TER General Board

Secrets to avoid LE
impposter 49 Reviews 585 reads

I have already posted about my disguises and other tricks I use to pass thru the lobbies without attracting the attention of the hotel staff or LE. (Carry a huge potted plant to hide my face; my "IMP Plumbing" disposable overalls; etc.)  

To avoid being caught carrying large amounts of cash, I have resorted to other measures:

I had a florist weave a stack of 20s into a nice floral arrangement so no one would suspect I was carrying cash while visiting my hostess. She appreciated the camouflage but complained about the aphids that the florist forgot to remove.

One time, I placed my bills between the layers of a cake. What's LE going to do? "Put your hands up and drop the cake!" My hostess liked the cake but complained about the icing making the money all sticky.  

So the next time, I switched to pie: blueberry pie. It stained the bills purple but she was able to make out the denominations and we had a great session ... with the pie she had for the main course and some blueberry pie for dessert.

When I don't have time to prepare so carefully, I just place the cash in an obvious place without making a big show out of it. Sometimes, I buy a magazine and use the bills as a bookmark; I make sure that she knows that I have bookmarked an important page so she doesn't just throw away the magazine without checking it.  

I haven't used an envelope in years and have never had a complaint

Wild_Wil1597 reads

Early on I would put the donation in an envelope, but I felt uncomfortable with that, thinking that maybe there was a miscommunication about the donation size.  I have abandoned the envelope either leaving or putting the donation in plain view on the desk at arrival.  My thoughts are that if there is a misunderstanding, it can be discovered and rectified quickly.  Another reason is that I had read of a woman who got herself in some trouble and a waste basket with envelopes with her stage name on them caused further grief.  Thoughts?

I much prefer donation be laid on the table, discreetly but in full view. Not sure why some ladies find it necessary, but to each their own.  Gives more chance of being scammed and no more discreet then an envelope full of money with my name on it. LOL

Angelina I am just wondering when one does that especially a regular does it make the experience with that person impersonal? Also would you consider it a turn off socially although you are in this for reasons of commerce?

Posted By: AngelinaDDD
I much prefer donation be laid on the table, discreetly but in full view. Not sure why some ladies find it necessary, but to each their own.  Gives more chance of being scammed and no more discreet then an envelope full of money with my name on it. LOL

so now I just prefer it this way.  I am very discreet about checking the donation, not in your face about it.  I  am just more cautious.  Still a very personal experience with me, I assure you:-)!

what kind of tool puts a lady's name or other personal indicators on an envelope?  

afraid you'll accidentally mail it on the way to the session if you don't mark it?

if the woman is cool with money physically changing hands (then she's a tool as well) it's ok i suppose.  

i know the conventional wisdom is that envelopes are never mentioned during the transactions.  i have two ladies i see who love to engage in role play and are happy to make the envelope part of the scenario ("here's my insurance premium for the week, nurse jenkins.  now i think it's time for my oral medication...")  

but i woudn't do anything beyond the agreed upon rate in an unmarked envelope laid on the table/counter at the beginning of the session with somebody i hadn't seen a few times.

not to be paranoid but esp. with a new person, you never know if le is around/listening/watching.  the exchange of money is one of the biggies towards proving illegality.  an envelope laid down without mention can be plausibly denied.

just my 2 cents.  and that rate is non-negotiable, jack dunphy!

As a plot to foil LE, it would rate about a 2 on and 1 to 10 scale

Use thank you cards until a provider pulled out the cash and tore up the card in front of me. I asked her why and she said she always tears up the envelopes and tosses them. Now, I just put out cash most of the time ... No one has complained yet.  

Posted By: Wild_Wil
Early on I would put the donation in an envelope, but I felt uncomfortable with that, thinking that maybe there was a miscommunication about the donation size.  I have abandoned the envelope either leaving or putting the donation in plain view on the desk at arrival.  My thoughts are that if there is a misunderstanding, it can be discovered and rectified quickly.  Another reason is that I had read of a woman who got herself in some trouble and a waste basket with envelopes with her stage name on them caused further grief.  Thoughts?

"Here is the money."

Seriously, if a lady expects an envelope why not set her at ease? At the END of an encounter I encourage the lady to check the contents if she has not already done so, to avoid any misunderstanding.

...she requests (on her website) that you place the donation in the envelope. Not doing what she asked can lead to anxiety on her part which probably won't be good for you. You want her to be comfortable with you from the first. After you've seen her a few times you can drop the envelope.  

I agree with you it's superfluous but in a we never met before situation I want a good first impression.

Regarding a protection against LE it's a complete waste of time

client gets out the wallet and starts counting 20s in front of the provider and then recounts again  

envelope is classier

After dropping the envelope at an incall I visit the shower, so she knows I'm fresh and to give her a few moments to ensure the contents are correct (and they always are).

At an outcall, the blank envelope is as stated on her website, either in the bathroom or a table. I usually prop it up against a bottled water and tell her I got her a water, or in some cases if I know what she likes to drink the same with whatever that may be.

I have no idea why some guys are so hung up on her checking the donation, I want her to so that she is comfortable and we can get to the fun. I mean really, she's there for one reason, and I'm there for another, why shouldn't she be certain that her needs are met? I'll be sure that my needs get met.

GaGambler286 reads

It's just silly IMO and I have never been admonished for it, well not in person at least.

I have been lectured by BSC hookers and limp dicked tricks for years about how "disrespectful" I am for not jumping through silly little hoops, but in the real world, no woman has ever refused my money because I didn't put it in a silly envelope.

Aside from the envelope, I do much the same as you, I usually drop in on the dresser or nightstand as I get undressed, I almost always shower before getting started, even if freshly showered as it leaves no doubt about my "freshness" and about half the time the donation disappears while I am in the shower, the other half the time it simply sits there until I leave. Either way is fine with me, If counting it  and putting it away before we get started makes her feel more comfortable than by all means that's what she should do.

Now I should mention that I only do this when seeing providers in the US, when in other countries I usually pay afterwards and often there is no discussion of money EVER. We both know the going rate and I pay according to performance which means the happier she makes me the more money I leave. As the saying goes, "When in Rome......."

Because I read of the process in here.

Now that I understand it's not necessary it has become a check and balance for me in my pre session routine. I count the donation prior to putting it in the envelope and the again prior to my/her arrival. It may sound silly to others, but I'm process driven, Science will do that to a person.

Check, check, double check.

me too.

i check when i put the money in.

i double check before i hit the road

i double check before i go up to her room.

i have cdo

it's like ocd only the letters are in alphabetical order AS THEY SHOULD BE!!!

CDO because it's in alphabetical order, as it should be, LMAO, that is funny.

I have often wondered what other people think if they see me get out of my car in the hotel parking lot of an incall. I pat myself down as I do just prior to going through airport security. To be clear, I don't CARE what people think, only wonder what they might think.

Afro-desiac271 reads

I had no idea what he meant.  He explained that he stored his canned soup organized from left to right according to where the first letter on the label fell in the alphabet.  So Chicken would be pretty far to the left, Lentil would be near the middle, followed by Pea and then Tomato.
I told him, "Yeah, I think you're fuckin' weird."  But he was nice in other ways so I overlooked it.

i feel ya, dude.  the very first session i had in the hobby, i got up to the lady's apartment in a huuuuge apt. complex, only to discover i left the envelope back down in my car.  i had excuse myself to go back and get it, how embarrassing!  

luckily it was an incredibly experience after that...

I don't see any reason not to do whatever the provider is most comfortable with. If the client has done the research and he or she decides to consummate the meeting WTF difference does it make? More  often than not I had my ladies come to my place. and they knew where the money was. With my ATF before she became my SO, I put the fee in a blank envelope in the bathroom where she freshened,  took the money and left the envelope. I could then use the envelope again and again for whatever.
With one lady I bought a funny sexy, sometimes filthy card and put the fee in that envelope. It always started the event on a happy note.

I have already posted about my disguises and other tricks I use to pass thru the lobbies without attracting the attention of the hotel staff or LE. (Carry a huge potted plant to hide my face; my "IMP Plumbing" disposable overalls; etc.)  

To avoid being caught carrying large amounts of cash, I have resorted to other measures:

I had a florist weave a stack of 20s into a nice floral arrangement so no one would suspect I was carrying cash while visiting my hostess. She appreciated the camouflage but complained about the aphids that the florist forgot to remove.

One time, I placed my bills between the layers of a cake. What's LE going to do? "Put your hands up and drop the cake!" My hostess liked the cake but complained about the icing making the money all sticky.  

So the next time, I switched to pie: blueberry pie. It stained the bills purple but she was able to make out the denominations and we had a great session ... with the pie she had for the main course and some blueberry pie for dessert.

When I don't have time to prepare so carefully, I just place the cash in an obvious place without making a big show out of it. Sometimes, I buy a magazine and use the bills as a bookmark; I make sure that she knows that I have bookmarked an important page so she doesn't just throw away the magazine without checking it.  

I haven't used an envelope in years and have never had a complaint

Also, I carry the dough in my bikini briefs because I know that LE cannot search there. It's a foolproof LE check. When the lady says "Lay it on me" I just say "Why don't you see if there's something extra in my tighties or if I'm just happy to see you?"

an envolupe doesn't carry well.  I make sure the donation is right & then put a big paper clip on it to keep it together.  I carry it in my key pocket so if I forgot, I'd find it before I left her.  Never in my wallet once I'm headed to a date

I freak out when I run out  

Oh yeah

Write "donation " on it
Im certain that will hold up in court

Stud85201 reads

It's always one of the ones that you get at the bank.  More discrete when the lady carries it as to what the money was from.

I usually leave it and just take my donation. I don't need an envelope with cash in my bag with my provider name on it walking through a casino.

On the bathroom counter always. And even better if its in a card, It's classier to me (and the card is super sweet to me, I love the little things!)

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