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VelvetVacation See my TER Reviews 832 reads

Yes, it would be so nice to have a Booking Assistant to do all the upfront correspondence and "connecting"!
Some are not afforded that luxury

If any ladies should ever wonder why a perspective client initiates contact with them to schedule an appointment and they never hear back...
I have been scheduling several appointments for an upcoming trip and have always taken the time and effort to write more than a few lines (via their E mail/PM etc) introducing myself and providing more information about my request for time together.. When I receive a response consisting of something like  
"Sure babe.. see you them"
"Hi Hon.. Great"
"Thanks.. Let me know"

and so on

IMO, if a lady should take the time to address me by my name (  this was covered in a previous post) and "appear" to take a genuine interest in meeting me OR at least writing a few sentences requesting some additional information about me and our time together, it would go a very long way in making me feel like a wanted client, no just a time slot in the day.  

JMHO, of course

Yes, it would be so nice to have a Booking Assistant to do all the upfront correspondence and "connecting"!
Some are not afforded that luxury

Posted By: GYBOpower
Yes, it would be so nice to have a Booking Assistant to do all the upfront correspondence and "connecting"!  
 Some are not afforded that luxury.  
Exactly.....Escorts business expenses go up make higher rates.

LasVegan492 reads

Why do you think this happens?  Is it:

A)  the provider is so high volume, she is inundated with email traffic and is trying her best to keep up.

B)  she is not experienced in the social grace/courtesy of providing a somewhat welcoming reply.

This has rarely happened to me, but when it does, I simply move on.  Once made an appointment for a Saturday morning.  When finalizing the final detail (specific time), never heard back from the provider.  Then 30 minutes before the time I requested, she emails me.  By then I already had another (confirmed) appointment and informed the lady I had moved on, after not hearing back from her.

This exact thing happened to me with a client when I tried to confirm and for 2 days heard nothing until an hour before the appointment and I'd already rescheduled. Good communication is key!

I firmly believe that it is mainly "B". Many providers just don't get it when it comes to proper customer service. They are either lazy or downright rude and inconsiderate in responding to appropriate and polite email requests. It really makes you wonder what goes thru their minds when they never reply. Nowadays I just chuckle & shrug, put them on my own DNS and move on.

The good news is that I am seeing much less of this type of behavior. As of this post I'd say the percentage of first time replies that I'm getting is close to 99%, which is a vast improvement over the past year. So there is hope ;)

-- Modified on 9/5/2016 7:59:39 AM

Sometimes, emails come when we are particularly busy taking care of outside work, family, traveling, etc. Of course, the best thing is to give a polite response explaining that any brevity is due to our outside engagements.  

I don't know about the others here, but my experience in the civvie world is that sometimes people, even those in responsible positions, drop the ball occasionally on email responses, and for others, email is simply not a forte. A person I work with - who is considered one of the top people in his field and is really a nice person, great to work with, etc - is rather terrible with email unless it's really, really urgent. It seems the expectations of the hobby world are either disturbingly low (all women are stupid, high on drugs, etc) or unrealistically high (anyone who overlooks an email is awful).

FatVern465 reads

I always thought lesbians were a touch more intelligent than straight women.

You are the exception to that rule.

My strippers don't need to write me love letters. They show their love by offering me their bodies. But I suspect you wouldn't know anything about stuff like that.

And you are quite the exception to the rule. The rule of evolution that is, SPOTY.



-- Modified on 9/5/2016 9:08:02 AM

FatVern347 reads

Why do providers need to write you love letters?

You shouldn't put to many on your DNS list, since you said yours isn't the easiest niche to fulfill.

First of all you dunce-where did I write that I wanted "love letters"? At least TRY to reply to the right poster fercrissakes.  

And don't worry your dense little brain about my DNS or anything else about me. I do quite well. Better than most, in fact. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

LasVegan296 reads

matching wits with HIM is like you, fighting an "unarmed" man/person.  The way you exercise self-control is exemplary.

...I just can't bring myself to be inhumane to dumb animals.

They don't have to deal with the likes of us, and they already understand (To the extent that women are capable of being understood.) the objects of their affection.

I sure wish I were a lesbian.

I plan to check that box on the next go-round

FatVern391 reads

Just goes to show you can't even give a group of people a compliment with out people taking it the wrong way.  

You should read what I say, before disagreeing with it.

JakeFromStateFarm254 reads

It has cost me thousands of brain cells.

I only reply to text at first, thus my ads say to text me. Most guys send a "hey" and I try to reply with at minimum a "hi. :) how are you today?", but I just started and can honestly say most guys either do not know how to read and call me right away, which gets them put on a list, or never reply with a response that fits the way the conversation is going. I can honestly say I this weekend alone I have seen two guys out of the 50+ that have contacted me. Most start going on about what they want in explicit detail which causes me to shut down. One guy continues to send me hi, I reply with the above and next thing I get back is "who's this?" Just my thoughts as a new girl.

Yes, in theory you are not wrong. It would be great if every lady took the time to call you by name while writing a full paragraph response, making sure they address all your points/issues. It would add to the fantasy of feeling special and desired.  But the reality is that providers receive many E-mails daily from perspective clients and often time simply doesn't allow responses in the detail you covet. And also, many ladies prob. don't want to get into "pre-meeting" lengthy E-mail and or text conversation exchanges.  There is nothing that really needs to be discussed beforehand, other than Time/date of appointment, your reference verification, and the donation (if not apparent from her ad/ or website). Its pure bottom line.  Besides, some of the best sessions I have had were by some of the worst pre appointment communicators. If I eliminated these ladies based solely on their initial E-mail response, I would have really missed out. I've learned its the nature of the business.  

This happens not just in the hobby world but in the reality of our workplace.  I can write a lengthy E-mail outlining an agenda for an upcoming meeting and I'll receive a response of:  "Thanks...see you at 4PM".  Don't sweat the small stuff  

-- Modified on 9/5/2016 2:51:40 AM

Communication Skills , both verbal and written, were not in the list of general tasks and functions, responsibilities and qualifications , of the "Job-Description Box" on the resume, when she applied for the job.

Some guys don't need that whole Verbal/Written "Communication"  thingy .  
They'd rather have her make that mouth/body "communicate" in other ways,  
which is why she keeps getting jobs.

-- Modified on 9/5/2016 3:15:22 AM

The response to an initial inquiry I don't think about much. I know ladies often get inundated with bullshit emails and time wasters. Once things are moving along and something is scheduled (or being sorted out to find a mutually beneficial time/day) I prefer something a little more personal. I get that people are busy - I don't expect a long email. Just something to show there's some thought there. But, I also don't get bent out of shape for the most part if I don't get that. Long gaps in communication when it comes to confirmations though.....that's a no no for me.  

Posted By: maxon1000
If any ladies should ever wonder why a perspective client initiates contact with them to schedule an appointment and they never hear back...  
 I have been scheduling several appointments for an upcoming trip and have always taken the time and effort to write more than a few lines (via their E mail/PM etc) introducing myself and providing more information about my request for time together.. When I receive a response consisting of something like  
 "Sure babe.. see you them"  
 "Hi Hon.. Great"  
 "Thanks.. Let me know"  
 and so on  
 IMO, if a lady should take the time to address me by my name (  this was covered in a previous post) and "appear" to take a genuine interest in meeting me OR at least writing a few sentences requesting some additional information about me and our time together, it would go a very long way in making me feel like a wanted client, no just a time slot in the day.  
 JMHO, of course

Mscurious370 reads

Are spoiled.you should be lucky to even get a response

FatVern306 reads

Some people still need to have their hand held while crossing the street.

GaGambler366 reads

I would root for you, BUT you are so unlikeable it's tough to root for you for anything, even SPOTY.

FatVern210 reads

... and I haven't clicked the like button all day.

LasVegan254 reads

throw up.  Agree with you 1000% and my body is going into convulsions!  Please call 911 or not!

This is directed towards a guy who can obviously be articulate and polite? (and understands how punctuation works, btw)

Sorry, but you're the only one here who sounds spoiled.

I think not. Women with your attitude are lucky to have a dime from a client. It isn't wrong to expect good customer service from a lady I am going to pay hundreds an hour to. Women with golden pussy syndrome are the spoiled ones.

FatVern327 reads

The more likely it is the booker - agent - pimp, writing those sweet nothings.

I'm a realist, not a romantic.

Posted By: maxon1000
If any ladies should ever wonder why a perspective client initiates contact with them to schedule an appointment and they never hear back...  
 I have been scheduling several appointments for an upcoming trip and have always taken the time and effort to write more than a few lines (via their E mail/PM etc) introducing myself and providing more information about my request for time together.. When I receive a response consisting of something like  
 "Sure babe.. see you them"  
 "Hi Hon.. Great"  
 "Thanks.. Let me know"  
 and so on  
 IMO, if a lady should take the time to address me by my name (  this was covered in a previous post) and "appear" to take a genuine interest in meeting me OR at least writing a few sentences requesting some additional information about me and our time together, it would go a very long way in making me feel like a wanted client, no just a time slot in the day.  
 JMHO, of course

Communication is not what is said, it is what is received, and understood.

There is a lot to think about in that statement, and feedback is the key.

A response need not always be lengthy to be effective.  I recall texting a gal I knew when I visited her city asking if she was available and her response was:  "Yaaaaay!"

Of course we had a bit more back and forth, but that set the tone for a wonderful session

NoYellowEnvelope505 reads

... but I appreciate it when the provider has taken the time to READ my email before replying.  I try to be very clear in my emails to providers about details like when I'd like to see them. It's frustrating to get a response that demonstrates the provider didn't bother to read my email. (I'm not talking about auto-responses... I like those).  

And I know the art of communication goes both ways.  A provider told me the other day that she gets a lot of emails with a subject line of "rates" or "rates?"--and nothing else in the email!  Not only is that incredibly rude, it shows the sender has done no research because her rates are published in two places on the web.  She deletes those emails without replying.  

-- Modified on 9/5/2016 10:47:15 AM

I enjoy the getting to know process. Not necessarily someone who is a pain in the ass. But some back and forth banter and flirting is nice in my opinion. Of course it's not cool for everyone. I especially like it when I'm on the treadmill or in the pedi chair. Lol

Posted By: Erin Keevy
I enjoy the getting to know process. Not necessarily someone who is a pain in the ass. But some back and forth banter and flirting is nice in my opinion. Of course it's not cool for everyone. I especially like it when I'm on the treadmill or in the pedi chair. Lol
Work pay off in the end...No business expenses someone writing emails or whatever.

-- Modified on 9/5/2016 9:06:43 AM

LasVegan356 reads

do, Erin.  For you are a lady of substance; sexy, delicious, AND intelligent!

Thanks Erin--  
Thanks everyone for their responses and opinions. I like to K.I.S.S. too-- Just a little more than a quick hello is what I was implying.. Everyone's time is valuable and I prefer not to waste their's or mine

Posted By: Erin Keevy
I enjoy the getting to know process. Not necessarily someone who is a pain in the ass. But some back and forth banter and flirting is nice in my opinion. Of course it's not cool for everyone. I especially like it when I'm on the treadmill or in the pedi chair. Lol

I loved having an agency or assistant handle the communications because my style tends to be prompt and concise. Some may prefer a bit more fluff, but most seem to appreciate that my sessions, like my emails, tend to omit any extraneous crap. I address them by name plenty when it matters.

...is a timely reply even if it is an auto-EMAIL at least it tells me that my message was received, after that I expect the provider & I to exchange personal EMAILs or to have a phone conversation (rare) to arrange the time & details of our get-together.

Some clients and providers like more frilly getting-to-know-you communications and some don't.  I believe those that like the frilly, longer communications are in the minority, but to each his or her own.  There are plenty of clients and providers in this asylum, so hopefully everyone can find plenty of good matches for their own style.

For me, it boils down to this... do I want to see this girl for her stellar email communications or her bedroom skills?  It's usually the latter for me.  If I get both, that's a pleasant surprise at best.  I for one don't believe there is a particularly strong correlation between the two.  I'm perfectly happy with the typical terse and to-the-point emails if what's behind the door is worth it.  All I really need to do by email is get the logistics straightened out.  One of my favorite providers is the queen of terse 1-line replies from her iPhone.  Another has a booking agent handle her emails.  Fine by me, because I know when I open that door I am going to have a fantastic time with those girls.    

Personally, I don't give a damn if the girl uses my name.  I use a fake name, especially for all my written communications.  The sound of my fake name is not exactly sweet music to my ears.  And if I have any special requests about our time together (clothing, ambience, etc.), all I need for her to tell me over email/PM is "yes."

There are certainly providers out there who will accommodate your tastes, whether personally or through their booking agent.  Your best bet for the personal touch may be more niche providers, such as the mature gals, the $1k/hr club, or other specialties.  They typically deal in lower volumes, making frilly get-to-know-you communications easier for them.

Good luck in your quest for a good fit!

You would think if you're writing an email expressing that you sincerely want to meet that it would be received with more enthusiasm and getting additional information to actually book. Me personally I'm very prompt and expressive in my communication so it's hard to imagine otherwise but I do know some ladies that simply won't respond if the first Contact doesn't have the verification information. And you might be looked at as a Time waster so you may be getting a generic response for that reason... Because like I said the lady may be wondering why didn't you just send the verification information if you know you're going to need it to book....just a thought....

I've got no problem with that, and as long as an email is worded in a polite and genuine sounding way I'll always reply to the best of my ability with answers and enthusiasm, even if I'm fully booked. You never know whether you'll get a cancellation or a return tour, and if you've been nice to someone he'll remember it.

That's a great attitude! Really, it's the best way for any small business in a service industry to be. That's really appreciated and, you're correct, remembered. I wouldn't necessarily demand it, but it goes a long way.

Posted By: maxon1000
If any ladies should ever wonder why a perspective client initiates contact with them to schedule an appointment and they never hear back...  
 I have been scheduling several appointments for an upcoming trip and have always taken the time and effort to write more than a few lines (via their E mail/PM etc) introducing myself and providing more information about my request for time together.. When I receive a response consisting of something like  
 "Sure babe.. see you them"  
 "Hi Hon.. Great"  
 "Thanks.. Let me know"  
 and so on  
 IMO, if a lady should take the time to address me by my name (  this was covered in a previous post) and "appear" to take a genuine interest in meeting me OR at least writing a few sentences requesting some additional information about me and our time together, it would go a very long way in making me feel like a wanted client, no just a time slot in the day.  
 JMHO, of course

Max, I do see your point and I agree, it's really nice when they thank you for providing the info needed, answer any questions you had and don't ask for anything you already gave. It shows they read what you sent and gave it at least a little consideration. That's nice to receive, but I also understand some of these women say their booking rate for first contact emails is 10 to 20%. I see their side of the coin that they can't spend all day writing emails knowing 80% of them are a waste of time. When you find one that does like to flirt leading up to an appointment, like Erin was saying, go with it and have a great time.

I honestly feel like an ass for saying this because you've obviously been at this a lot longer than I have, so I'll direct this to any newbies who may happen to be reading: if you provide the verification info they ask for on their site in your first email, they will take you a lot more seriously.  Max, I'm sure you already do that, and if so, you're right. You deserve a little better than "hi hon, great".

LasVegan219 reads


1) initial contact (usually 3 or 4 days before desired appointment)

2) screening/desired appointment day/time/confirmation details (usually same day as #1 above)

3) I send/receive reply to reminder email (day before appointment)

4) morning call, 30 minutes before appointment (on my way to incall location)

Did not think this was excessive as all of my provider friends are very insistent that they appreciate this degree of interaction.  Makes them feel comfortable I will not flake.  But from this post am thinking what has been working for me, a local in LV, apparently does not work for the majority of hobbyists/providers.

i'd say both points of view have valid arguments.  to make an informed decision we'd have to know exactly what the op puts in his initial email.  assuming he provided all required info and screening info in his contact email, then i'd say that there's just some ladies that put their efforts into the bedroom, not the emails.  and that's ok for some.

otoh, it's my opinion that a business person that wants to cultivate returning customers would want to establish personal service from the initial contact.  i personally don't require anything fancy or involved, but i do agree that something inthe response email that indicates the lady actually read, understood and remembered my requests in my email would be greatly appreciated.  

(of course, when i am interested in booking a lady, i always send all pertinent info, including screening info, along with my preference for time & date, and inquiries about special requests, in my initial contact email.  i don't want to be seen as a time waster).

that being said, i can see that women get a lot of requests, and i would bet that a huge plurality if not majority of initial contact emails wind up being from time wasters.  for that i'm sorry, but you're going to get lookee loos in any sales business, it's the nature of business.

one thing that will keep me from continuing correspondence happens like this: if after we've established contact and desire to meet, if i am unable to meet immediately (often times real life interferes between initial email and a few days hence) i'll send communication explaining such and promising to contact the lady again in a set amount time.  if the lady doesn't bother to respond (and a one word "ok" or "sure" or "talk to you then" will do), then i am prone to not hurry back to getting with her.

I always return emails in a timely fashion and have had gents send emails introducing themselves sounding very interested.
I return the emails same day sometimes less than an hour later and not get a reply back.
It happens.Some are better than others as far as responding but it can get frustrating at times

I speak from experience, because I have seen the lovely Jaydalee... All it took was a simple response from her acknowledging me and my request to meet.. Nothing that required her from dropping everything and writing a novel. She seemed interested and that was the first step in confirming an appointment..
Hope u r well, my dear

Posted By: jaydalee
I always return emails in a timely fashion and have had gents send emails introducing themselves sounding very interested.  
 I return the emails same day sometimes less than an hour later and not get a reply back.  
 It happens.Some are better than others as far as responding but it can get frustrating at times.  

For some ladies, like myself, less is more. There IS such thing as too much information, which is good in some cases, because you screen yourself out right off the bat. The more you write, the higher the chance your request will be declined, in my experience over the years. Like pretty much at 100%, in fact and here's why:

Emails like yours tells me you expect a higher level of engagement than I am willing to give pre-appointment. Then, after reading your reviews and posts, that assumption is usually confirmed. There could also be a touch of hobby ego in your words, which is a turn off. There usually is a disconnect with what you want (time/date/type of experience) versus what I offer, in those long requests too. Because y'all don't read the site in it's entirety. You read a few pages and fire off some long, not specific email. That also applies to screening (what you assume is accepted vs. what is requested).  

We don't know if you are sending specific requests or a long, detailed request about you with vague appointment details (like a range of dates, or a few weeks etc). But based on the responses, it sounds like it's the latter? I could be wrong, wouldn't be the first time and certainly won't be last. ;) Maybe you are giving what You want to send, and not what they ask for? Keep in mind that if you are PMing all of this and she is on her phone, it's difficult to read and respond thoughtfully as well.  

Some of the most successful people in the world don't send long emails or replies. Linked below is an article I will probably put on my site and on twitter, if only because of this paragraph, LOL:  

“For various reasons, short emails are more associated with people at the top of the food chain. If you also send short emails it puts you in the company of the decision-makers,” said Will Schwalbe, co-author with David Shipley of Send: Why People Email So Badly and How to Do It Better. Short emails, he said, are “much more respectful of everyone’s time.

I'm guessing providers get a shit ton of e-mails and texts with "hey, how about a date".  Probably a lot of those are tire kickers or those trying to pin down a date amongst three or more girls.  

So, not worth answering every single one with a detailed response.  Just my guess from dealing with people in the real world.  

Want to know how it feels?  Just try putting something for sale on Craigslist that somebody needs to come take a look at before buying.  A lot of I'll buy it and see you at 3:00 on Saturday.  I've gotten to the point of whatever, first here with cash is first served, I'm not holding anything for anybody or waiting for anybody.

k, I typically phone, and if the person does not pick up, leave a pleasant upbeat message with date, potential time, etc., and that I'm easily verified with xxx site.  But I don't leave more personal info on the phone message until the provider calls back.  If there is a call back, I give any of the usual screening info and more info about myself.  

There is often never a call back, that I judge shows the meeting was not meant to be.  Is this the best way to work that first contact

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