TER General Board

Screening Thoughts for Both M/W
An Anonymous Provider 3188 reads

Some things I find somewhat annoying:

1)  Far too many emails, all wanting IMMEDIATE responses.  I do have other things going on, and as soon as I can, I check this email.  Could certainly raise my rates to cut down on the emails, and might do so.

2)  Too many emails from past/current clients (all very lovely) wanting nothing more than sexual tintillation via email -- I respond to all, but thankfully, do not give out my ph #!!

3)  Men you start corresponding with whom at first seemed normal, suddenly turn highly undesirable -- ie tell you some utterly weird fetishes, or seem not too bright, crazy, unreliable, etc -- and you regret wasting so much time with them.... and they keep emailing you.  Yes, it's part of the business.....

4)  Last-minute cancellations.  Could have had another appt, perhaps with a great ATF, or gone out to dinner with friends, gotten tiks for the theater, etc.

5)  Ending up screening out 80-90% of the emails I've responded to at-length, because the prospective clients will not send the basic, requested info, or b/c they seem weird/ not desirable!

When we get through the brief hurdles, and the sooner the better, it's fab, utterly amazing and fun!!!  Have had some of the most incredible times in my life through this process!  But, of course, we have to do our due diligence!!!

Just needed to vent and urge men to be reliable and to share what you have to share (I'm somewhat flexible and don't absolutely need the exact specifics, IF I get a good vibe).  With an indie it seems much safer than with an agency: dread the day the next agency gets busted and client lists are revealed.  Esp in somewhere like NYC....

Don't respond if they don't fill out all the info you needed. My form will not be submitted to me unless this happens, it saves some of the going back and forth.

Only my super cool clients have my number but they know they get a faster response when they e-mail.

Send me the fetish/kinky guys, I love them. I need more toys.

Take some time off. This is not a job to get tired of, it will eat you alive if you go down that route. Keep it low volume and fun-fun-fun.

I think the online form screening is a great idea.

However, I have to laugh when you say you need more toys.  It isn't the toys I am thinking of, it is your victims. :)  The picture of a cat playing with a mouse comes to mind.

You see a lot of post from guys that have been stood up, If the gals posted them all the board would be flooded. The guys should be as dependable as they expect from the gals.

June is a slow month. School activities at year end keep parents home and busy; school letting out keeps parents shuffling kids back and forth; and summer vacations send people away.

So, the debate in SD is who gets more business and why (regardless of whether it's 'slow' season) - those who pick up their phones; or those who have messaging systems and return calls and/or choose email?

I do the latter, and much prefer it. Who wants to be a slave to the phone, and have ridiculous conversations all day long, weeding out or getting rid of 80% of the calls? I tried it three weeks ago, for three weeks and was aghast at how many don't have a clue, or can even carry on a one-minute conversation! Also, how many people wanted same day appointments! Don't most people plan their weeks the week before? Screening, and preparing for an appt. takes time and planning and can't always be thrown together in an hour! And just driving time to whatever incall location I'm using, takes at least 45 minutes depending on the time of day! And the really funny part is how many people refuse to give you any information! And can't understand that you won't see them unless you can verify them! So, I changed my paging message to send them to my Appt. Form on my website or to email me the information.
Those who provide the information, with the greatest ease and the quickest get top priority, and have always proven to be the best dates, and the best time.

While I do enjoy hearing from people (email) whether I've seen them or not, I can't always guarantee that I will respond, particularly when they email me 10 and 15 pages worth at a time.
I've given my private number to people in order to facilitate our (initial) meeting, but that is the only purpose and I would have preferred the number not be used after that. I'm not a phone person whatsoever, not even with personal life members, and I don't care to engage in conversations on the phone just for the sake of conversation. Email is best.

So, I ask - do you think your business is better because you answer the phone; think it's slower because you don't? Think your clientele is better or worse for either? Guys, do you see ladies moreso who answer their phones, or less who don't? Why do you prefer one or the other; it makes no difference?

whether they answer their phones or not.  I take my time in deciding who I want to see, and usually have contact with her beforehand.  I decide what woman I would like to see, and then work around her requirements to be seen, not look for the most convenient "outlet" who is in a range of standards.

But that's just me.

I'll phone or email depending on what the gal wants, obviously.  I'm finding, so far, when I try to be flexible for a lady... (ie: "I've got the whole day off,  so what time is good for you?")  They don't seem to like it.
  There's definately a place in my world for the spontanious, same day appointment.  That's better accomadated on the phone.  Yes I like hearing the voice of that intimate stranger but I wouldn't call just to hear it and pester you.  (But how are you to know that?)  I find it weird to schedule interludes a long time in advance but I'll do it and count on at least my standard level of horniness.  (I eat when I'm hungry?  Bad analogy...cause I can sort of control when I'm hungry...I can't always control when I'm frisky.)  
 It's great to get this feedback, Sedona.  I'm a pretty empathetic fella but I can't always see the details from the lady's point of view because this business has no social standard...(ie: every encounter could be hugely different from the last.)  

Good thoughts Sedona;

In my case I have no problems giving any information to a lady.
After all, I'm the "unknown" in the equation.
Like MSD said, I pick my ladies very carefully and with alot of forethought.
We guys have the easier end of the deal. We can read websites, read profiles, read reviews, see pictures, of the ladies we want to see. You ladies are, in most cases, walking into these meetings "blind", with not a whole lot knowledge as to who we are. You have to rely on your screening and your  gut instincts.
I, for one, will give any and all information that you require, so that you feel safe and comfortable with me.
A phone conversation is nice at some point in the preliminary stages, but I tend to prefer email for most correspondence, because I can express myself better on paper.
I always try to plan at least 1 week and more often than not, several weeks in advance.

Just my opinion...

...and then when the time comes to meet the other % ya hurt your back, get your period, or the blues...

I can't really complain though because I'm not the best at follow through either.  But, it is true that you guys who include as much info as you can to begin with really do save a lot of time and get priority when I am working through my in-box.  Unfortunately, I also sometimes don't get back to the people I most want to because I set their notes aside to answer with more thought when I get the time and then they start slipping onto the second page and I never get back to them.  I feel terrible when that happens.

Luckily, I have had very few bad experiences with you gentlemen once we finally do meet.  I feel very fortunate about that and appreciate y'all so much.  Thanks patient ones.

If your reviews are accurate, then it's not likely that you'll run into the 'fools' out there... please remain discerning and selective. Most of these guys are kicking tires. One provider friend of mine hired a friend to work her e-mail account. If a hobbyist, refuses to provide basic information, she "blocks" their e-mail for future contact. In this way, you are not inundated with these guys looking for jerk themselves at the sound of your voice.

musta2445 reads

First let me start off and say, be safe! Both in LE and the physical realm. So BTAIM, screening is important and I am glad you do it.

But on to a hobbyist side of screening.

1. Email,  it is a great security method. You don't give out phone numbers, but it can be a little slow for the hobbyist. Some hobbyists want to see someone tonight.

2. Hey... that sux!  It's your time we are talking about.

3. Some hobbyists start to feel comfortable with you. That's a good reflection on you...But then again if you don't prefer it it is a hassle.

4. Cancellations..Well I have had a number of flaky providers who make appointments, then never show, never call to say they are going to be late. So this is a double edged sword. And BTW if you use email, it is not always possible for a provider or hobbyist to get it on time.

5.  And then their is the providers who have 6 year old phots on their websites!  LOL

All I am saying, is this is life. And business. we gotta separate the wheat from the chaff to eat!

After you have seen a guy and of course if it went well and you'd like to see him again...couldn't you give him a new email address to contact you in the future?

The only people who email you there will be men who have already been screened and are presumably guys you want to see again

This way any potential regulars you might gain don't run the risk of getting lost with all the new inquiries...you can get back to him while you're still on his mind and not after he's moved on to the next name on his to see list because he never heard back from you

Just make sure the man knows that new email address is your super secret private email address and you only give it out to guys you really like...I doubt the guy would ever share it with anyone nor would he forget to use it to contact you next time

Just wondering why more ladies don't do something similar to this more often to separate the wheat from the chaff

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