up the va-jay-jay.


punctured thru cap so you just grab it and tip upside down and make the guy wipe off with it then change the condom, I prefer to take the condom off for him too since well it is my insides and ass that was just all iver the condom, i then go wash off with the good pussy soap over toilet with this mug I keep next to sink, OR secind choice you tell em you wanna try and save the anal for last segment the date for the cumming. Cuz you just dont wanna deal with the hassle of the cleaning up then I am in bathroom for 5 minutes. it depends if the guy can have that long a intermission some wont wanna be sittin there waitin for you to go wash up, But yes even if ass is clean I mean your pumpin your cock in and out, And rather roughly depending on who your fucking. A large portion us acn probly take quite the hammering back there.  
    Haha! i know i can but not for long periods ...  
But yes then its like just kinda germy all over place and washin up asap after is crucial cuz yes dirty as juice and just microscopic bacteria it is a butt after all, I used to do enemas with castille soap then my godam ass would hurt before i even started from shoving a rock hard piece of plastic up there ten times to make sure its squeeky clean, I havent had any issues with accidental brown shpwers and also dont do enema before hand its been goin very well with greek on my end, I keep a bottle of tea trea and water for cleaning up after plus the rubbing alcohol for the transitioning back to other acts after anal sex....................................
           the rubbin alcohol feels a tad odd on the ass hole but whatever its better than havin microscopic fecal matter and germs all over each other,
 But doing anything dirty can be fun, water sports anal, just keepin the proper essentials to have a clean up process on hand helps, For me the rubbin alcohol, Then i keep hydrogen peroxide in kitchen watered down i rinse mouth with after any contact while client is in shpower like asap after kissing or oral. having proper products for cleanin up after is definetly important for the skin. And just over all hygiene.

I love anal!!!! I've never given myself an ennima, if your squeamish about shit- then it's not going to be your thing. No matter how well she cleans back there, if your dick is big enough then there is the possibility of something being on the condom, it rarely happens but there are occasions, & sometimes it just due to the lube getting stuff all moist. I always turn around & get the wet wipe & take the condom off for the guy. I do prostate massages all the time, the same thing, rarely is something on the condom but occasionally there is. Anytime you do any type of anal play, fingers, tongue, cock, please use wet wipes & make sure your instrument is clean before touching the pussy anywhere!!!!!
The only cleaning necessary-
after ya have a bowel movement ya should just wipe yourself good preferably with a wet wipe of course go inside a bit & your not done until the wipe comes clean. Although if you fart at any point before sex & this goes for regular vaginal sex as well- wipe your ass with a wet wipe cuz the odor lingers & it's no fun for a female to be sucking someone's balls & can smell that shit! he he.... Usually for me before any appt. I clean myself even if I just pee, I like to wet wipe down there, I'm a bit of a clean freak- but reality is the extra enima step just isn't needed.
The same with PROSTATE massages, ya just gotta wipe yourself with a wet wipe after your morning bowel movement & if ya only have one a day then your good for the rest of the day, unless ya fart.
Guys you can argue that all you want & if ya find a female that says she loves shit in her pussy- then go for it....but for the rest of us who do enjoy the pleasures of anal, respect our decision, infections are no fun & fecal matter contains highly contagious bacteria, if anyone has ever had a baby- then I'm sure you respected your baby & wiped their ass from front to back & then washed your hands immediately after. (I'm sure you didn't argue with the doctor- uh I watch porn all the time & those girls dont seem to mind if fecal matter gets on their pussy)

BTW- Porn videos- edited!!!! ( they are suppose to be sexy & get ya in the mood, showing them stop to clean off their dick is going to make your dick go limp waiting).
Please always respect the person you are with. Sex should be fun an pleasurable for both people & having an infection isn't fun & there's no reason for it.  


Posted By: ILoveToFuck
Has anybody here ever pussy fucked a woman after having butt fucked her without changing condom or washing your cock?  I heard this would transfer fecal bacteria from the butt to the pussy which may give her a major infection.  Even if she had thoroughly washed her butt hole, it would still be dangerous. Any butt fuckers or providers would like to comment?

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