TER General Board

What is a girl to do?
Jenni_SD See my TER Reviews 4651 reads

I haven't seen anything on this topic, and would like some feedback from ladies and gents.  Ahem!

This is about the uninvited guest that comes around and not always predictable.  Yessss, that damned old Aunt Flo!  I try very hard to schedule around her.  But invariably, she shows up early, or late.  Often times gentlemen contact me months or weeks in advance as they are traveling in from other states for conventions etc.  Then she doesn't show for the days I scheduled off, and of course, shows up when I have dates planned far in advance sometimes.  I don't want to dissapoint people who have been courting our meeting for sometime.  

What is the best thing to do?  Offer a discount and work around it?  How does one do that without implicating illegal behavior?  God forbid!  Offer an arrangement with a girlfriend who is available?  (I do this often, but generally, the guys are dissapointed, especially when they had set things up far in advance as I request).  It is just such an icky hassle for sure.  There are ways to work around it on light days, but that is when Murphy's Law tends to kick in.  Pray for smaller guys?  But NOOOOO, that is when all of the Ron Jeremy's show up.  Any suggestions?  

A few things you can do....

1. Get on the pill.  Birth control pills (even if you don't need them) control exactly when you get your monthly friend.  That way you know EXACTLY what days you will be on it every month and you can schedule around it.

2. Take them on a trip to Greece!  (know what I mean?)  For this idea just remember to cut the string (before inserting) so they can't see it lol.  I've never had anyone complain about traveling to Greece when tickets to other locations aren't available!


Thanks for the feedback Shayla.  Well, I am aware of a product, and do like it.  It is called "Instead". It is basically a diaphram, but of course is helpful on light days, but even then, meeting someone who is larger or very, very agressive, often causes additional flow even once period has ended for a day or two, or can trigger your period a bit early.  Also, with bigger guys, it doesn't stay in place or bends. These are really only good for prevention when expecting or very, very light days at the end.  

Honestly hadn't seen anything on this topic before.  I did have a couple of reviews that reflected this problem and it is very embarrassing for both parties when a period is triggered, or brought back on from activity.  Or when wearing the shield as added protection.  Really hoping for consensus.  

You are referring to a diaphragm to stem the flow.  Shayla was saying that you should get on birth control pills.  They take out the guess work and uncertainty, making your period extremely regular, and even allowing you to creatively stall it if you need.

First of all, stay away from ANYONE resembling The Hairy Humpster! :P

That was Jeremy's nickname, and don't ask me how I know. :P

Seriously, though...a couple of things.

First, I myself, and several men I know, don't mind working with "The Curse" at all.  As such, and as I think there are many men who would be "okay" with it (especially if they were locals or sporadic regulars), so I think it is worth giving them the choice if you feel comfortable with them.  I wouldn't expect a "discount" at all, especially with someone as well-reviewed as you...I am sure you have many ways to make things fun (however, that's just me).  For those who might want it, though, you could just say you can work out the details later.  Worst that can happen is they say "Let's just reschedule".

There is also a product a provider friend of mine hipped me to that is something you can use in these scenarios that blocks your flow, especially on low days, kind of like a barely noticeable sponge or block.  I have the article at home, so if you want any info on it, PM me and I will send you the link.

I remember a thread on the National board about this a few weeks ago...how to deal with periods.  My suggestion was the "old fashioned way"...put a couple of towels down!  It is as natural as pubic hair...uh...wait a minute...

Please pardon my medical puns, (I can be at times incorrigible).  I second MSD.  Your definitely an established provider, it's not like you have a "spotty" record or offer services with "strings attached".  Aw heck, some guys may like it..period!  :-)


Kimi_Lixx1873 reads

If you don't have a reason not to (and I do understand that many women do) go on the pill, you can use it to regulate or you can take it nonstop and almost never have a period at all. I only have my special time about 4 times a year now. There is a new product out that is intended specifically to stop menses as well, you could discuss that with your gyn.

As for what to do when it's there when you didn't want/expect it in the first place - I find that non-fraying medical cotton works marvelously and is barely noticable, by myself or my gentleman friend.

Without DATY, a discount would be nice but not expected. But you can still do FS with Aunt Flo. Some guys are Ok with it, some may not be. But just be honest and let them decide. It's a fact of nature you can't control.

Hi Jenni,

I used to use the Today sponge (contraceptive sponge) and they worked great. They took them off the market, but are now bringing them back. Not sure if they are out there yet.  

Also, you could use a small natural sea sponge, they are sold in the cosmetic dept. They work very well too. Both will stop the flow, so it won't be messy at all.

The Best one yet, (IMO) is the Depo Provera injection. (birth control available by prescription) I take it and haven't seen Aunt Flo in years and I don't miss her at all!  :)  

Hope this helps, Lovely Lady!    



-- Modified on 7/29/2004 9:34:51 AM

Thanks so much!  Shay & Kellie.  I thought of the Greek thing, but then I get soooooooo shy when I think about offering that!  ;)

Nice to know about a couple of other products though.  I'll do the research ....  :)


Turkana2889 reads

I'm probably in the minority, but if a provider gets her period unexpectedly, I accept it and work around it.  If the flow's not particularly heavy, it doesn't bother me.  If it is, then any provider worth her salt can get me off in other ways.  

We're all human, Jenni, and we all should be big enough to accept each others' temporary shortcomings.

Thank you Turk, and am glad I asked because I really am learning.  We all want to get better at anything we do.  I learn so much from this forum.  My scores have gone consistently up since I arrived in this sweet community 2 years ago.  Have many great experiences with adults that are all very consious of being responsible while at the same time making the art of love making blissfull for all.  I attribute that to the collective knowledge we share here.  I just love this place.  It just keeps getting better and better, eh?

Cogito Ergo DATY1372 reads

A few days ago on the news, a new product was being discussed that is coming to market soon.  It's not a contraceptive like the pill, but it gives a woman control of her periods, and reduces the number to just four periods per year.  

I don't rememeber how it is administered (pill, patch or injection), but it could greatly reduce your scheduling problems.  Especially since it sounds like it has the same timing predictabilty as the pill.  

I'm sorry I don't remember more details, but I'm merely a fan of the vagina, not an owner.  So I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention since I never expected a quiz!

All the other posters make good points too- discounts, trips to Greece, a towel, they all work and a mature guy shouldn't have a problem with it.   My preference, if I were a regular, would be to use any or all of the above and continue with the session.  If it was my first time, however, then I'd definitely rather reschedule.  

Any guy with a little experience (maturity) should be able to deal with this inconvenient fact of life.  Of course you could do what my (ex) wife used to do and use it for your advantage.  She'd used to ask me to fuck her senseless to get her period started and it usually worked.  I'm sure you could get an accomodating guy to oblige such a request.

Jenni, just let the guy knows in advance that there is a "situation" that may effect the evening; he should be able to deal with it.  The worse case scenerio is a cancelation.  DATY is not a pre-requisite for me to have a good time.  If the flow is slow, then FS is OK.  Otherwise, a visit(s) to France can be very fullfilling.  I'm just not into Greece.  However, I'd be ticked if the lady didn't let me know in advance.

There used to be a contraceptive sponge that you could that not only blocked swimmers from going in, but also helped the flo from streaming out. I'm not sure why but these are no longer on the market, they worked great, for short hour or so visits.

Another product which is definately still out there you could try is the Instead 12 hour Feminine Cups. These are similar to a diaphragm but are used as feminine protection.  I've tried them and find they never fit quite right for me and i'm always paranoid that the cup might come a pouring out and that would be worse than the initial problem.

I buy a a compact size makeup sponge of good quality (or else it will come out in pieces), usually in a purple package in the cosmetics dept. Wash it with water ring it out and use it in a similar way as the controceptive sponge, only leaving it in for up to an hour, and always disposing of them after. I havent had any complaints, if anything its a better tighter fit!

Hope one of these may be of some help! Hayley

laidback_nc6586 reads

Some ladies get very horny during this time and others would rather not be touched anywhere. To me, I would want to know if the lady was in her period and second, how she "really" felt about doing dates during this time. I've had this happen before, sometimes good results, sometimes bad results. Bad results always from the lady not being upfront with her condition.

-- Modified on 7/28/2004 10:12:48 PM

I can't use hormones full time either, but it doesn't stop me from using double doses to stop Auntie Flo if a special guy is in town and I can't reschedule.


Hey Jenni;

Good question.
There have been a lot of great responses above.

My take is that I would like her to be upfront and tell me before hand if possible.
Not that it makes any difference to me, but I am not one who does well with "surprises".

In my experience, many women are extremely horny at that time and would welcome the attention.
Some guys, and I'm not sure if it's alot or a little, are turned off by the period and would freek out if they weren't 'informed" before hand and didn't have the chance to postpone/cancel the date.

I guess the answer depends on you.
How you feel.
Tell him upfront and let him offer options: postpone, if possible, cancel, or go ahead full bore.
I don't think a "discount" would be appropriate tho.
If that situation came up, I would not expect a discount and I would ask the lady what she wanted to do.

Just my opinion...

I always give the next appointment to them FREE.

Corey Edwards PhD Sexology

caramellatte2624 reads

I don't know if any of you other ladies have experienced this , but during that "time", when I shower, the flow stops. It just suspends.  You could (after being completely honest about the situation, just in case),turn your session into a steamy shower scene. Win, win!  
I've never heard of that make-up sponge thing, but it sounds cool. I have seen the advertisements for the new BC that gives you only for periods a year, cool again. I did use depo, and everyone is different. My problem was yes I didn't have regular periods, but once I flowed for about 60 days straight. I was not a provider at the time, but I probably would have had to file Chapter 11, if I were( just kidding, some guys don't care).eom

You won't find much reading to support this but I know it works and doesn't harm you. I was on the pill for 10 years and only "allowed" myself to have "hell week" every 4 months or so. I was told how to do this by a doctor and had every doctor I saw after that agree that is was safe. Instead of taking the sugar pills you start a new pack. That will allow you to skip your period. As I read in Cosmopolitan a few years ago the ratio of women having periods now is at least twice the amount of women having their period in the early 1900's. They had more children then and therefore being pregnant had alot less periods and it didn't hurt them.

deetaylor2342 reads

I use a contraceptive sponge or a natural seaweed sponge,Get a big one that you can cut for your right size and wet or use lube before inserting, and insert all the way up.  I use a contraceptive sponge and douche before and after. Take the sponge out after your encounter, and never wash out sponge and reuse, this will lead to trouble. Always be concious of germs and always use a new sponge for each encounter.Anyother question just pm me at pin_updee TER mailbox.
Goodluck and it works for me as long as I don't work on my first day!

-- Modified on 7/30/2004 4:07:09 PM

Can you please tell me if the contraceptive sponge is over the counter or do you have to get a prescription?  I am not a provider, just a civvie who enjoys this site immensely for the tips etc!!  Thanks for any info.

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