TER General Board

Re:You mean you left So. Cal?
SeekingAnswers 5325 reads
1 / 34

I have a question maybe the ladies can help answer.

  Is it wrong to contact a lady(usually via e-mail) to open up lines of communication, allow for screening and to establish a rapour without the agenda of an immediate booking. I relize that your time is money and that you must field a load of communications daily. With the ever-present threat of LE a thorough screening is a must on the lady's part and the normal constraints of time, distance/geography(including where work sends me)all combined with who might be running a "special" that week and of course what my wallet will allow I many times am prevented or distracted from seeing the lady I communicated with for sometimes weeks.

 I have never been a "flakey" hobbyist who cancels on appointments without a VEry good and LEGITIMATE reason. With all the wondrous variety available along with considerations to certain ATFs and considerations mentioned in the previous paragraph it is sometimes difficult to wake up Monday and say
"This week I'll see___________and have it happen

So in nutshell ladies; Do you mind getting acquainted telephonicly or by e-mail so that further down the road an appointment can be made in a more impromptue, timely or "impulsive" circumstance.

InterestingWoman 2847 reads
2 / 34

I do mind. I don't think my time is more important than anyone else's time, but it's still *my* time. I own it. I sell it. It's valuable. When a client contacts me, I usually respond with the usual screening questions including exact date, time and length of appointment. I make it very clear that if all of the requested information is not included, communication will cease. Additionally, I do not keep ANY records. My email is strictly web based. I delete almost everything the same day I recieve it. I wish I could say this is because I'm security oriented. That's only part of the reason. My lack of record keeping stems from my disorganized and scatterbrained nature.  If you contact me on June 1 and then again on June 14 to actually schedule that date, chances are I won't have a clue who you are. You'll have to go through the entire screening process again. Why waste your time? More importantly, why waste my time?

LilyJune See my TER Reviews 3618 reads
4 / 34
SexyFloridaJen 5550 reads
5 / 34

I often take time to chat with a person before I meet and even talk on the phone a time or two. You get a feel for the person and their personality a bit more. It makes it a little more comfortable when you do meet and things seem to go smoother. It does for me at least...lol..I understand business is business but to make someone smile by taking a little initative to make things a bit more relaxing. It may just be my personality but it seems to set well with others I have seen.. anyways that is my point of view if it matters any at all.. Be safe and have fun sweetie.. Kisses..
Renee (tampa)

BluesClue 1 Reviews 4273 reads
6 / 34

but for you to plan ahead, or the AMP.  Screening does not take long, and must be based on PRESENT information.

-- Modified on 5/6/2004 2:34:03 PM

elegantGFEelise 3738 reads
7 / 34
salivate 3 Reviews 4287 reads
8 / 34

Ever hear of marketing. Its more than a website, otherwise you are just one among thousands. I don't see anyone unless I have communicated with them both in e-mail and phone to see if we both have an acceptable comfort level. So, there have been times I have e-mailed without having a specific day and time yet. And there have been women nice enough to do a little get to know you and me. They also know its good for business. Those are the ones I remember when its time to make a choice. Of course, I pursue multiple hour or overnight meetings with the more expensive, well reviewed ladies.

Incidently, if you have the time to spend on this board, which I consider a marketing activity, you could also spend it cultivating good clients through personal correspondence. Frankly, your attitude makes you appear more like a parking meter than a woman I would want to spend my time with and my money on.

Roxy Tomato 3838 reads
9 / 34

increases my comfort level considerably and in fact makes me eager to meet some of them!

InterestingWoman 2422 reads
10 / 34

Well, *someone* must use that roll of quarters in your pants to the best of its ability! :-)

Octavia Sunset 5100 reads
11 / 34

Well I think it's good that you realize that time is money...but the answer to this question unfortunately is, it depends on the lady and the level of communication you are looking for. For me, I wouldn't want to spend a few hours of my time, over a period of weeks, just to get a one hour booking. But, if you made it clear to me in your first email that you were looking to be prescreened and to establish a comfort level for a multi-hour booking, then I would feel that was a good investment of my time.
My biggest issue is with potential clients that want to talk and talk but either never get around to making an appointment, or when they do it's an hour every 3 months....
I had one client who became a regular for awhile and I was very comfortable with him, so when he asked me for my IM handle I gave it to him no problem (rookie mistake). At first he was making an appointment with me every week, and we would chat a little in between....then the appointments became less and less, and the whining and complaining IM's about his depressing life became more and more, until eventually I cut him off. NOT worth my time. Therapy isn't free! I'm willing to put up with a certain level of neediness for a good and consistent client, and I realize that part of my role for some of my clients is having a safe place to vent. I just want it known that free venting and paid venting are two totally different things.
To reiterate, I don't mind spending some quality time getting to know soemone before hand, but there is a fine line between getting comfy and taking advantage, so please be very careful about that. Thanks and good luck! xxx Octavia.

sparker 35 Reviews 3157 reads
13 / 34

I agree and echo that sentiment as well, Roxy. Getting to know a lady and establishing a rapport before we meet raises my comfort level with her significantly. I have done so in the past and it may account for the excellent experiences I have had with some ladies. Also, I find conversing with some of the ladies to be quite stimulating, in and of itself!!

Felicia FoXX See my TER Reviews 3176 reads
14 / 34

and it can get very tiring when it turns out that they just wanted someone with whom to shoot the breeze.  I just don't have the time or emotional resources to invest for that.

Great Pic, Nosc!

-- Modified on 5/6/2004 4:03:02 PM

pin30127 2460 reads
15 / 34

Nicole, Where were you while I was growing up in So. Cal?

SULLY 24 Reviews 3135 reads
16 / 34

Are the pics you?  Cuz if so , that is SO UNFAIR!

Do chairs burn up when you sit down?

MasterYoda2 4 Reviews 3919 reads
17 / 34

My first e-mail to Lily June satisfied almost all of her screening requirements but was mostly an introductory letter, telling her a little about what I was looking for and what limitations we might encounter because of my status as a single dad.  I didn't request a specific time and date, but made it clear that her time was valuable and that I was willing to wait until I could fit into her schedule.

Her response melted my heart and set the tone for all of our encounters: "I'm charmed," she began.  

There's no better way to set the stage for a truly wonderful encounter than to take the time to get to know each other beforehand.


justaplayer 4712 reads
19 / 34

I guess I am somewhat bewildered with the fact that some people have such an availability of time that they can afford to get better acquainted and develop a rapport for weeks or months prior to their -- big rendezvous. Wouldn’t it be better to spend this valuable resource of time on something of greater importance? Not meaning to trivialize, but it does seem somewhat silly to get worked up over all this pre-date chatter, when in reality it is nothing more than a damn commercialized get together between an escort and client. Wish I had all that spare time. It seems some posters have a naive view of sex being sacramental, beautiful and other worldly. Some posters seem that after fucking an escort it is more a culmination of the ‘human mating dance ritual’, instead of the goods delivered for payment received.

I believe those escorts who communicate frequently with potential and existing clients before and between appointments have a more aggressive marketing approach than their peers who rather not communicate with such frequency. Those escorts, who regularly communicate through email or voice, perhaps have a greater desire to make that final sale in today’s marketplace. She has a better understanding that many men out there confuse fantasy with reality, having this need for a ‘mating dance ritual’. The escorts who chat up with clients for a long period before an appointment probably realize that to these particular men the ‘dance’, even more than intercourse, is the key to keeping those customers satisfied. I wonder if any escort has ever done an analysis of the # of key strokes taken when communicating to a potential client vs. revenue derived from that client.

To me the purchase of time from a commercial companion merely is a quick escape from the turmoil and stresses of life. Arranging such a date, as far as my purposes, need not be done until the day of or the day before it is convenient to meet. Extraneous conversation is not all that necessary. I’m a fairly private individual, and in turn, I fully respect others’ privacy. Dealing with escorts can be fun. I never make the scene any more than what it is. There are some that are so attractive and personable; it makes their ruthless business approach more amusing than annoying. The only ‘dance ritual’ that I am really into is some butterfly dance that is done with tongue and cock. I really have never been one to live in a fantasy. Even when I get high, I still always try to face reality.

stilltryin25 16 Reviews 3822 reads
20 / 34
Ci Ci 6561 reads
21 / 34

I don't mind a few emails so the person feels more comfortable with me. However, I will not divulge any type of information about donations, what happens during our meeting, etc., because it could be LE, and my time is very valuable. Once I've established him as a client/seen him, then we can correspond more. My website says it all. I get really annoyed when gentlemen keep emailing me saying, "Hi. What are you doing?" And, they have no intention on scheduling an appointment any time soon.  I would love to state, "I'm answering your ridiculous questions after answering 100 other emails," but I don't. When I respond, they keep coming up with something else (usually ridiculously trivial). I do not have time to chat. If I do, it's on TER through posts. Once I get to know the client/friend, then I will converse more by email.


sparker 35 Reviews 3580 reads
22 / 34

And to me, the "conversation" is the difference between a "good time" and a GFE!

-- Modified on 5/6/2004 9:42:53 PM

zinaval 7 Reviews 2971 reads
23 / 34

Facing reality:  what you haven't faced is the fact that reality is also a matter of what each of us bring to the world, not just what the world imposes upon each of us. If your life is nothing but conformity to the reality, then what can you enjoy in yourself?  What can anyone else enjoy in you?  You're going to die someday anyway, why remove your will when you are alive? If "reality" is the stronger party, at least make it work to win.  At least you won't be bored...with yourself.    

I do what I like, and I'll impose my will on the world until it imposes itself on me.  Now, without a doubt, I'm the weaker party.  The world will one day win, and I will diminish and die.  What's unrealistic about that outlook?  

If I could get enjoyment out of chatting and corresponding with an intelligent, beautiful woman, why shouldn't I?  No, it's not the equivalent pleasure to a BBBJ, but obviously, I don't chat to the exclusion of one.  Now make this comparison: if we both get a BBBJ, and I also enjoyed discussion, and both of us for the same price in the end, which of us has come out ahead, then?  Your only argument is to say my enjoyment of the chatting wasn't real, and that looks jealous to me.    

About spending this "resource of time on something of greater importance," my time spent on things of greater importance would have continually diminishing returns if I didn't do this, for much the same reason that yours would decline if you didn't have that "quick escape from the turmoil and stresses of life."  Besides, I don't watch television, and I don't follow sports. By comparison to those, talking to beautiful, intelligent, highly sexual women, *is" of greater importance.  If I'm able to do anything greater, I will.

As for marketing, yes, there are providers who will "market" themselves to me, with my world outlook, but many of them will not think of it as such their chatting with me is easier because of their psychology.  (Nevermind that I first contacted all of the providers I'm seeing this year, regardless of chats) Marketing works because of established principles in human neuro-biology.  Don't think for a moment that you are not above being in a market demographic yourself, because there are providers well adapted to marketing and manipulating cynics, and exploiting them... and would do it gleefully.


-- Modified on 5/6/2004 10:53:16 PM

LilyJune See my TER Reviews 4940 reads
24 / 34

I agree Sully.  Nicole is smoking hot!!!!!!!!!!!

zinaval 7 Reviews 3789 reads
25 / 34

That's because you are practical.

I prefer corresponding and chatting, and I use it to intensify the meeting, it talks me up and talks her up to.  Otherwise, I get most of it done here, and the provider can pretty much get to know me by reading my posts.  When I do meet a provider who is really into corresponding, as I have recently... it's marvelous, but I have to take care now not to overindulge.  

Other than that, I'll conform to whatever I think the provider wants about it.  No correspondence, then no correspondence.  It's easy to find out that out, you won't answer, even though a time is set.  I might prefer the correspondence, but there's a limit to how much and with how many I can do anyway.  Besides, as the adage says, I'm not going to tell a woman how to run her business.  She will find her own comfortable and profitable management of her time.


zinaval 7 Reviews 2879 reads
26 / 34

Very unsubliminal, very sexy, and something in my brain has just melted, even as another part solidifies.  The only great question of the universe I can ponder now is how those cups take the strain.  
I wait for them to go "pop" like soap bubbles and disappear completely.  

A sexually suspenseful picture, Nicole!


bobb3950 8 Reviews 3510 reads
27 / 34

I have found that I have to always "plan ahead" in scheduling my dates.

Although, I have only "hobbied" locally, I am currently trying to arrange a get together with someone from these boards who is across the country. Therefore, there will be preliminary communications required ie; getting schedules to mesh, learning alittle about each other, references, etc.
I for one, enjoy the fact that we as a community have the ability to be in contact with each other.
I understand that this is a personal matter, some like it some don't. But without it, many of us wouldn't be participating as much and overall business would go down.
I also enjoy the after meeting communications that go on between new friends. But it must be done with the consent of both parties, not just to feed the fantasy of one .

Just my opinion...

SULLY 24 Reviews 1965 reads
28 / 34

Ouch!  Well you guys who can hang with NOSC-  you are a fortunate crew.  The perfect mature lady who goes... (a la Monty P)!

Now if only people would buy stuff...

FreedomRider225 2804 reads
29 / 34

About a year ago two touring providers were coming to LA. Both ladies had terrific reviews and both were "stunners". I sent out E-mails to both upon their announcements to be in the LA area. One reply was a "Auto-response" the other was a warm friendly personal e-mail. As the time of their arrivals neared I again sent them both friendly informative e-mails to remind and re-acquaint. The provider who had originally sent the
"Auto-response" now sent an all to brief one sentence reply. The other provider again sent a fun, warm, informative personal e-mail.  Guess which provider Got my business; Then AND on subsequent visits.


Tiffany C 3620 reads
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I have been using the telephone as a means of scheduling meetings until recently.
  Presently I find that with E-Mail it's a much more enticing experience, but I always chat on the phone a bit with the person before scheduling.

pin30127 1765 reads
31 / 34

I did end up in Florida, but I do miss So Cal. But if I meet you before I left I might not have left.

Octavia Sunset 3806 reads
32 / 34
SULLY 24 Reviews 2685 reads
33 / 34

Does she GO?

Does She GO?

Anod's as good as a wink to blind man, eh?

Say no more

Say no more

Does she go?

Does she go?

Like Pictures?

I have forgotten the actual name of the sketch, but you will get it if you think back to your clearly well-spent youth- except that in you it seems not to have been spent at all, with like oodles of it still happenin'all over the place even tho' you are clearly mature in mind and body, too.  I'd do that cool, pretty woman growl, but I am better sounding like a wookie in heat...

Glad to hear you you are on our side of the great moral divide... but willing to dialogue.  

and may every mother in your world know peace!

Ci Ci 4603 reads
34 / 34

I, too, maintain a lot of correspondence with clients/friends, many of whom I have kept in touch with a good six months before they schedule an appointment. However, prospective clients looking for a joy ride while they might be possibly jerking off to my emails is not my type of correspondence. If they cannot ask other questions or have some interesting to say -- like evolution (as you pointed out), the book of the month, a new jazz artist -- then it's almost like being stalked. I've had one gentleman who started out friendly and asked the pertinent questions, which one would expect, but now he continually repeats his questions (which scare me because of LE). I have to remind him often that I've answered those questions about 100 times already (politely, of course). It's been six months and he still hasn't scheduled an appointment which is okay, but the things he emails me about is a waste of time. Sometimes there has to be a cut-off point with a few good men.


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