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Sex Sells But Who's Buying? (Megadeth Song Reference)
vjlovesbj 57 Reviews 2493 reads
1 / 42

Jut wondering as I never book an appointment with a provider that I not physically attracted to...last year I met a highly rated provider with extremely attractive pictures. When I met her in person she was about 20lbs overweight/10 years older (and learnt later that she was pregnant) and I could not even get my penis erect as I was disappointed by her looks. I know I should have walked, but gamely tried to have sex with someone I was not attracted to and it was a miserable experience for both of us...

Some providers state their preference in ads, but I have never seen no pot-belly, no bald head etc. in ads, I am sure some of you love the green more than the pot bellies and baldies; but when you are carrying out the deed with a GFE experience, how the hell do you manage to keep yourself sane?

Most of us use this hobby to see woman we can not easily date in real life, most escorts see clients who they never want to meet  in real life ;)....

So how do you girls do it ???

JakeFromStateFarm 673 reads
2 / 42
EroticRobbin 1059 reads
3 / 42

From my dear mother, who is now my guardian angel, "True Beauty Comes From Within!"

I've met some of the most gorgeous women, and handsome men in the mainstream entertainment industry...and those with dark hearts, were no longer attractive in my eyes.

If my rendezvous date is a kind and polite gentleman, I truly don't notice his physical appearance.

LamontCranston69 701 reads
4 / 42
kayla9791 See my TER Reviews 709 reads
5 / 42

I usually could care less how a guy looks as long as he is polite and respectful. Would I prefer to see George Clooney of course but realistically speaking I really don't mind physically. There have been some attractive men that aren't the greatest in men and men they aren't the most attractive that have been phenomenal. I dont find it to be much of an issue.  

Posted By: vjlovesbj
Jut wondering as I never book an appointment with a provider that I not physically attracted to...last year I met a highly rated provider with extremely attractive pictures. When I met her in person she was about 20lbs overweight/10 years older (and learnt later that she was pregnant) and I could not even get my penis erect as I was disappointed by her looks. I know I should have walked, but gamely tried to have sex with someone I was not attracted to and it was a miserable experience for both of us...  
 Some providers state their preference in ads, but I have never seen no pot-belly, no bald head etc. in ads, I am sure some of you love the green more than the pot bellies and baldies; but when you are carrying out the deed with a GFE experience, how the hell do you manage to keep yourself sane?  
 Most of us use this hobby to see woman we can not easily date in real life, most escorts see clients who they never want to meet  in real life ;)....  
 So how do you girls do it ????  

6-pack_abs 625 reads
6 / 42

Next, I guess, is chemistry of some sorts.  

-- Modified on 5/23/2016 1:33:38 PM

GracePreston See my TER Reviews 782 reads
7 / 42

It is amazingly easy to find at least ONE good quality in every person I meet.  As long as I can find that ONE good quality-- the rest doesn't really matter as much.

5xfd7k63y7k 4 Reviews 443 reads
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coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 733 reads
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moments why doggy style was invented.  Almost every woman still looks good from behind.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 664 reads
11 / 42

do you just leave your glasses in the other room, or what?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 521 reads
12 / 42

you're looking for, is that besides the envelope, or including?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 547 reads
13 / 42

a national holiday for the guy who discovered or invented lube.

EroticRobbin 505 reads
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Posted By: coeur-de-lion
do you just leave your glasses in the other room, or what?

AlyssaTantra See my TER Reviews 683 reads
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Perfectly said Grace, I do the same thing. I treat all my clients as best as I can no matter if they are 'good looking' or not.  Truthfully it doesn't matter what they look like as long as they are nice and clean.
I had a client email me that he wasn't that good looking. It broke my heart I just wanted to give him a hug and treat him like a '10' session.

GracePreston See my TER Reviews 627 reads
16 / 42

That would be aside from the envelope.  I've actually walked a client out the door, complete with returning his envelope, after 20 minutes because he was so horrid and boorish and I simply couldn't find anything good about him.  Money is important-- but isn't everything.  

I actually tend to adore clients that are perhaps not the "best looking" gents out there.  They are the ones who I generally have the best conversations with, have the best sessions with, and who are often the most appreciative and kind.    

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
you're looking for, is that besides the envelope, or including?

YairMarx 500 reads
17 / 42

Then the guy quickly blows his wad, and now she's counting her's and it's now, Adios pendejo!!!

-- Modified on 5/23/2016 3:06:32 PM

vjlovesbj 57 Reviews 682 reads
18 / 42

A lot of us clients go for the GFE experience, that is more than just closing the eyes or letting him go to town in doggie...

That is where I am impressed/surprised with providers that consistently get 9/10 on service all the time, it is not easy to provide a once in a lifetime experience to every single customer you see unless you are a fucking sex machine!!!

I can understand having sex with someone whom you are not physically attracted to once in a while due to his personality, but it should get tiring at some point of this job...What if he wants to be your regular when you know that you really have zero attraction with him? Has anyone told their clients to stop giving them money as the sex from their end is intolerable

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 467 reads
19 / 42

say "clean", do you mean recently washed, or shaved?

vanessafontaine See my TER Reviews 561 reads
20 / 42

As long as the person is nice , clean and has a fun personality .
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder !

Senator.Blutarsky 504 reads
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But it's harder to find in some people than in others...

mojojo 1 Reviews 591 reads
22 / 42

I date all manner of ladies. Some are attractive, some not. Some have hot bodies, some not. Some have gigantic boobs, and some have tiny little things. Some are in their twenties and thirties, and some are in their fifties and sixties. I've found that I love all manner of woman. That includes many different races too. She does not have to be a Playboy model. If she is, that's great too. What's important is her heart. I have so much more fun with good hearted ladies.  

I recently tried to set up a session with a hot, attractive, well toned, high end lady. I was thinking the high end part would assure me a great time. Well, she tried to upsell my first session even before it started. Her rules were clearly delineated on her website. Yet when I tried, she changed those rules. Guess what? Now this high end lady is no longer hot and attractive. Her true spirit has turned her fugly

TaylorSteele 467 reads
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I have never met anyone who I'd consider remotely "ugly". The word itself is just not a pretty word and doesn't belong in my vocabulary personally.  

I've said it before, so I'll happily say it again. There is beauty in everyone that lies skin deep. If you only look for it on the outside, you're missing out on some pretty beautiful people out there.  

My suggestion? Dive deeper...

GaGambler 529 reads
24 / 42

Are you sure there is inner beauty in EVERYONE???

Jensen36363 58 Reviews 485 reads
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I get what you're asking and often find myself likewise amazed. My guess is that it's a combination of several things. Professionalism and being able to distance themselves personally from that act; women are from Venus (and think about these things differently than men in many ways); and as some pointed out, you typically see what you're looking for so if you make an attempt to find the best in others you can then ignore the other stuff.  

I'm not sure that's all that easy which I why I'm often impressed by it.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 449 reads
26 / 42

You can't say no to the beauty and the beast

TaylorSteele 562 reads
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BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 427 reads
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in the brothers karamazov, father karamazov told his titular sons, "all women are beautiful if you know how to look at them."

same goes for men

GaGambler 360 reads
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EroticRobbin 381 reads
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Posted By: BigPeterJohnson
in the brothers karamazov, father karamazov told his titular sons, "all women are beautiful if you know how to look at them."  
 same goes for men.  

Duplicitouslust 24 Reviews 457 reads
32 / 42

Ms Preston,  I was wondering since you have said that you concentrate on that person's good  qualities is that you alter ego's persona that allows you to do that or are you just psychologically in a place that allows you summon you powers as "Athena the goddess of supreme booty benevolence ".  At that point it would seem that nothing else seems to matter.  That is the true thespian in you.

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 524 reads
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looks are transient, they can change quickly, but being beautiful inside usually never changes. Some people are super hot and some others arent physically speaking. its the insecure ones and overly confident ones who i have a hard time finding attractive. ultimately I see it as a business and i will be nice to u no matter what and try to put a smile on your face, but if youre not someone who is at least trying to be nice to me, i probably wont see that person again on account of awkwardness.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 454 reads
34 / 42

is only skin deep, but ugliness cuts clear to the bone!

souls_harbor 443 reads
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Fuglies?  We're a godsend, we're their bread and butter.  If we could be pulling it for free, why would we be paying?

It's like asking a doctor how he can stand being around sick people all day

ROGM 359 reads
36 / 42

I'm far from good looking. But I try to be nice and respectful with these ladies. I have never been turned away based on my looks. I find that if I'm respectful and polite these gals will be the same to you. But then again some of the ladies I see aren't knock out beauties either. Except a 26 year old hottie provider I'm seeing. Money will make a lady do anything she would not normally do.

Fromundamyeyes 476 reads
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...... something they like. Either they are the best actresses or are really enjoying themselves. My favorites will be looking me in the eye and really smiling while face to face in Mish. To me that is the most beautiful sight in the world. I guess it really helps to be friendly, respectful and grateful. Thanks ladies.

That's what gets me to repeat.

GracePreston See my TER Reviews 451 reads
38 / 42

Really, its primarily just a spillover from me as a person.  Even in the "real world" I tend to have a touch of PollyAnna in me... I like to believe in the intrinsic good that most people have in them... whether its their sense of humor, their intelligence, their kindness, etc....

It really is not that difficult to be kind.  If I ever find myself jaded to the point where I can't be kind, then it is time for me to pack up my heels and mosey into the sunset.
Posted By: Duplicitouslust
Ms Preston,  I was wondering since you have said that you concentrate on that person's good  qualities is that you alter ego's persona that allows you to do that or are you just psychologically in a place that allows you summon you powers as "Athena the goddess of supreme booty benevolence ".  At that point it would seem that nothing else seems to matter.  That is the true thespian in you.

VOO-doo 333 reads
39 / 42

To me, "Fugly" would signify an attitude, or a way of treating somebody... combined with unappealing physical attributes to a greater or lesser degree.  

Have you ever met someone who's not conventionally hot... someone who might even be considered  very unattractive by objective standards? But, maybe they are good-hearted, kind, and extremely likeable. They start to seem more physically attractive. (Or, if not completely attractive... at least they no longer seem ugly to you).  

To me, attraction is less about the visuals than what it feels like to actually spend time with a person.  

When a guy is "hot," arrogance, unkindness, immaturity, and a thousand other things would be irreparable turn-offs for me. But I can easily overlook a fat stomach, wrinkly skin, or a bald head, if a guy is just really nice and fun to be with. In fact, those attributes might even start to seem endearing to me if I like the guy enough.

There are certain things it's hard to look past... like, cleanliness. But even the worst case of Nacho Cheez Ballz is easier to deal with than a disrespectful asshole..

VOO-doo 341 reads
40 / 42

Not me.  

I wouldn't get off so much by thinking of someone "hot" like Chris Hemsworth... as I would by thinking of someone who's "hot" to me. And by that, I mean someone who I'm emotionally into, to the extent that I *think* he's hot, whether he looks more like Chris Hemsworth, or Shrek...  

If "Shrek" was the guy of my dreams for whatever reason, and I was fucking Chris Hemsworth... I'd close my eyes and think of Shrek :-D

ABC1234qq 23 Reviews 436 reads
41 / 42

Posted By: VOO-doo
Not me.  
 I wouldn't get off so much by thinking of someone "hot" like Chris Hemsworth... as I would by thinking of someone who's "hot" to me. And by that, I mean someone who I'm emotionally into, to the extent that I *think* he's hot, whether he looks more like Chris Hemsworth, or Shrek...  
 If "Shrek" was the guy of my dreams for whatever reason, and I was fucking Chris Hemsworth... I'd close my eyes and think of Shrek :-D
That's hilarious. Good for you...and for Shrek!

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 389 reads
42 / 42

Posted By: vjlovesbj
Jut wondering as I never book an appointment with a provider that I not physically attracted to...last year I met a highly rated provider with extremely attractive pictures. When I met her in person she was about 20lbs overweight/10 years older (and learnt later that she was pregnant) and I could not even get my penis erect as I was disappointed by her looks. I know I should have walked, but gamely tried to have sex with someone I was not attracted to and it was a miserable experience for both of us...  
 Some providers state their preference in ads, but I have never seen no pot-belly, no bald head etc. in ads, I am sure some of you love the green more than the pot bellies and baldies; but when you are carrying out the deed with a GFE experience, how the hell do you manage to keep yourself sane?  
 Most of us use this hobby to see woman we can not easily date in real life, most escorts see clients who they never want to meet  in real life ;)....  
 So how do you girls do it ????  

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