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Sadly, the search engine will no longer find those links...
mrfisher 108 Reviews 561 reads

Too bad to, because they were very handy.

I went to the CDC site just now to see if I could find them myself.  They have umpteen million charts on there for everything from how many baby kangaroos are born with a deformed thumb to how often people with hair lips get boo-boos.

Their search engine is a piece of shit too.

After about fifteen minutes I gave up, but you're welcome to try.

On the other hand, they signed me up for Obamacare even though I don't even need it.

Our tax dollars at work.

ILoveToFuck2126 reads

From most of the reviews I read, "all" said a condom is used during vaginal sex.  But when it comes to oral sex, many said no condom is used.  Why is it you need to be protected while fucking but it is OK to suck or lick without being protected? Has anyone gotten an STD giving or receiving oral sex without a condom?

Where it is unless you have a cut in her mouth you not going to get it. I only had cover bj once it was a lot lizard in SC when I stay in a motel next to a truck stop. But it gross if she spits especially if you getting outcall at a place you staying. That why I allies do Incall.

You can find links to these if you go to the Erotic Highway Board and do some searches on there for CDC.

But the executive summary is that the rates of transmission for vaginal sex are much higher than for oral sex, though not zero, obviously.

If you are concerned, most gals will be more than happy to do oral sex covered for you.

I would be very interested in those CDC stats, but I'm not finding anything when I search on CDC on the Erotic Highway board.  Maybe that post is too old?  Any suggestions?  Can you share the link here?

My own "research" (googling on the web) led me to conclude that, yes, it is virtually impossible to contract HIV through oral sex.  It appears that other STDs CAN be transmitted through oral sex, but it is hard to assess the risk from the wording of most of the statements I saw on-line.  All agree that you shouldn't perform unprotected oral sex if you have a cut or open sore in your mouth (e.g., a cold sore -- which are caused by the herpes virus!).  

All of that notwithstanding, I love to lick pussy, so I do perform unprotected oral sex.  I figure that if anything happens, I can get it treated, and since my wife and I never have sex anymore, transmitting it to her is not an issue.  Anyway, the girls I've been with seem to be extremely careful about using protection during vaginal sex, so, stereotypes to the contrary, they seem less likely to have an STD.  I've never had the nerve to ask if they get tested regularly.  I'm probably just fooling myself, but I do love to lick pussy...

They specifically advise me not to brush my teeth, floss or gargle mouthwash for two hours before having unprotected oral sex. I do not understand the reason for the last, but that is what they say.

The link to the CDC overview on oral sex and AIDs is below. If you want specific numbers you have to click through to some of the reports.

Hmmm...the provider I was with the other day specifically asked me to gargle with Listerine before we started.  Guess she doesn't go to your clinic.  ;-)

Thanks for the CDC link, but it is all about HIV transmission, which I really don't think us guys have to worry about, even with unprotected pussy licking, and so are all the other links on that page.  My concern is more about other STIs.  All the sites I've seen say you "can" get gonorrhea and other scary stuff from UPL, but they don't really characterize the level of risk.  I was hoping the CDC would.  I guess that's a really tough question to research, given the difficulty of isolating the effect of one sex act among many.  But I was hoping that an agency that is smart enough to sign MrFisher up for Obamacare to cover the consequences of his sexual exploits would be able to figure that one out!  (JK, as my kids would say.)

Too bad to, because they were very handy.

I went to the CDC site just now to see if I could find them myself.  They have umpteen million charts on there for everything from how many baby kangaroos are born with a deformed thumb to how often people with hair lips get boo-boos.

Their search engine is a piece of shit too.

After about fifteen minutes I gave up, but you're welcome to try.

On the other hand, they signed me up for Obamacare even though I don't even need it.

Our tax dollars at work.

The risks of getting an STD from unprotected oral sex are typically much lower than the risks posed by having unprotected vaginal or anal sex, Warren says.  
"If a male is giving oral sex to a woman, I consider that to be a low-risk exposure," Warren says.  

No %s or stats but i mostly trust the source.  
Sorry bout the mobile site.

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