TER General Board

Is condom sex actually sex?
RandomFakeName 218 Reviews 2511 reads
1 / 23

Because you're not really having sex with the woman. You're having sex WITH the condom. Now sure, you may be using the pressure and heat of the woman's vagina to make the sex that you're having with the condom FEEL better, but you're still just having sex with a condom.  

You might argue, but I'm still penetrating the woman's vagina with my covered cock. But it's actually the condom that's technically penetrating the woman, your cock isn't even touching her. I guess you could say that you're penetrating the condom that's penetrating the woman, but is it REALLY sex (natural sex, in the eyes of God)? Or more of a simulated experience like virtual reality?  

Especially when the condom has some spit or pre cum in the tip and it starts to glide a little on the top across your cock head while stroking in and out of the vagina. That good feeling is simply your cock having sex with the condom as it's the condom material that it's touching, again while using the heat and pressure of the actual vagina to make the sex with the condom feel better.  

And don't even get me started on lambskin condoms...

Zeel 67 Reviews 34 reads
2 / 23

So, if I kick you in your balls, and you are wearing pants and underwear, I really kicked your pants. And hell, you have two layers, so don't even start telling me I kicked your balls. In fact, not only did I kick your pants, but it was your pants that kicked your underwear, and your underwear that kicked your balls. I mean, don't pay mind to the painfull sensation and try to lay any blame on me. Because I really didn't kick your balls, the source of your pain. If you want to blame your underwear, the thing that really kicked your balls, I understand.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 42 reads
3 / 23

because you are TECHNICALLY correct, there is no direct cock to pussy contact unless you take scissors and snip off the tip of the condom, and if you are going to do that, why wear one at all?  

Two side notes.   1)  You mentioned lambskin condoms, so based on your analysis, is using a lambskin condom the same as having sex with a sheep, and if you say yes, you only need a woman if you go the lambskin condom route, right?
2)  I hope to hell that the "eyes of God" NEVER see the naughty things I do with women, "natural" of otherwise.  Lol

RespectfulRobert 39 reads
4 / 23

That's the funniest thing I have read here in months! Kudos!

helixir 41 Reviews 40 reads
5 / 23
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 34 reads
6 / 23

If "sex" is defined as the act of breeding, is sex occurring if:
1.) one or both of you are sterile
2.) it's not her time of the month
3.) wearing an IUD
4.) spermicide
5.) hormonal  
6.) diaphragm
7.) sponge
8.) M-M or F-F play
9.) other ???

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 33 reads
7 / 23
Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 37 reads
8 / 23

What about the Sheriff now?

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 34 reads
9 / 23

?Really? What do you mean by that? Are we going to talk about soaking next?

If you Jack off with a condom on are you still masturbating? Or are you having sex with the condom?

36363jensen 4 Reviews 46 reads
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Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 38 reads
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edinathens 31 reads
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If you paid the other person to have sex with you, then you didn't really have sex with them, since you had to pay for their appearance and cooperation. It was just expensive masturbation.

badger48 110 Reviews 37 reads
13 / 23

really kick him!
The shoe and sock did, so you aren't at any fault for his pain!

impposter 49 Reviews 61 reads
14 / 23

You can finger pop
You can even swing  
But you're going to jail  
For doing your thing.
Here comes the judge. Here comes the judge. Here comes the judge. ...

Posted By: RandomFakeName

Because you're not really having sex with the woman. You're having sex WITH the condom. Now sure, you may be using the pressure and heat of the woman's vagina to make the sex that you're having with the condom FEEL better, but you're still just having sex with a condom.  
 You might argue, but I'm still penetrating the woman's vagina with my covered cock. But it's actually the condom that's technically penetrating the woman, your cock isn't even touching her. I guess you could say that you're penetrating the condom that's penetrating the woman, but is it REALLY sex (natural sex, in the eyes of God)? Or more of a simulated experience like virtual reality?  
 Especially when the condom has some spit or pre cum in the tip and it starts to glide a little on the top across your cock head while stroking in and out of the vagina. That good feeling is simply your cock having sex with the condom as it's the condom material that it's touching, again while using the heat and pressure of the actual vagina to make the sex with the condom feel better.  
 And don't even get me started on lambskin condoms...

ladywhistledown See my TER Reviews 32 reads
15 / 23

At this point is a useless endeavor lol. Everyone on here is sinning as it is lol. That being said you may have a valid point..

Zeel 67 Reviews 31 reads
16 / 23

Well ain't that the truth!

blue5361 140 Reviews 30 reads
17 / 23

I did not have sex with that woman! She was just helping me jerk off into a condom with her pussy!

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 31 reads
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mrfisher 108 Reviews 39 reads
19 / 23

but here's the original and the best:

AllTheTimeBaby 31 reads
21 / 23

It's like takin' a shower with a raincoat on!

justsauce16 4 Reviews 37 reads
22 / 23

There's alot more to sex than the mechanical actions required to participate.
There's also alot more to sex than an orgasm, but you're clearly not ready for that conversation.

Now, don't get me wrong, I understand the sentiment. Condoms objectively make sex worse, sure. That may not have been what they taught you in sex ed class, but, it's the truth. They don't ruin it by any means mind you, still tons of fun, just a little less fun. If that's a dealbreaker for you, well, you probably need to pursue a relationship with a woman that can provide that experience to you, and you to her. That probably means tests, and retests, and not generally fooling around in an unsafe manner. I do this, it's great, it makes you a better man, it's also difficult, and vulnerable, and messy at times. If you can learn to love the mess, you'll do just fine.

Valida 17 Reviews 29 reads
23 / 23

... would be my wife.  Could I hope that she would find this persuasive and dispositive?

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