TER General Board

why do guys do overnighters with a provider ?
Horny Dude 8128 reads

I'm wondering -- if you spend a $1000+ on an overnighter with a provider, what exactly do you do all night ?
Personally, after two cups, I'm usually pretty drained and want to do something else.  
And if you really do go to sleep, isn't that sort of a waste of money (obviously I'm not rich) ?  

Please enlighten me.



One before dinner, two after dinner, one before breakfast, one after breakfast.  Turns out to be a pretty good deal.

There is more to a night with your ATF than just pure sex. An overnighter gives you a chance to share some intimacy.

Wow, I didn't know there were that many 18 year olds who could afford an overnighter.

ma vie2927 reads

I remember as an 18 year old that I bacame spent quite quickly.  Sort of like a rabbit as I recall.  Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop then done.  Age is bringing stamina.  5 in 16 hours with time to sleep in between?  I should hope so.  However, to be perfectly honest, such performance is completely attributable to the stimulating presence of one's female companion.

Spank_Commander5798 reads

Who needs Viagra when I have Rosey by my side! She is definitely Ms Right, as Ms Left is on the other side. Somehow I am never rejected when Rosey shows up, my age means nothing to her, she has grown accustomed to my face, or something along those lines! BTW Wank, we have so much in common, are we related?

Ok, I'm off to do some grip exercises! Love is in the air!

(Hi, honey! :P And the record for frequency still goes to Mr. 6x in 20 minutes (no that is NOT a typo).

-- Modified on 5/29/2005 12:15:42 AM

5 cups is typical for an ON & I'm 50.

Oh really?  According to the Levitra website, over half of all men over 40 (yes, 40!!!) have erectile dysfunction.  And, within one month of its launch in the US in April 1998, 2 million prescriptions were written for Viagra, making it the fastest selling drug in history.

So, Mr '5 pops is typical @ 50', what's your secret?

ma vie3414 reads

No secret.  It is the company.  I have no doubt your presence could elicit such performance.

Anyone try to jump my bones 5 times in a night and the only wet thing they'd see would be the contents of the ice bucket in their lap.

I like my sleep...............

ma vie3946 reads

Touche.  I beg for quarter.

where the ice bucket came from. Glad I didn't have to do a message search on the words "ice bucket." Boy, these words definitely have a chilling effect on me. That's for sure.

-- Modified on 5/29/2005 4:56:24 AM

-- Modified on 5/29/2005 4:57:16 AM

Do the math. 12 hrs. One pop every 2+ hours.

Actually it's more like 2 pops early evening (one before dinner, one after). 1 pop late at night. 2 in the morning.

Vitamins and good living.

Morning sex!!!!!! The absolute best in the world, hands down.

Cynicalman4197 reads

"obviously I'm not rich"

 If you were rich the 1 to 3K commonly spent for an "overnighter" would be comparitive to a Civvi dinner date in terms of "sticker shock".
Rich folk also tend to stay in much more expensive hotel rooms effectively spending much more to sleep than you and I. So again "WE" are more frugal and "THEY" live more sumptuously.



If...IF...I had the money, though, damned right I would do overnighters.  There is nothing like giving yourself and the woman the time to stretch out and be yourselves, talking at random, taking space to not say anything and just look at each other, taking a bath together, falling asleep to music together, not being intimate before going to bed and then waking up in the middle of the night with you both wanting each other and just being primal in the dark and the glow of the city lights, or listening to the birds when you wake and tasting each others skin in the morning.  

Damned right I would do overnighters...who wouldn't if they could?  It isn't a matter of fucking all night...it is a matter of not HAVING to fuck all night and just being human.  

You're makin' me horney

And I can't find my ATM card !!

Noticing by her body movements that she isn't sleeping well, softly stroking her body, and then hearing the regular breathing of sound sleep.

Great post, MSD.

to quote Von Ryan, "Boinnnnggg!"

Of course, that reminds me of a scene from "play It Again, Sam", when Woody Allen is talking about his ex-wife Susan Anspach catching him looking at her while she slept, and says, "She let out a scrrream"...

...but now I'm feeling all lonely and shit.

Something around $2 million dollars a year.  

Well, at least I know my minimum salary requirements now.

I'll put the rest on my Visa.  

When I have done overnights, it has been with a lady who I have known for a while, and am very comfortable and friends with.
So, it's about spending extra time together, enjoying each others company for an extended time, and just having time with each other that's not "just about sex".
Of course there is sex involved, but, there is other things also. Not having to get up and leave after sex, being able to snuggle and talk for as long as you want.
It's just about spending time together with someone you enjoy being with.

That's why I like them.

I like doing overnighters, but, I don't do them very often and only with special ladies.

Just my opinion...

I occasionally do an overnight, but only with a lady I truly enjoy as a friend and a lover.  If the only thing you are interested in is the physical (not saying there is anything wrong with that) then an overnight is likely not worth it.

For me, with the right lady, it's worth saving my pennies.  A "typical" agenda might include, besides the sensual interludes:
--Catching up on what's happened since last time we met or talked
--Dinner, flirting, and enjoying being with a beautiful lady
--A walk, museum, night club, or show
--A long, sensual massage or shower
--Standing on the balcony and watching the sunset, clothed, in robes, or sans all those

In other words, whatever she and I enjoy doing.  They are unrushed, unscripted, and more a whole person event.

Fucking all night..

Spending good quality time.
getting to know her..
know more about her
One cup, two cup, three cup, four,
providers really arent ALL about fucking anymore ;)

-- Modified on 5/28/2005 12:54:03 PM

Couldn't agree more. As usual, you bring experience and commonsense to the debate, not to mention an excellent insight into the male pysche.  Overnighters are about intimacy and having the luxury of deferring gratification so that when it does all come together it's truly memorable.

It's really quite sad that we are all so performance orientated that very few have the balls to admit that sometimes, it's nice just to wake up next to a warm, cuddly body.  But bravo to those who do.

Hmmm, and I thought it was the way to get someone to put up with my snoring, and deal with my crazy hair and morning breath.  Heaven knows, buying a house and car for one woman isn't enough.  Must be a YMMV situation.

tokai3037 reads

So I can hear her whine and complain in the morning. It adds to the GFE experience.

Because it is cold outside, and I am too cheap to buy an electric blanket.

Because I snore, and my wife won’t sleep with me.

Because my wife snores, and I can’t sleep with her.

So she can make me breakfast in bed in the morning.

So I can see what she looks like without makeup on and her hair all messed up (Yikes!).

She said I had to book an overnight if I wanted full service. Boy do I feel like a chump.

Because I don’t want the neighbors to see her leaving in the middle of the night. If they see her leave in the morning, I can tell them it was a cousin who needed a place to stay on her way through town.

Because my dog ate my teddy bear, and I haven’t found a replacement yet.

Because I need the extra time to figure out if she is LE or not before I risk consummating the transaction.

You ever get that urge in the middle of the night for a quickie?

I tell her my fantasy of having a woman take advantage of me in the middle of the night while I am sleeping.

I needed a place to stay, and I was too cheap to get my own room.

Most of all, it is to enjoy being with someone. To hold someone in your arms while you sleep. To wake up not alone.

-- Modified on 5/28/2005 2:13:17 PM

Madame XYZ4248 reads

"So I can see what she looks like without makeup on and her hair all messed up (Yikes!)."

You mean it isn't like this after 5 minutes?  Sounds like you're not doing something right, darling.

Reminds me of a twist on an old Carl's Jr. ad (before they brought Paris Hilton in to make their ads soft core porn):

"If it isn't all over your face...
you're not doing it right"

La madame, savourer le goût votre bouche dans la matinée.

It's called an overnighter not an allnighter. If you are all about dollars pre cup then yes, you are correct, an overnighter doesn't seem like a great deal. You are much better off doing short sessions over a period of time in order to get your dollar per cup rate as low as possible.

But that doesn't make sense to me. If it is all about dollars per cup, why not just stay home and spank your monkey? You will avoid the hassle and expense of going to see an SP and your dollar per cup rate will drop to zero!

For some of us it is more about the intimacy and affection aspects. I have found I can reach much higher levels in an extended date or overnighter. It is nice to be able to relax and really enjoy each other without wondering how many minutes are left on the clock. For those of us without an SO who normally sleep alone, waking up beside a beautiful woman can be a great way to start your day.

-- Modified on 5/28/2005 4:27:13 PM

Jadie3758 reads

Simply for the extra “quality time” for entertainment, seduction and teasing that only an overnighter (ON) can provide.  The rates for overnighter are usually discounted over the normal hourly rate to take in consideration sleep time.  The very few overnighters I have been on were worth every cent I paid.

miguy3074 reads

the answer is simple...you dont have to wake up with tour overweight wife....thats a fact

It is all about the intimacy.  The unrushed experience.  Not having to watch the clock.  Especially picking the right woman.  If you do your homework you can have a great experience.  The only thing I do are overnighters.  Sex honestly has little to do with it.  Yeah, it's there but at any pace that you like.  Just enjoying the aroma of a beautiful woman is something amazing.  The softness of her skin, the taste of her lips, the smell of her perfume, OMG it's so sexy.  Going to sleep with a gorgeous woman in your arms is the best thing in the world.  I have two back to back overnights planned for July.  I'm getting excited just thinking about it.

You know nothing about this gentleman's wife (or if he even has one!)  Quite presumptous, yes?

Jadie3505 reads

There are always a few uncouth people and you are one.  My SO is a petite Pacific Islander lady. I consider myself to be very lucky to have such an understanding woman as my partner and yes to wake up with for the last 20+ years.

You don't have to stop until you're exhausted and spent, and then you get R&R time with her, and it's good to be sexually sated in her company.  

Besides, after 1 or 2 hour sessions, I have awakened the next morning extremely horny.   It would have been nice to have an overnight then.

PeterPickle3944 reads

Take money out of the equation and think about it. All nighters can be fun for a number of reasons, you have all night to do whatever you want.  If you want to cuddle, go for it. If you want to screw yourselves silly, knock yourself out. The intimacy thing I never understood, it's a paid situation so how much real intimacy can there be (maybe its percieved intamacy?)...but if that's your thing, you've got all night to do it. It's kind of like you have the private keys to DisneyWorld and you can go on the rides to your hearts content.

I think we'd all do overnighters is the price tag wasn't ridiculous. And yes, it is ridiculous when you do the math - she's sleeping for half the time for god sake.

Point being....the guys who do overnighters aren't the value seeker types. $2K is s drop in the bucket for some people. Like other posters mentioned the sticker shock is nil for these guys usually. It's interesting to talk with some providers about the extended dates they have had. Some guys pay 15K for a week on a regular basis. Sometimes the guys don't even want sex, they just want arm candy.

I've done a few overnighters in my years and while I did enjoy 2 out of the 3 of them, I was always felt like I was getting taking advantage of money wise, like it was a suckers bet. Same with dinner dates - paying $$'s per hour for the priviledge of buying someone dinner just seems like a sucker move.

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