TER General Board

Re:What's your Comfort Level for Hobby spending
MidnightLover 2962 reads

OK here it is, all the guys have said it,repeat after me this is a hobby, don't lose your family,car, job, house. And if you think your funds are limited now, lose your wife and you'll learn the true meaning of limited discretionary icome.

For you single guys, if you are dating you'll drop between 100 -200 on the date and may or may not get some. I know golfers who think nothing of playing golf two or three times a week dropping between 100-150 in green fees. My next door neighbors visits the gambling casino's and takes at least a grand every week. And I'll bet that he's not bringing back a grand every week. The point is, while these women can become incredibly addictive use some common sense.

Do I see a provider monthly sometimes yes sometimes no, can I afford it, hell yes. Kids have graduated college, mortgage is paid, and no bills (I'm  probably a little older than most of you guys). But the point is that I never pay more than 300.00, for anyone, and frankly I've found providers that were just as good if not better for half the price. So would you rather pay 300 for one or 150 and have twice the fun (do yoour homework). With the money I lost during the dot.com bust, I could have been up to my ass in providers for the rest of my life. So all the funds that I was investing in the market I now invest into these great women. My point is simple if you're spending money on other things and you really enjoy this hobby, divert those funds. If you don't want to give up golfing or other things, you're going to have a problem.

It's about Return On Investment. Plan, organize and choose those ladies you can afford, because frankly there's not a whole lot of difference between a 400.00 provider and a 200.00 provider, in spite of what you may read or be lead to beleive.

DATYForever3934 reads

Ok.  How many months cash reserve (to cover monthly living expenses - rent/mortgage, food, car payments) do you need to have .. before you shell out the extra cash for Hobby (or before you tell your ATF that you are 'flat broke'.

I've suspended all hobby activities till my October vacation, which I've already planned.  I have to find a better job.

Told my ATF just Sunday night that I couldn't afford her again till I've made that change.  


-- Modified on 7/27/2004 8:30:51 PM

Responsible spending is necessary prerequisite to participate in this experience.  I applaud your motivation to improve your professional compensation as a requirement for continued participation (and what good motivation it is!).

I have been idle for many months due to economic circumstances.  But I don't spew venom at "rich guys" who can afford high class providers, or feel any enmity at those select few wonderful ladies who demand $$$$ for their time and attention.  I bust my ass every day in hopes that I can join them in the refined air of comfort and  pleasure that economic security can bring.

Good luck finds those who prepare wisely and work hard - hopefully, you and I are on the shortlist.

Peace, brother.

I have always figured in an amount for "play" in my monthly budget.
I am not a "high volume" hobbyist anyway, but I do set aside a set amount for the hobby every month and if I don't use it all, then I let it build so I can do a little more, maybe an overnighter, or travel to see a special lady.
It just takes a little planning and monetary management.

Just my oipnion...

more money than you can easily afford on this hobby, then you have a problem (provider addiction). I'm not preaching or getting on my high moral horse here, just stating what we all know down deep in our hearts, that if we have to think seriously about whether or not we can afford it, then we probably can't. For you single guys, if you go ahead and blow serious money it's only you that is being affected. But for married guys (especially with kids) you are altering your familys life style and future.  I know that all sounds very heavy, but we all (me included) need to face the facts once in awhile.

I pay blackjack and a percentage of my winnings goes into funding my ladies ... I try to keep enough aside to see 1 to 2 ladies a day while I'm in Vegas ... I also fund through my winnings as not to take any funds away from my family ... so If I loss big at the tables I my not hobby for months ... if I win big then I'm funded for the next 2 or 3 trips......

You need to set up a special fund for it, separate from your regular operating funds. Keep the money in a separate place: bank account, compartment of your wallet. These can be funds from gifts, interest and dividends, bonuses or extra pay aside from your regular salary, money left over at the end of a pay period,
gambling winnings, and if you're not otherwise a lavish spender, it starts to accumulate. Only spend from those funds, and you're not depriving your other needs.

I'm a heavy investor. So, if the market is doing well, I take a very small part and have fun. If the market is down, I'm depressed and still go out and have fun! Evens out in the end. I make sure I never spend enough where family will ever notice. As a true hobby, it can be less expensive than some other choices.

Salivate is dead-on right.  Always keep the perspective that this is a hobby using discretionery income that doesn't deny anyone in your family anything.  Family first. Come to think of it, this hobby has made me even more generous with doing things for the family.

Wouldn't you have to have a bank account and stuff to do that?

Stempy3989 reads

feel I have money to burn. I will splurge and see one of my favorite young ladies. However, when the Market is "down", then I get depressed and need to console myself with a young lady.

If you spend more than you take in, then you have a problem! Not only with providers, but with anything in life.

Sexy mofo2302 reads

After getting the third mortgage and selling the kids, I can easily afford the hobby!

My wife and I have three accounts...hers, mine and ours.  We both contribute to the "our" account and when we have enough we visit a willing provider for fun and play.

AMG55-Feuerbach2992 reads

Last January as I was at Barrett-Jackson in Scottsdale, I witnessed my friend plunk down over $400K for a 1953 Ferrari Superamerica, NOW THAT is an expensive hobby compared to this. Just like any hobby, keep it in prespective.

That will put the "SUPERAMERICA" in your friend's nice old Ferrari!

What an accessory!  :o)

-- Modified on 7/27/2004 3:46:15 PM

Now I mirror the government and their predelection for deficit spending.


-- Modified on 7/27/2004 4:23:58 PM

I've never had a slush fund, but I know all about the deficit spending you referred to.  That's what I've been forced to do since losing my job a couple of years ago.  Now that all my credit cards are maxed out, I've ran out of money for even the basics, let alone any fun time.  Your hope for future financing is about the same as mine:


It really sucks for me right now, because within the last couple of days, I've learned 2 ladies I want to see are heading my way in a couple of weeks; one I've already seen, and one I haven't, but have been anxiously awaiting announcement of her making a visit.  It appears I will be forced to bypass both of them. :-(  I particularly wanted to see the one I haven't seen yet, because I have no idea when she might return to my area.  It isn't a frequent stop for her.

Normally, if my economic situation was stable, I wouldn't have a budget for seeing ladies, anyway.  I don't have to shithole any funds from anyone because I am about as far away from being married or having a girlfriend as a guy can get.  Most of the time, my decision to see someone is spur-of-the-moment, based on the funds at hand.  If I learned someone I wanted to see may be available or visiting in the near future, I would accommodate my budget accordingly for it.

Well when I am on tour, I do all sorts of crazy shit.

Saturday night while in Kansas City I plastered 100 in 2 dollar bills all over this stripper's ass who just so happens to be my favorite porn star, who says she lusts over me, but I think she likes to play hard to get (grins). Scooted upstairs to porn shop got 2 DVDs of hers, 60 bucks, and had her sign them. She gave me a big hug and said we are shooting in a month. Priceless. Admission 20 bucks. Cab home 10 bucks. Total: $190.00

Just about ready to head home, but while in Minneapolis. I bought some insanely nice Phallixglass toys, to alleviate some of my sexual frustrations. A really nice one with colorful bumps and an insane curve, a perfect double dildo. Another Phallixglass one with an awesome vibe with get this: sand inside like a sand painting, all blue and sparkly. Got a leather harness, and a strap on. A double bubble butt plug and anal bead wand (purple) 2 High Society magazines (Best of #171 and Oct 2004) and some Godiva chocolate. Wet Classic Platinum lube. Off to the bathtub I go. I love my line of therapy I have prescribed myself. Suite 190. Total: $522.70

You only live once. Sperm created me and I have been thanking it ever since.

For $190.00 - I could be your sperm of life and your Phallix toy. I could sprinkle some Godiva chocolates over you and nibble nibble nibble you away to ecstatic heaven with an explosive double dildo to trigger some volcanic hot squirts :)

Like purchasing someone's art, how do you put a price tag on an evening with NM?

-- Modified on 7/28/2004 9:00:02 AM

Michelle, I've got a long curvy thing that sometimes gets purple for you to enjoy.  I'll also bring the chocolates, Godiva is my favorite.  Hobby safe.

OK here it is, all the guys have said it,repeat after me this is a hobby, don't lose your family,car, job, house. And if you think your funds are limited now, lose your wife and you'll learn the true meaning of limited discretionary icome.

For you single guys, if you are dating you'll drop between 100 -200 on the date and may or may not get some. I know golfers who think nothing of playing golf two or three times a week dropping between 100-150 in green fees. My next door neighbors visits the gambling casino's and takes at least a grand every week. And I'll bet that he's not bringing back a grand every week. The point is, while these women can become incredibly addictive use some common sense.

Do I see a provider monthly sometimes yes sometimes no, can I afford it, hell yes. Kids have graduated college, mortgage is paid, and no bills (I'm  probably a little older than most of you guys). But the point is that I never pay more than 300.00, for anyone, and frankly I've found providers that were just as good if not better for half the price. So would you rather pay 300 for one or 150 and have twice the fun (do yoour homework). With the money I lost during the dot.com bust, I could have been up to my ass in providers for the rest of my life. So all the funds that I was investing in the market I now invest into these great women. My point is simple if you're spending money on other things and you really enjoy this hobby, divert those funds. If you don't want to give up golfing or other things, you're going to have a problem.

It's about Return On Investment. Plan, organize and choose those ladies you can afford, because frankly there's not a whole lot of difference between a 400.00 provider and a 200.00 provider, in spite of what you may read or be lead to beleive.

I've recently decided no more than 2X per month has to be enough.  With the occasional overseas vacation, stocks in decline and an autobahn cruiser to keep happy (not to mention those pesky food, clothing and shelter) I've decided that's enough right now.

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