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Way OT: Wallice and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbitteeth_smile
cardinal 49 Reviews 2765 reads

Just saw it on DVD. One of the funniest G-rated movies I've ever seen. Who'da thunk it? Grommit deserves a nod for best supporting actor. He has no dialogue (he doesn't even have a mouth!), yet he was one of the most expressive characters in the movie.

-- Modified on 2/3/2006 2:54:36 PM

Loved Nanny McPhee! Checking out Hoodwinked this weekend. Grommit was the only saving grace of that movie, tho.

Bizzaro Superdude1295 reads

But did like the look and feel of Narnia... the "last vacation" with Queen Latifa was good and my daughter (9) enjoyed....

W&G are a bit the "quaint" side of British humor, and people tend to either love them or be bored by them.

The last two W&G shorts Nick Park did came off better, IMO, as they lose a bit of the humor in a full movie ("Chicken Run" suffered the smae problem, IMO).  In particular, "A Close Shave" is W&G at their best.  Wendolene Ramsbottom, indeed. :)

My favorite part of "Were-Rabbit" was when the monster howled, and all the little rabbits in the forest howled in chorus.  I was on the floor.

I had tears from laughing so hard. Some favorites:

The scene where Gromit is trapped in the truck and can only watch as the full moon rises and the monster appears. His expressions when he locks the doors, exchanges glances with Quartermain, and shakes his head at Quatermain's dog trying to hide in the truck were hysterical.

The scene where the vicar explains to Quartermain how to kill the were-rabbit:

Q: What KIND of bullets?
V: GOLD bullets! 24 KARAT!    

Ha! It still busts me up.

The dogfight (LOL) between Gromit and Quartermain's dog. Was that a nod to Snoopy and the Red Baron? Ingenius!

-- Modified on 2/3/2006 9:42:31 PM

I loved it, loved it, loved it. If you don't have a witty British sense of humor, chances are you will not enjoy it. And it's definitely not for children.

Has anyone seen Transamerica? Mr. Self Destruct perhaps? Heartwarming. Yes, totally heartwarming! Or Mrs. Henderson Presents? Ms. Dench was, as always, fantastic!

I saw that on Thursday...great ending, and boy, did it capture small town Appalachia.  Soderbergh just amazes me.  He does mainstream stuff that makes me hurl, but when he wants to stretch his indie muscles, few are better.

Haven't seen "Transamerica" yet...it got mixed reviews.  I have been bad of late...I still have to see "Good Night and Good Luck". :(  Past that, though, I want to see "The White Countess", "Match Point", and "After Innocence" starts soon.

Whatever happened to Sergei Lopez? :)

No, haven't seen Bubble! Heard an interview with Soderbergh on Fresh Air, and they played clips of it. Sounds interesting. They talked a lot about finding the doll factory. Of course, I've seen the trailer a million times at our local Landmark.

I think you'd like Transamerica. Really, I do. Won't comment on Good Night and Good Luck. See it and then we'll talk. Saw the White Countess with my mom over holiday break. Good. Just a lovely story. Want to see Match Point too. What's After Innocence.

Oh, SERGEI! An Affair of Love. Fuck me now.

But wait, there's still Daniel Auteil. I HAVE to see his latest film, Cache, with Juliette Binoche. She's finally speaking French again.

I hope you're well:-) Whenever I see movies, I often have nobody with whom to discuss them other than my mom. My friends don't see the same movies I do. If you ever get to Chicago, you know where you can find a FREE movie date!

I love Auteuil!  "Un Couer en Hiver" is still one of my favorites.  And I heard Juliette actually is starting to look a little more filled out for this movie, so that will be nice (as I have thought she was a bit pinched before...God, hard to believe it has been 18 years since I saw "Rendez Vous" in the Landmark Ken here in SD).

Speaking of "Un Couer", I saw "La Belle Noiseuse" a few nights ago for the first time.  SUCH a French movie, and an interesting study of gender communication (as well as the art issue).  However, I just was a noodle watching Emmanuelle Beart parading around naked for half of the movie.
Jesus, talk about perfect casting...to quote Prince, "...a body like yours, is on the verge of being obscene".

Okay, I'll give "Transamerica" a go (as well as the other I mentioned), and get back with you.  You should check out "Bubble".

"After Innocence" is:


I mentioned Sergei because I just recently saw "Dirty Pretty Things" again.  Love that movie.

Are you still at your AOL address?  I wanted to talk about a couple other movies that are out on DVD.  If you aren't at that address anymore, drop me a line at [email protected] and let me know your new addy.

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