TER General Board

Sedona. just haven't been on this board...
tozer 72 Reviews 3534 reads

... hanging out on the NYC board mostly. How are you feeling, love? We all were worried...

Nobody in my life knows of me partaking in this hobby.  Not a single soul.  And I don't think that I'll tell anyone anytime soon.  

So my question is this:  Does anybody in your life (friends, possibly family members, co-workers) know that you do this on the side ??  If so, what is their reaction when they find out and do they condone it or look down on you for it ??

altho some have and have had no problems. If you don't tell, you're pretty much assured you won't other than what might happen by accident, and that's always possible.

I have had occasion to think a few people might know just by the sudden change in their behavior towards me and the change in the topics of conversation made me wonder.

I try to remember that if I tell, it's not just me that is exposed, but the system, and those in it.

Nope, discretion is key. I plan to keep it that way.

,... let's do our best to keep this our highly pleasurable secret world of escape...

Ci Ci2878 reads

I totally agree with Sedona. Discretion is the key. You never know what will bite you in the @#$^^& later.

Ci Ci

i told one buddy. he used to cruise the streets for escorts. however, society frowns on anybody who partakes in this hobby so i have told no one else.

My best friend is the one who was always encouraging me into the hobby.  He knows.

And all the providers I have seen.  They know too.  :-)

I have an older brother who called me one day and asked if I knew a Kylie in SD. Turns out he is a member her at TER........He noticed the pics on that Kylie girl in SD, and knew it was me right away.  He is the only one that knows but that is it, and I know my secret is safe with him. Right M*&*%***??

My best friend since junior high knows about my life here. She's married and accused me of getting more action than her. When I told her to just get her toy out and make him interested, she said she didn't own one... never even used one! Three weeks later, I sent her $100 and a vibrator with 3 sets of batteries. She emailed me thanking me for the BEST gift ever... oh, and thanks for the cash, too. What can I say, I'm a giver!


That means my family and good my friends (though not my acquaintances).  Shockingly, I haven't lost one friend/family member or compromised any relationships by telling them.  They may not all be happy with my decision to work as an escort, but they accept that it is simply something I choose to do, and that it doesn't define who I am.  Their opinion of me hasn't changed, and I know my father respects my honesty to him (though the day I leave the hobby with probably be the happiest of his life :-) .  I am just grateful to have such a wonderful support system, and not have to worry about leading a double life.  I don't ever discuss private details, or even mention a clients name.  Discretion is always key, but at least I don't have to live in fear of them finding out.

By necessity, my bank and Revenue Canada.  Other than that, people just know about the other business I run.  I don't have to lie, I just don't divulge information to people who don't need to know it.

Tatoogirl743305 reads

except co-workers at my day job...everyone else knows..family, friends...etc.


I have told several of my friends both male and female. Also a couple of people in my family know, I had no problem telling them.

-- Modified on 2/16/2004 10:11:52 AM

no one in my life knows....which is why I often go into the chat room.....three of us (the other two shall remain nameless at this time) got together for lunch. It was fun to have someone to talk to about the "hobby".  I suggest you try and find someone who can let you talk about it and maybe even help you or just compare notes....
We are going to try to get together once a month... I highly reccomend it...

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