TER General Board

AIM press release now on their website.
Mathesar 5037 reads

See link.

Also James has been confirmed as "Patient Zero" of the outbreak ( http://www.avn.com/index.php?Primary_Navigation=Articles&Action=View_Article&Content_ID=81726 ).

I noted earlier that infectivity of HIV varied widely over the course of the disease. The viral load is a good measure of the infectivity. I knew that early in the disease was a high period of infectivity. I didn't know how long that period lasted. The given estimate of 18 to 30 days is the first I've seen.

I am inclined to think that the very high viral load in the first 18 to 30 days after infection makes this a period where my estimate of infectivity was low.

I would also tend to agree with sdstud's reasoning. Whether or not a 25 minute sex scene that takes 6 hours to shoot should be counted as a single exposure is doubtful. Performers in porn are having sex that is qualitatively different than most of the rest of us.

-- Modified on 4/27/2004 6:01:27 PM

bear in mind Sharon Mitchell got her "PhD" in sexology (not virology or infectious diseases) and did so valley-style -- ie. by buying it from some poedunk vocational school calling itself [UCLA, no just-kidding, that's a Bostonian's joke] no really, a place calling itself the 'Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality' [cough] ... so i wouldn't put too much trust in her "18 to 30 days" (that's the first i've heard of that too)

at the risk of sounding curmudgeonly and/or macho-chauvinist, i wish pornstars would stick to playing "doctor" on DVD (with white surgical masks and thigh-high leather boots with 9" heels and polished steel dildos ...)

but i digress, now mind you Sharon used to suck a mean dick in her day (probably still does) but i wouldn't stake my life on her medical skills  ... it's so characteristic of the Calipornia industry that someone like her is in charge of other's people's safety

some folks may remember when AIM set up shop here at TER about a year ago to answer questions on a new health/safety board, yes? after less than a week, Sharon and her staff got miffed and up  and left and deleted all the messages ... when asked why, they replied that TER members were being too argumentative and asking too many questions and wanting sources, etc

I remember. It's a shame they weren't more friendly, they could've enlightened a lot of us that are willing to learn more on how to protect ourselves. But if all they were willing to provide were opinions rather than facts, then good riddance.

SexyCurvesDC3334 reads

Insofar as people allow her to be in charge. There is no legal basis for her to be in charge of the porn industry, but no one else has stepped up to the plate. If it were me, I'd want all participants in my scenes to be tested independantly. Planned Parenthood gives you a nifty results sheet when you go there that is great to have. Who needs AIM? I wouldn't trust them as far as I can throw them... but then, when it comes to my LIFE, I'm very distrustful of other people.


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