TER General Board

Right on, Sedona.
My Other Alias 5068 reads
1 / 21

Ok, so under my other Alias I thought I would ask a queston:
How many hobbiest are in jobs where they really would prefer the providers not knowing what they do.  I'm in the military and try to keep that to myself generally (till I know the lady better) but with a lot of providers asking for job phone numbers its becoming a bit harder to hide.  So I was wondering if there are lot of others in the military, government workers, or even L.E. who hobby and have no problem with it.  How do you deal with it? And of course all Aliases welecome!

VonRyan 15 Reviews 2989 reads
3 / 21

Oh Teacher!... my French teacher,sexy Brigitte....and then there is Gretchen...the busty school nurse...and then Lola, the
lusty lunch room maiden...and then Raquel, the sultry horny librarian and then....


My Other Alias 3012 reads
4 / 21

Thanks....good to know.  

On a side note I've been reading your posts for awhile now and just out of curiosity do you moonlight as a standup comedian??  I promise I won't tell as I wouldn't want something so scandilous out ;)

Shafty7 12 Reviews 2684 reads
5 / 21

I'm an air traffic controller. I guess most people don't know, maybe because they think that we work for the airlines, but most controllers, including me, work for the federal government and hold secret clearances. Since the Oklahoma city bombing and 9/11 there is very heightened security around the profession and the buildings we work in, so I never give out the number. If that means that I can't see a lady, then so be it.

SULLY 24 Reviews 2929 reads
6 / 21

I see you more as a Trustafarian....

Educated- just not employed-

You have too much time and money to be anything else

Loved those guys when I was in college- great clients

Wish I was one...

Some Guy 2949 reads
7 / 21

Frankly, anytime I am not at work, I don't like being asked what I do.  It's nothing really odd at all (computer-related stuff), it's just that I don't like to take my work home with me.  People (and that includes providers) drop hints about how their computer isn't working (invariably running Windows, probably with a shitload of spyware) or they want to know if I think a certain brand of laptop is any good, or whatever.

With one girl, I agreed to take a look at her computer after a session.  We booted it up, and the login screen had a default user name -- her full (first and last) real name.   Oops.  Awkward moment.

I haven't starting lying about what I do .. yet.

Maybe instead of totally lying about what I do, I could just start playing dumb about PCs and pretend I work on mainframes.  Think that'll work?  Just my luck, some provider will jump for joy, "I have a broken AS/400 in my basement!"

stilltryin25 16 Reviews 2204 reads
8 / 21

You can choose not to give job phone information to a provider.  Many will not see you without that information but there are some who will.  I recently had a provider ask for a lot of information about me including my work phone exchange, home phone and home address information.  Since I am single and saw no issues with what she asked for, I gave the information.  She was able to confirm the information without ever calling me prior to giving an appointment.  Generally the providers who are extensive screeners will have well developed methods for protecting your privacy while protecting themselves.

VonRyan 15 Reviews 3706 reads
9 / 21

You got me all wrong Sully...

VR came up the ranks the hard way...the school of hard knocks...projects...to college drop out to corporate America...to night school...to VP... to self employment...
Hard work pays off, but there are never any free lunches,my friend.
....but let's make no mistake about it,this is one great country, America!
As for the school fantasies...It's my catholic school upbringing...Great times and plenty of plaid skirt chasing and those great times and frolics remain...and nothing like one of our lusty providers to help bring back those great sexcapades once again.


Ci Ci 2234 reads
10 / 21

and I'm even afraid sometimes that I give out too much information right away, which is something I used to be extremely cautious if not paranoid about. I keep thinking that someday I'll be a famous actress and then this will come back to haunt me. Some idiot out there will blow my cover. It's a shame that we have to worry about things like that.

More than anything, discretion (complete secrecy) is the key, no matter who you like or don't like.


NeedAnonymity 3445 reads
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I work in aerospace.  These folks aren't security conscious, they're downright paranoid.  Company policy says our expectation of privacy is, well, nonexistent.  Phone calls and emails may be monitored at any time.

Besides, the phones are all direct lines with no need to go through the swtichboard.  That's pretty common in large companies these days.  Besides, it wouldn't surprise me if all calls that went through the switchboard are monitored.

So I don't give out work information.  I'll talk generally about what I do, that's different.

sedonasandiego See my TER Reviews 2606 reads
12 / 21

Why do you want to hide that you're in the military? What's wrong with that?  Or government workers or any other vocation?

And speaking of your employer..

Most ladies WILL call your employer. They don't ask for the info for no reason - they need to verify it. So, you already know they will be calling. I usually send an email, or leave a voice mail on the cell that I will be calling. I figure if the gents are sly enough to make excuses to the SO's, handle the financial parts, cell phone bills, etc, one phone call at work isn't going to completely throw him for a loop! But, that doesn't always happen.
It's really not that hard. Say, you answer the phone, "Sales, this is Bob.." and she says, "Hi, Bob..this is Tiara..is this a bad time?", then just relax and play along with it, and say (if appropriate), "Oh, hi..yeah..can you call me back at.." and give her your clue. Then, you're both done. I mean - it's that easy and yet sometimes it's like pulling teeth and people freak.
We have to know where you spend your workweek - doing WHAT.
The faster we can get through the mutually unpleasant parts, the faster we can get on with the good stuff! So..let's work together and make it fast, easy and smooth.
As my business changes and grows (and I'm excited with it right now), I have to modify and change things to better suit us all, and that includes our other lives, too. So, I have to make some changes in order to run efficiently and smoothly, and that definitely includes emails. I'm at the point where, if I can't get what I need and get it done in TWO emails or 48 hours, whichever comes first, I'm gonna have to pass. I can't have back and forth phone calls, emails, voice mails and take 5 days getting through the process for something that should be done in less than 2 and in not more than 2 days. If somebody is REALLY interested, and really serious, they'll get it done, and get it right the first time. I don't say this to be mean, snippy, look hoitey-toitey, or PBE, or whatever, I say this because I am watching my time, so that I can better spend my TIME with YOU, and not waste it on BS! If things, such as this were better MANAGED, then I think providers would have less flakiness, be more on time, be more prepared for their sessions, give BETTER sessions, and be less tired and burned out. It's management.
So, I have carried on too long, when what I was trying to say is, work with us a bit better. I gotta call you at work. You either trust me and my reputation, or you don't. But, I gotta do things right.

sailer 1 Reviews 2418 reads
13 / 21

I'm retired and went back to school about a year and a half ago. Why?  Simple!  Because 70% of the student body is female!
And with that kind of m/f ratio, why would anyone quit?

rb288 2869 reads
14 / 21

You are right as always, Sedona.
I have no problem giving out this information.
When I contact a lady for the first time, it is usually by email.
I always include my private office number, my pager number, and my cel number. So it is very easy for her to make contact.
I trust these ladies enough to know that this information is only going to be used for a short time and then deleted.
Although, I have told some regular local ladies that they may keep that info if they ever needed/wanted to contact me.

I don't have any problems with this.
I trust them, they trust me.
That's how this works...


WonderingAbout This 4358 reads
15 / 21

clients to LE?  I was called by a provider long after the last time I had seen her, yet she claimed that she did not keep any records (including phone numbers) of her clients.

Verifying is OK, keeping any records is not.

My Other Alias 3244 reads
16 / 21

Well thats great if I had a desk and a phone.  But like I said I'm in the military, generally speaking I'm not in the "office" to answer a phone.  I'm usually in the wild blue yonder, maybe even in another state.  Now this is what I imagine,
"Scheduling, Capt XXXX, how may I help you.....Hi, is 'so and so' there....no, he's flying tonight, can I take a message....ummm, no thanks...'CLICK'
Great now, I'm 'verified' but now I have someone going, hey, that's the fourth really wierd call from the fourth different girl I've gotten for 'so and so' hmmmm???
Its one thing to have some rumors flying around your work, its other to have a code of conduct that can toss your butt in jail!

salivate 3 Reviews 3539 reads
18 / 21

For those of us with no jobs, screening can be extremely frustrating with providers who insist on it. However, I would never ask any woman to make an exception for me and bypass any part of her screening process.

Recently spent two years in NYC in beautiful furnished apartment on Central Park but no phone in my name, no apartment in my name, and no job. One agency took a chance on a slow day so I used them until I found an indie who was loose with her screening. Saw her regularly for over a year because it was too much trouble otherwise. Then, used her as a reference in future when I moved.

Personally, I think real name, phone number, membership in screening service, references, and sometimes address should be sufficient. Even if I had a job I would not give that information out. How much "leverage" do I need to give to a stranger?

Ci Ci 2549 reads
19 / 21

I used to be in the military too. Believe me, knowing what I know from past military experiences . . . your friends are more apt to rat you out than a provider, but I understand your hesitation.


stilltryin25 16 Reviews 2807 reads
20 / 21

Try contacting a provider and explaining why you can not give out job information.  Maybe some will take a chance with you after having a few conversations or exchanging a few emails.  
   I now prefer strong screeners because I think that their procedures protects me and them from many risks.

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 3639 reads
21 / 21

I am excited about your business as well...b ut for different reasons!

To quote a well know commercial, this isn't your father's hobby.  If you want to see the "A" team, you gotta be open.  

BTW, I just know you are waiting to try out your PBE someday.  Where does the line form? :)

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