TER General Board

Re:You forgot what??!!!! The condoms?! Extra question!
SS344 5 Reviews 3203 reads

  This was and interesting post, and being a semi-newbie, it begs another question, both to hobbyists and providers.

  Ladies, when purchasing condoms, do you consider cost and quality, vis-a-vis sensation for your clients? Do you have preferred brands or just go with a reputable name, ie; Trojans, Ramses, etc.? Do any particular spemicially enhanced condoms irratate you? If a client asks to use his own condom, are you generally comfortable with that? I used to prefer Durex 4X when I had to use one, but I understand that while they guard against pregnancy, they cannot protect against STD's since they are a natural sheep by product. My last SO had a tubal ligation, so I havn't used one in a while.

 Guys, I'd be interested in hearing your preferences. Do you ever have any problems with the products your providers supply? Do most of you always bring your favorites to a date?

In some reviews and threads there have been postings about condoms and whether a hobbiest should bring his own.  It has been mentioned that sometimes a provider even forgets them!  Is it just me or doesn't this seem absurd?  I have yet to see a provider that has 'forgotten' to bring condoms.  Furthermore, if I were in her shoes, I would not want to use my client's condoms.  What if they are a budget brand?  Worse, what if my client is some psycho who poked holes in them?  OK, a bit paranoid I admit, but if during a session a provider told me she forgot to bring condoms, I would run out of there.  What else did she forget?  How careless can she be? A provider showing up without a condom is like a a masseusse with a broken wrist.  My 2 cents.  

-- Modified on 12/6/2004 10:11:11 PM

mistakes happen, so I always bring a few of my own, I would be a little disapointed if she forgot but if she made up for it I could easily forget!

Alantra4810 reads

I agree that forgetting supplies is  a VERY careless move, and truly unprofessional.  There's no excuse, really.  I've forgotten to bring them a few times, but have stopped at convenience store-most of which are open 24 hrs.  She should have informed her client the moment she walked in the door, so that he could decide if he wanted her (not nearly Full) services.  I've forgotten them one time, told the guy when I got there, and we got in the car and drove to the nearest quick stop!  Not a difficult thing to do, except during the middle of a session when, well, a person wouldn't want to get dressed and go shopping, or wait until she returned with the goods, only to find that "my dick has softened, and it can't get up")!!

in my walet, my bag I bring and in my car. I have them everywhere. when i buy them i buy two 36 pkgs at a time.  My son is always getting them out of my dresser..

Danielle Dubois2721 reads

...I have forgotten to put them in my purse when I switch purses in a hurry, but so what-- people forget things all the time, even important ones (I cant count how many times my sister has forgotten to pick her kids up from the sitter). The point of it all is that if we remember we forgot-- if we do, in essence we havent really forgotten anything.

Besides, here in Vegas, its no biggie, just buy some on your way up the room. They always have the 24 little mini mini-marts right by the elevators to upstairs in these casinos, just take 30 seconds and pick some up, most guys are never the wiser.... UNLESS you're like me and utterly honest and tell them, OR UNLESS the ones you got are this really weird brand they carry sometimes with naked people on the package and your client frequents these hotels often and knows what the weirdo brand looks like... then, he may catch on... other than that your secret is safe...

Im so neurotic when Im sleepy...


Fistfuck3305 reads

was out of condoms. Most of the providers I've been with have enough rubbers to give one to every Chinaman on the planet!!!

Danielle Dubois2188 reads

...its not like I am saying I dont use them, I am saying I sometimes have left my house in a hurry withough-- no friggin biggie, ya go to the store and get some...end of story... I dont even know why the post was brought up in the first place....


Danielle Dubois3684 reads

running out and forgetting are two different things...


... you could be a size her condoms don't fit.  Find condoms you like and bring them to the session.  Take some responsibility -- unless the idea of her being the resonsible one turns you on in some way.  If you don't need the condom, leave it as a gift for her "stash".


provider (18).  She totally forgot the goods and had to leave to make a quick run to a convenience store.  Frustrating at the time.  Sort of funny now.

Other times I pop them in the microwave to heat them up...lol....

You should always carry your own. No excuses.

Hey I read that review too. I can't believe that guy stuck with her, broken wrist and all!

and have never had to use them. I buy the little three-packs and always end up throwing them away before returning home, since I have no secure place to keep them and don't want them found by my SO, who uses the pill. Wouldn't want to have to explain them.

I just include it in my cost of hobbying.

And one provider told me that I had bought the worst type-- the only type she ever had a breakage with.  

Now I use that set to cover my sex toys for encounters.


I bought a better set for the real work, too.

I don't think anybody who knows me could call me cheap.  They'd say quite the opposite really.

But if something has a use, use it.  


-- Modified on 12/7/2004 6:44:21 PM

Funny thing. Had a dinner date with provider and then she was to follow me to my place. Calls on cell to say she forgot condoms. Now she follows me to store, where we buy what we need as well as some food items, wine, etc. At first I was a bit put off but wheeling through store we started to bond and become real comfortable with each other in a natural way. Once we got down to "business" is was absolutely great. Point is, I go with the flow and don't make a big deal out of everything that's not perfect. She was embarrassed but I eased all that, and she appreciated it and it showed later.

  This was and interesting post, and being a semi-newbie, it begs another question, both to hobbyists and providers.

  Ladies, when purchasing condoms, do you consider cost and quality, vis-a-vis sensation for your clients? Do you have preferred brands or just go with a reputable name, ie; Trojans, Ramses, etc.? Do any particular spemicially enhanced condoms irratate you? If a client asks to use his own condom, are you generally comfortable with that? I used to prefer Durex 4X when I had to use one, but I understand that while they guard against pregnancy, they cannot protect against STD's since they are a natural sheep by product. My last SO had a tubal ligation, so I havn't used one in a while.

 Guys, I'd be interested in hearing your preferences. Do you ever have any problems with the products your providers supply? Do most of you always bring your favorites to a date?

I allways have a couple on nonlubed for those times when I run into a lady that will only do covered BJ.  If she doesn't have to taste the lube and spermicide she can get into it better. Of course I probably wouldn't return for her after that.

SirPrize3466 reads

What if the provider is some psycho who has poked holes in the condom so that you can look forward to 18 years of child support? It has happened. Ask any ballplayer.

Only guys with nothing to lose don't worry about getting a woman pregnant.

If she forgot the condoms, it would be nice if you had brought backups. If not, enjoy the other activities that can be just as fun as FS.

If FS is your make or break issue, simply decline the appointment. No one is forcing you to do anything.

ellobo692411 reads

I need the magnum size. It's surprising how many girls don't bring those. Regular size is miserable--once one came off inside the provider. She had a job getting it out. What's bad is they don't sell that size in the 3-pack; and, it's kind of a pain to fit a trip to walmart in before leaving for an appt. Can't leave them around the house for fear wife would find them.

I have had better luck with such a choice.  I allow the lady to examine the package and even open it if she wants to.  But I too would back away from a provider that says she forgot condoms, for many reasons.

SweetTina1716 reads

When I started that was my biggest fear that a guy would poke holes in the rubbers. I bring condoms on visits with hobbyists and civvies

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