TER General Board

She falls in love with you. (eom)
YouMakeTheCall 2517 reads


I mean other than she retires, or either get married or one of you move to another city.

What I am getting at is this. What are some of the conflicts or problems that have come up that may cause you to stop seeing your ATF?

One ATF, with whom I've had many great sessions over a course of several years, for awhile was unavailable due to her other pursuits and moving. Then, after a year, when I finally located her and made an appointment, I arrived at her place and she told me to wait outside for awhile because she had other things going on. Later, when she let me in, there were other people in her place, and after having me wait a bit longer, it appeared we would not be able to have a session because she had screwed up her scheduling, so I left, out of the mood, and quite annoyed. Yet, we've had some great sessions in the past. Don't know whether the aggravation is worth it to attempt a repeat now.

bbggjj5874 reads

Blowing you off on your scheduled appointment for another guy from out of town, lying, your time together becomes routine and boring, lack of that emotional excitement, find out that you were not the first or the only one that day, and the ultimate you find someone who turns you on more that she does or she does not get all that excited to see you any longer.

numbnuts112373 reads

1.When my ATF begins to take me for granted.
2.When a session with my ATF begins to feel like a session with my wife.....let's do it and get it over with.
3. When ATF begins to feel that I can't do without her.

Advice: Instead of having one ATF make sure you have several ATF's.

but I do see other ladies in between (variety you know). I also can't imagine her not being appreciative, but that's why she's my ATF.

MisterAnalyze2961 reads

All of the reaons you stated plus if I've learned that she has an SO. If not, I'll keep on fantasing that I'm the special one to her which I suspect I'm probably not. She only makes me feel that way. But as long as the fantasy is still alive, what the heck!

Joe Rockhead2884 reads

She starts taking you for granted...taking less time to prepare, figuring you won't mind.

Tig Ole Bitties2885 reads

Now see, I am someone's ATF. I permenently slashed his price minus $60 althought he stills see me for the same length of time. After all this time he still feels I am special and makes time from his very busy schedule to see me. I like that.

I am curious as to what led you to permanently reducing his rate.  Did you decide this on your own?  Did he request it?  Did you do it because he let you know you were his ATF? (I'm assuming he let you know in some way, or else you wouldn't have mentioned it.)

Nice handle, BTW. ;-)

NoCoverPlease!3117 reads

She takes care of me, it is the least I can do to take care of her without going overboard.

I sent one of my ATF's an email about a week ago she still hasn't answered it.

More than three cancellations including two where I actually arrived and she let me in but clearly stated that it wasn't going to happen.  I had confirmed the day before with her assistant.

Also if she starts to be a clock watcher.

BILL183563753 reads

Top 10 reasons for not seeing ATF anymore

10)Raised rate for you only

9) Waits until she has no other possibilities before she accepts another appointment with you

8) recomends you to other providers she doesnt like

7) changed phone number and address but never told you

6) bought a very large dog that hates you

5) reads a book while you're in doggie

4) tells you to finish quickly because she has a million other  things she would rather be doing

3)looks at you with complete and utter disgust as soon as you come in the door

2) shows you websites with all the new providers in the area

1) During daty she farts in your face and tells you that going to be extra

-- Modified on 1/10/2005 4:14:04 PM

I've been seeing my ATF for two years now.  Over the past year I've seen her every 3 weeks or so for 3 to 5 hours each time.  We've really opened up to each other, and I feel I know her very well.  She's an amazing woman, and I would almost certainly marry her if that was an option.

Sadly, it's a no-win situation for me.  The harsh reality is that it remains a business relationship, and I've crossed the line you're not supposed to cross in a provider/client relationship.  There's no going back.  It would be very painful to stop seeing her now, but the likely alternative is devastating heartbreak down the road.

I plan to talk to her about it the next time I see her.  I'll see if I have what it takes to break it off.  It'll be one of the hardest things I've ever done.

I'm there, doing that, major bummer!

For me it's bittersweet.  It's rough right now but given the opportunity I wouldn't do anything differently.  Life's short - you make the connections you can and treasure the good ones.  Although the whole premise of the relationship is artificial, the time spent together has been very real.  The memories will be good ones.

1st ATF - Wanted a relationship with someone else - that I sent to her - I was in the way.

2nd ATF - Got pissed because she read something I wrote about someone else and took it personally.

3rd ATF - Married a younger, richer client. She left the business. Would see me if I wanted, I didn't.

4th ATF - (1st ATF) Wanted a relationship, wouldn't accept my money. I quit the hobby.

NoCoverPlease!2643 reads

are you telling us you have the big R! with your 4th (1st) ATF and she is retiring (as well as you are), Congrats!  Cool for you!

the first time that an appointment is not kept, and a call is not given.....a lie is told....

I usually like to have someone around that I "know" and trust. I am open and honest with them...I expect them to do the same.

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