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Sciatic Nerve Issue from Massages???
w104044a 28 Reviews 887 reads

Not sure if this is the right place for this but I need some info. I have been getting massages with happy endings for a good while (no FS or BJ. Just HJ). Recently, when I get excited and my shaft is moved to a certain angle, I get a sharp nerve pain in the back of leg. This pain can occur as well if the grip is too tight during the happy activity. I sometimes get this pain randomly but that's very infrequent. Has anyone had this? Googling around makes it seem like it might be a sciatic nerve issue.

Hi there,

I have sciatica and numerous other back issues and usually it is from prolonged periods of over compensation,disk issues ect... While I'm not a professional its unlikely it is from the massages.

Thanks guys. Its such a pain (literally) and its hindering me from enjoying this hobby of ours.

Posted By: Gypsy2184
Hi there,  
 I have sciatica and numerous other back issues and usually it is from prolonged periods of over compensation,disk issues ect... While I'm not a professional its unlikely it is from the massages.

Also keep in mind that if you're having back issues you will want to make sure you're seeing someone who is trained in massage and has a license. The majority of "bodyworkers / erotic massage "workers are just your average person giving a massage that does not mean that they're familiar with muscle groups and nerves ect so that's something to just be aware of. But yeah definitely see your doctor may be a little bit of Pt wouldn't hurt

I have some damage to my back, so I am well aware of why this occurs. My left side is where I experience pain, in my lower back, and in the left butt area and down the leg some, when getting BJs and hand jobs.  
To help eliminate the occurrence of pain, I have to slightly shift or adjust my prone posture.

Maybe a visit to a bone adjuster is in order ?

noagenosage298 reads

No, no not a bone doctor, at least not yet.  Try a good physical therapist -- they often know more about these ailments and can fix them than can various MDs.  I've had at various times spondilolysthesis -- that's right, it's spon -di-lo-lys-thesis for a few years -- it's basically pain on the left side and a good physio can give you exercises that will keep it at bay.  Then there's sciatica, related but a bit more painful, and again some, good simple exercises might cure it.  Last of all is spinal stenosis, when "stuff" wraps around the nerves along the spine, causes pressure that is very painful and threatens disability and also has shooting pains down the leg.  In that case, surgery is probably necessary.  In each case the physio caught the problem before the docs, and recommended a neurosurgeon for the surgery rather than an orthopedist and he was right in each case.  This was over a period of about 10 years and I kept things at bay for a long time.  Don't blame the massage babes, they can give you temporary relief sometimes, and don't go to a bone doc unless the others don't work.  Along the way, I also tried acupuncture and cortisone, and both offered only temporary relief.  

In the case where I ended up in surgery, this might amuse you.  I had been in pain but some exercises seemed to be working somewhat, so as an ultimate test I booked with the hottest, most gorgeous full service provider I knew, whom I had seen previously and liked a lot.  Guess what?  I wasn't in real pain but I was definitely uncomfortable to the point of non-performance, and my friend gave me a sympathetic look that said, "I've done everything I can..."  I said to myself, that's it, if I can't make it with her I can't  with anyone and I'm calling the neurosurgeon.  I did, and a week later I had a four hour op and I've been fine ever since, including with my old favorites.  
Bottom line -- don't let it go, try the simplest solution first and work your way up, and if an operation seems necessary get a second opinion.   Good luck!

Sorry to hear about your pain. My right testicle used to become very sensitive and there was also a little pain, if sciatica acted up on my right leg.  

Please go see a chiropractor + your own doctor to make sure your penis pain is not from something else.  Good Luck.

I have a lot of wear on my discs & etc.  Some from age & heredity.  I swear, on the chirpractor's table, my back will start to straighten itself out.  I used to have an exercise bench where i could lie face down & by bending forward over the edge, I could free one vertebrae at a time, then move up just enough to do the next one.  Repeat as necessary.  
IMHO, you probably have pressure on the nerve from common wear...  I notice as I tense near the end...  it is possible to involuntarily put more pressure on that nerve.  Surgury is a last resort & if it comes to that, get the very best.

It was so bad that I couldn't stand up.
I started with a chiropractor, but that only brought temporary relief.  Finally a saw an orthopedist and he suggested I see a PT which I did.  She recommended a regime of exercises to build up the lower back muscles as my  discs had flattened out and allowed the lumbar bones to touch the sciatic nerve.  

I've been doing these ever since and have had no return of the pain since.  Plus, it helps keep me trim.

noagenosage232 reads

To the OP -- Don't be dismayed by the variations in responses.  They are all helpful and reflect individual circumstances.  I should have mentioned that stretching did the job for me for many years, but then the situation was beyond that. I can only vouch for what I did and how it worked.  

Bottom line:  don't let it go, find out what the problem is and don't blame massages.  It's more serious than that, I would believe, but not if you find the right therapy and solution.  YOU are part of the process and don't expect magic wands -- you have to find out what's best for you.

Thanks to everyone that has chimed in so far. Certainly makes me feel like I am not alone. A trip to the doctors is in order.

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