TER General Board

Second call on arrival at an incall?
ArrowEye 5925 reads

I am very concerned that escorts feel safe and secure at all times, but this tactic is one that leaves me a bit baffled.  When you are asked to call her for her room number upon arrival what is she thinking this safeguards her against?  If I am LE, I could still have my buddies in tow and we then proceed as if we knew where she was all along.  Or, is this simply a means to allow her to be aware of when exactly you may be knocking on the door.  More of a timing thing.  This issue doesn't bother me, even though I don't own a cell phone, I'm just curious.  

My initial thought was that LE perhaps needs a search warrent for a specific room number?  And by leaving no time to get one really they would be unable to proceed?  But that idea seems flawed and unlikely.  Anyone got any answers on this one?  I've caught on to most of the tactics of discretion in my time, but this one still eludes my logic.

Bill OReilly3681 reads

In most cases it is to make sure that the last guy is out of the room before you come knocking. Others want a heads up to see you coming.

ArrowEye2413 reads

Ahh, the illusion of being the only guy of the day.  How silly I am.

ellobo692592 reads

Once did daty and tasted a smoker's tongue had blazed the trail. Not good.

The main reason I require a second call from a "checkpoint" near my home is because there are a great many men out there who are completely FOS and/or dangerous. And yes, LE is a factor.

The FOS guys call you up and lead you to believe they're actually coming, but never show. This way, someone who has this level of respect for you and your time (i.e., none) still doesn't know where you actually live/work.

Pranksters, if they know your address or hotel room, can do terrible damage and easily get you thrown out. (I had a friend who had the word "whore" spray-painted on her door; I had another friend thrown out of a hotel because a man called the desk and informed them about what she was doing -- they had no proof, but then, they don't need any (we reserve the right to refuse service, etc))

And yes, LE really does need to have the address ahead of time in order to set up a proper sting. They've got to cover the back door, be aware of other possible exits, basically "have the place surrounded" -- very difficult to do discreetly if they don't have the address until one minute before the call.

I don't hand out my home address to just anyone who calls me, because this is where I live. As a woman, I have to be careful.

I see a low volume of clients and don't believe in "rushing one out the door" on the heels of another. Tacky. :)

The only gentlemen who get that address are serious clients who are actually coming to see me. Additionally, the "heads up" that the gentleman is in the neighborhood is nice... gives me time to pop a breath mint, straighten my dress, check the candles and music, etc.

JMHO, sorry to be so long winded.
Beverly ;-*

ArrowEye3185 reads

Not long winded at all, informative.  I was hoping an actual provider would add her thoughts, thank you.  The screening the FOS guys from knowing "exactly" where you are is very wise.  See I knew there were good reasons for this, I just needed to know the providers side of it.  Strange how one can't step into the other person's shoes sometimes and see the obvious.

Basically a ditto here, I have asked this question to providers, and simply it is a factor that they want to know you are the one who will be knocking on the door next.  LE is an issues also as Beverly so well explained.
Then, come on guys, provider are not any different than any other ladies, they want to be sure they are all together before they go out on a date.

At my incall location. Yes I require a call first.. For many reasons...

1- Maybe a sister stopped over unexpectedly
2- gotta put the dog in back of the house
3-Get beverages /snack/lunch ready (for 2/3 hour appointments

I always get them to the corner of my street and have them call.. (I can see to the corner and make sure they are there ,only a  few houses away.)

Hotels- Of course- Always call first

For same reasons stated already- *illusion*.. sorry to break it.

junior4572924 reads

they would like to have you back. What I find most facinating about this thread is the fact it's 2005 and you don't have a cell phone??

C'mon man if you can afford $$$ or $$$$ for the company of any of these fine ladies than you should be able to spring for a cell phone man.

I heard there were people like you still out there....I just never thought I would come so close to one.

-- Modified on 5/10/2005 6:18:56 AM

ArrowEye6062 reads

Ha ha ha, yeah yeah, I hear it all the time.  But believe me, the only use it would get is in that situation.  I have no need to be in constant contact with everyone in my life.  If my job required it I'd get one, but my personal life doesn't need it.  That's just me though.

junior4571512 reads

More power (or less I guess) to you. I wish I could throw mine out the window half the time.

If you don't mind me asking how old are you?

junior4572724 reads

Ah, myself as well.

Well during my travels if I ever see someone broke down on the side of the road who seems to be our age trying to flag people down to use their cell phone to call for help, I may stop now just to give you a hand.

Happy Hobbying.......

dont be so mean to arrowhead, everybody in our age generation isnt into being so hip with technology Im sure alot of individuals are behind times because they dont have a need that others have to invest in a cellular,Im sure at some point arrow may consider to get witht he times.[smile] Just a short note from 36

I now have 2 cell phones, and it amazes me how many times I'm on one, the other one is ringing, and someone comes in from the other room to say "it's for you", referring to the land line.

Oh, but I have 7 email addresses, so maybe I'm just compulsive that way.  Who needs a simple life anyway?

Landem2819 reads

Junior and Arrrow - I can relate to both of you.

Ah yes, the eighties. As a function of my then-profession, I was one of the early adapters of wireless. Got my first cell phone, actually a car phone, in 1985 (2 years before CDMA). Big-ass unit mounted in the trunk with headset wired from the console and antenna on the roof.

Forty bucks a month from NJBell - and that included 0,000 minutes. Airtime was 50 cents a minute from minute number one - nights and weekends were a steal at only a quarter!

In the late 80s, had occasion to rent a mobile in London - must to keep in touch with the factory back home. The thing was the size of a WWII military walkie-talkie. Okay, a slight exaggeration, but still, the fashion accessory for carrying convenience was a shoulder strap, not a belt clip.

Around the turn of the decade, changed careers, changed life, sold the car. Lived through the 90s and the turn of the millenium as a cellular Luddite, consciously resisting the Wireless Revolution. After 9/11, resistance became futile and I rejoined the wireless world.

Discovered the hobby in '03. Really cannot imagine leading the life I do now without a cell in my hand.

How the hell did men ever cheat without a cell phone?

Even with one, it takes effort.  It takes skill.  I just don't understand how they did it.

Ron Jon2040 reads

Don't forget the internet. Where would we be without TER, Eros, etc.?

Marcellus Wallace2848 reads

Don't forget the internet! Where would we be without TER, Eros, City Vibe, etc.?

With that buy-in-advance option, you get all the advantages and none of the disadvantages.

I too refuse to own one of those cell phone things, it's like having a personal electronic leash and there are times I don't want to be available to  anyone and everyone. I just cannot and/or will not allow myself to get accustomed to such an intrusion during my personal and private time. I do however have a company owned cell phone provided to me by my employer, but this is not a good option for hobby activity.

I seem to do just fine using the pay phone in the hotel lobby and actually prefer this method since there is no paper trail of numbers called on the phone bill.

A cell phone most certainly is not a "personal electronic leash."  You can carry it and still maintain your privacy and not be reachable - just turn it off.  Then you have the best of both worlds.

I don't carry my cell so folks can reach me.  The only people that know my cell are my parents, and about three people who work for me.  As their supervisor in the military I believe they should be able to reach me when I'm not home.  However, if I want privacy, I just turn the darn thing off.  They can leave a message on my answering machine at home and my cell voice mail - I'll get that message sooner or later when I decide to END my privacy mode.

Further, most the ladies I've talked to and seen won't answer a call coming from a pay phone.

With that much cash changing hands in her room, it would seem wise to let as few people know where she was, let them know only when necessary, and let them in on it for as short a time as possible.  Just a simple precaution.  I thought LE would be really secondary in this regard.

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