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Computer Tech Question:
Jockeypants 22 Reviews 3734 reads

You know the address window up there at the top?  And the "drop-down" button that shows you a list of all the websites that have been visited...?  Can I edit that list?  Ie: Remove the long list of XXX provider sites I've visited since I've joined TER?!!
  My co-worker and I constantly call out to each other a good nasty site that we check out but if he ever uses my computer someday I think my personal list is way too long for polite conversation.  How many times can a guy visit Felicia Fox's and Netmichelle's and Felicia Fox's (oh, did I mention her already?!) site before your computer combusts in lust and fury?

go to:
- control panel
- internet options
click the "clear history" button. you can also change the setting (same location) so that pages are not kept in the history. this is not the only place that your web habits can be traced, but at least it gets it off your desktop!

the disadvantage to not keeping pages in the history is that they will take longer to load when you visit them.

the desktop, really.  But now you've got me scared!  Where else should I delete my wild ways?
 Thanks for helping me.

to use a work computer to surf sites like this one. Too easy to get caught and get fired.

Almost as dumb as failing to use a throwaway phone card for a sensitive long distance call.

Yellow Feather does raise a good point.  A lot of people use their work computers to surf adult sites and really don't know how much of their activity they are making known to the network admins.

With regard to your immediate question, if you use IE, there are tools you can install to delete your surfing "trail" in a much more complete manner so no one can find out where you've been.

I'm not sure you can edit your surfing "history" unless you can find where that info is stored. It might be stored in the registry or in some file somewhere.

Are you running on Windows or something else?


1. Yellow Feather...I just came back to this thread after a day and realized my "headline" sounded like I was being sarcastic towards you when I actually meant it to be sarcastic at my  situation at work.  Sorry, I hope you didn't take offense.

2. Mystery Admin...In my case, software is probably going to far as I will take this computer with me when I go.  It's mine.  As I mentioned, the guy I'm working with and I surf porn together (when we can't take working anymore)  I'm in a lucky situation that doesn't apply to most folks.  I was looking for a cosmetic cure (clearing my visable history) because I've been completely drenched in surfing lately and having a gas and would be  

I am interested though.  I run windows at this station.  Short of a program, are there any other hints?

Thanks my friends.

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