TER General Board

Does looks make up for any shortcomings?
AnonSexual 5735 reads

Okay you have beautiful provider, but she gives you a lousey performance. Would you see her again, just based on her looks alone? Would you recommend her to anyone else, knowing that her attitude and service was not up to parr?

The best providers I've ever been with were nice or average looking ladies, but their attitude made them special. The only really bad review I ever gave was to a really good looking lady with a fantastic bod, but lousy attitude and poor performance.

Probably not recommend to those who put service as top selection criteria. Usually pay alot more and get less when "dating" model types. Move down a notch or two and you'll find women who are still quite attractive but with a much improved attitude and really into the sessions plus down-to-earth personalities, more fun, etc. Guess I look at the whole package.

Learned a ThingorTwo3090 reads

When I read reviews I look more at the lady's performance numbers than her looks rating.  Looks are totally subjective but performance is where the rubber meets the road.
If looks are your main criteria then break out a Playboy magazine and put your right hand to work.


AnonSexual3235 reads

I have read 3 reviews where 3 hobbyists said they would repeat just for the looks alone, although the provider's service scores were lousey. I just wanted to hear everyone's views on this suject.

There are some ladies who are such examples of what most in our society find "beautiful" that men will be willing to pay to see them regardless of the quality of service.  This is true in escorting, and it applies indirectly to the lure of strip clubs as well.  

There are also many men who value service more and have a broader definition of or less of a need for a certain physical appearance that make them less likely to value an escort's looks that way, or to even visit a strip club.

I would, however, hazard a guess that most men, if faced with a provider who was very good looking and horrible on service, or great on service but who had "really let herself go" looks wise would probably opt for the former, as a modicum of physical attraction is still a necessary component for most men.  However, I don't think many women in this business would let themselves go to that point.  

It would seem from posts and from past surveys that the majority of men on TER value service more than looks if you put them head to head, but ideally would like a provider who is at least fairly attractive (broad term) to go with the great service.  If they find one who is high in both areas, then all the better, and that is what we all would think would make an "A" list provider.

Go for the looks, salivate, and hand job yourself.  If you like to be engage with the real play, performance first before looks to get ultimate satisfaction.  I would go for performance .. like a 7 looks/10 performance or 8/9 is ok with me. It's not just physical looks that makes a woman beautiful, it's her attitude to please a man that makes her ravishing. And if you get both, you're in Heaven's gate.

Perhaps you might like to re-read my post. I said in no so many words that I have been disappointed with "model" types and I would trade down on looks for more performance. Also said I seek the whole package...can anyone argue with that?

I know some men who are just too Visual ... they just don't want to touch the lady .. they wanna look only.  Only a few men are probably like that, most of us would go for performance.

-- Modified on 6/15/2004 5:55:53 PM

Performance trumps looks every time.

BTW, to answer your earlier query, yes, I took a trip to the other side...read my last review.

Looks are a part of the experience. I will put up with less than stellar service if I get a great visual experience. Men tend to be more visually stimulated so this is probably not a unique thing. But there is a point where the service is bad enough that it can't be made up by even the most spectacular face and body. I don't know where that point is for me. And I am sure that point is different for every man.
I am sure that some men only get satisfaction from the experience. Maybe they want a GFE or S&M. So looks will never account for any drop in service.
And this can work the other way too. Someone who provides the best experience by being extremely friendly, compassionate, intelligent, fun can be less attractive.
If I had to choose between a 6 in service with a 10 in attractiveness vs. a 10 in service from a 6 in attractiveness, I'd take the 10 service any day. (But a 10 service to me may be different than a 10 for you. I like slow, passionate, friendly, soft, intelligent.) Of course, the 10/10 is the best and a 6/6 is not so desirable.

I have a different take on it.  I remember the looks and the beautiful, sexy body of a person far longer than the feel of the encounter.  I still have visions of a sexy provider from four years ago, but I can't tell you exactly what acts were performed.  I can't tell you if she was great or just good.  

IMHO, I would prefer a hot as hell looking person with a lower performance score, over an average looking provider with exceptional performance scores.  

I am a visual type person.  I'm sure I will still remember the awesome bodies of providers 10 -15 years from now.  I guarantee I will not remember how great they were in the sack.

For my money, I would rather see and relive the encounter with the hottie.

My experience has been that I am often disappointed with facial beauty, usually quite average. Guess that's why so many pics have face blurred, aside from hiding identity. But almost all the women I have seen have incredible bodies and that's what I remember the most, along with performance and attitude. Suppose, if face matched body in beauty, either I couldn't afford the woman or she wouldn't need to escort. We all live with and accept what's available for our individual budgets. My one exception was a woman who had a beautiful face, a very below average body for an escort, but her attitude and performance were the best I ever had. She's retiring after only 9 months. What a loss.

So soul, performance, and a sharp tongue please.

-- Modified on 6/15/2004 6:02:08 PM

Spectacular performance makes up for any shortcomings in looks.  I'll take a 5-8 over a 9-5 any day.

SirPrize2622 reads

I can get plenty of 'tude from good looking women without paying for it.

I don't care how gorgeous she is, if her service and attitude are not great, she is a waste of my time.

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