TER General Board

Re:...to be memorable...."So I'm thinking I should do something wacky "
BloPop 27 Reviews 5477 reads
1 / 17

What is the best way to handle reference requests?  I always try to imagine what happens when a past provider of mine gets a call.  Does she say "Who the f--- are you talking about?" ... or does she say, "Hang on while I run him through my database that I don't keep ... oh yes, I have it right here ... oh my yes, he's a healthy one!" lol

So I'm thinking I should do something wacky when I visit a provider to make it easy for her to remember me.  That way when I provide my references, I can just say, "tell her I was the guy that had her climb on my back and spank my ass while yelling 'get it up ya' lame-o' ... I'm POSITIVE she'll remember me"  bwahaaahaaahaaa!

Hey, maybe I won't even need a FIRST name.  Speaking of which, have you ever sent an intro "Can we get together?" note and just used some bogus name like "BP"?  I like to at least know if someone at the other end is even looking at her emails b4 I divulge that behind that mask and cape, I'm really millionaire Bruce Wayne.  And I mean, it's not like "Luscious Lucy" is HER real name, right?  

So why do I get these snappy little replies like, "well mister, if you want to see me, your going to have to do better than that ... like, I'm SURE you real name isn't BP"

Yeah, well no s---!  How about if I just send some bank account info off into cyberspace ... maybe add a few account PINs and passwords ... would it then be ok to ask if you have any availability to see new clients? .... SHEEEESH!

Alright, that's it ... I'm going to just ... I don't know ... make up a name.  I am now Brian ... Brian BloPop III ... is that better?

So, anyone want to spank Brian's ass and call him Lame-o?   WEEEEHAAAA!!!

jetfishes 58 Reviews 2470 reads
2 / 17

First of all I always ask a provider's permission before I submit her name as a reference.  I always behave like a gentleman and I usually but not always bring a small gift along with a card and a hand written note thanking her for her time. In addition I email her afterwards letting her know that I had a good time.

femaleartist See my TER Reviews 3292 reads
3 / 17

First I may for the first time ever get flamed for part of this response.
OK I will answer this on both ends and in between
and maybe somewhere inbetween if humor is added from time to time

When I recieve references I first check to see that she is ligitimate, does she have reviews, etc..... then I either phone or email her. I have 2 questions.
1.) have you seen him? (include email user name and if she wants what other info he has provided)
2.) would you see him again?

If I am contacted by an other provider by email for references from one of my clients............ I will look in my address book where I admittedly save the following under a file I call verified/clients in that file I have his first name and email addy.
If she contacts me through my cell phone I do not even go that far for there is only a small percentage of my clients that have that number. If he has my cell phone number to provide with his references I have seen him, feel comfortable with him, would love to see him again, (more than likely he is great in the sack) oops off topic? , maybe.. you decide)

next what would make you stand out................ fantastic performance, lots of time, or for me a bad experience biggest stand outs being the negative ones.

Please keep in mind that I prefer keep things at a low volume thus for me it is easier to remember individuals. though this is not alway possible. thus in such cases I go to my addy book which has email, first name and for last has a notation pertaining to good or bad
on notes I may from time to time for my own purposes note if he enjoys a particular passtime which even if asked i do not share with others it just helps me for when it comes to remembering names (and sometimes email addies) I suck
(no that does not mean I am offering you a bbbjtcimnsns)

Now for next parts of your questioning

NO Georgia is not my real name, I chose that handle here for the simple reason that I love the work of Georgia O'Keefe.
yes I do expect you to give me your real name for I am in a much more vulnerable possiton in this than you are.
I always try to personalize my responses to any inquiry and make sure that in the body of my message it is apperent. (keep in mind that I am very low volume by choice thus it is much easier for me than it is for many to respond individualy to inquiries.

ok on the bank account info pins passwords,,,,,,,,

frankly if you sent me such and I did not know you (I have a few friends whom I sort of act as travel agent for thus I have all that info then some but they are not hobby related)  
ok back to the frankly...........
if you were to send me such you would go into my nutcase file
do not see
do not respond
take cover
run for the hills
(not far from the boonies here in east tennessee)
and last if not least ......... block any future incoming bombs

oh and btw do you prefer a flogger or a crop when you bend over for that spanking?

femaleartist See my TER Reviews 3515 reads
4 / 17
VonRyan 15 Reviews 3414 reads
5 / 17

You may want to put your providers at ease a bit first like shooting the shit over some wine or champers but

This line should work(LINK)... although if you substitute words for grandma and bingo your back to square 1...

Good luck!


sweetnsoft 3299 reads
6 / 17

I have a fairly easy time remembering my regulars. I don't keep a database, but I have a great memory for email handles. If you are using a provider for a reference, it's best to ask her first, so that you have an opportunity to refresh her memory if need be...before the other (new) girl calls. again, if you're a regular she'll most likely remember you right away, but if you have only seen her once, best to double check.

I don't see why you get mean emails from providers for using an alias, as long as you come clean once you start the screening process. Alot of my clients email me under a nickname first, or just use their initials until they're sure they're dealing with a legit girl.

Happy hunting and happy holidays~!

Lex Luethor 4401 reads
7 / 17

I have a shaved head and I can never get it up. They all remember me.

Heck, I don't doubt that I'm the joke of the provider-only board they all pretend doesn't exist.


BloPop 27 Reviews 2153 reads
8 / 17

That's what I would think and that's typically the way I handle it ... certainly don't mind giving my real info for verification once I know you will be legit

maybe i'm just overly sensitive ... from all the ass slapping i've been getting ... "now, you are going to remember me if I do this, aren't you???"  lol

LVP 2 Reviews 2133 reads
9 / 17
r_bear11 23 Reviews 5011 reads
11 / 17

It was a deli sandwich. I would say she is a keeper!

netmichelle See my TER Reviews 1996 reads
12 / 17
SS344 5 Reviews 3268 reads
13 / 17

 That's just weird! What's the implied implication there? "You toss mine, I'll toss yours" Lol. Good one Nettie!

SS344 5 Reviews 3854 reads
14 / 17

 You are a wacko Von Ryan. I think you missed the express at the station, but I loved the post and the link. ROTF!

Conjugal Coddger 1551 reads
16 / 17
Conjugal Coddger 4194 reads
17 / 17

If she doesnt remember you she will not forget the toy if it's a good one...Rate her a 10,   Or let her tie you up. Or bring strawberries and chocolate sauce.  whatever works......    Hello   I am in so much trouble now...

-- Modified on 12/7/2004 9:16:03 PM

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