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Q For Women: Shaving--Painful part of biz or no big deal?
PussyEatingFool 4080 reads

I've had more lovers than I have seen providers, but In my experience that 3% of girlfriends shaved while 100% of providers shaved at least some.  The GF who shaved just did it on her own--thought it would please me--sure did.  The one GF I asked to shave wouldn't do it because she didn't like the feel of the razor as it had a scrapy feel.  

I've read from women and men who shave their pubic areas that bumps and itch stubble are major drawbacks.  Waxing has been talked about as an alternative.

Questions for women with less or no hair down there: Do you shave or wax?  If wax, isn't it agony?  Yikes.  If you shave, then what is your experience with cuts, bumps, itch, stubble?  

Last question:  If you weren't in the biz would you shave/wax just to please your bf or husband?

I shave, and sometimes wax...

Shaving:  I get more bumps and ingrown hairs on my thighs than the pubic region.

Waxing:  Hurts as much as getting my tattoos did... almost unbearable, and I *still* get the bumps, but I don't have to do it nearly as often.

Yes, I would shave or wax anyways...but not to please an SO.  I looove the smooth feeling, and like being able to see everything, and the BEST is wearing skirts with no panties to feel the breeze.  Every step becomes a sensory delight.  Well, I suppose one better would be those infrequent trips to the nudist park.  The sunshine AND the breeze...

And do you flash that lovely bare pussy in public occasionally?

I'd love to share a train, plane, or bus ride in a seat across the aisle from you...

or those that I know will enjoy it.

; )

Yes it was agony, but if done right the results are amazing, and you get use to the pain. However between waxings you need to let the hair grow out to a certain length before you can wax again. The growing out part can leave you looking.....shall we say...undesirable for at least a week or two.

So when I got into the biz I started shaving so I wouldn't have to deal with the down time between waxings. There is an art to shaving the bird the right way, so as not to have any in grown hairs or painful red razor bumps. The most important part is to use a fresh clean razor every time with a moisturizing shaving cream.

As far as would I still shave if I was not in the biz? Hell yes or go back to waxing. I like the fresh clean feeling of a naked bird.

It is the tweezing afterwards I could never tolerate. Currently it is in a state of thin wanton bushyness, and as it gets closer to the elections I have considered an inverted racing stripe. Maybe I will try hair relaxer on the pubes and corn row it, or maybe I will dye it  platinum to match.

i still like it part of the job most men do

That is what I am looking to finally do, to take the curls out for good on the top of my head here LOL ;) If you do use a relaxer below, make sure it's a mild relaxer, for you don't want to burn your kitty kat down below ;)


Mel ;) meow

Seiko CleanCut electric shaver.  Designed for sensitive shaving for both sexes.  See my post above.

Abbey Marie2017 reads

Though I am currently considering trying a new method. Waxing appeals to me, but I never could muster up the "balls" to let someone wax my kitten. Perhaps eventually I'll give it a try.

Currently, I shave her and leave a tuft of hair near the top. Yes, a fresh razor each time is a must. I tend to follow her grooming with a splash of baby oil, which helps calm the area a bit. I've never had any success with electric razors though.

And, yes, I did shave for years before becoming involved in this business. A smooth kitten enhances my sexual pleasure, partly due to the visual allure and the man's response.

I'm not sure why some women choose to avoid regular maintenance and grooming of this area. Perhaps you guys should offer to help them shave and trim...to show them how it's done and to demonstrate how much more excited you become. Perhaps your excitement alone will serve as an incentive for them to maintain it. ;)

Abbey Marie

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