TER General Board

Re:"The Princess Bride"
redheadedbbw See my TER Reviews 3212 reads

You have mail, MrSelfDestruct.

... Question posed was "what do you believe even though you cannot prove it?"

-- Modified on 1/5/2005 5:45:01 AM

Buss' read is informative and thought provoking: a behaviorist who believes in True Love even though he can't prove it exists.
 But I have another observation:
  I'd like to do Maria Spiropulu and if she'd sit on my face I CAN prove it.

I'm not sure what I believe about true love myself.  I am a firm believer in lust, and I can support your "vision".

Saw that this weekend, and I will cry at parts of that movie until I am six feet under.  I am a romantic until I die, and I will never stop believing in true love, just as many believe in a Judeo-Christian verison of God.  With true love, though, there are examples of people who have lived it.  Not many...but enough to prove that it can happen to those who are willing to work for it, who believe in what love can bring to their lives, and who are blessed with meeting someone who inspires them more than anyone else.

It reminds me of a line from the movie "The Rapture" that basically says "Only the humble can see God".  In some ways, I think this applies to true love as well.  In love, pride goeth before the fall.  The key is to find someone who sees this as well, and not be with people who take advantage of your good nature.

Another interesting story on true love is "The Slave" by Isaac Singer.  Not specifically about true love, per se, but it is an element of a story about self-discovery.

You have mail, MrSelfDestruct.

I caught The Rapture on TV once in the middle of the night. A very odd movie, but it really had a strange effect of drawing me in. Not my ideology, but an interesting concept.

I love the Princess Bride. The poisoning scene never ceases to amuse me, and although it is a bit on the cheesy side, you are right, it is a good example of true love.

You are obviously an analytical person...I like the way you break things down.  I would like to discuss this post, as well as your other one, with you some, but, as you said you don't have a VIP membership, I can't PM you.  You said you would be willing to e-mail, so would you drop me an e-mail so I can pursue this?  My addy is [email protected]

Ok now I am going to have to start renting videos so as to be able to see the rapture and princess bride.
want to join me?

I own both, so you can just wait until you come out here, and I will show them to you. :)

Of course, it would be more fun MAKING a movie than watching one...

... nice post MSD.  

The closest I can come to a definition of 'true love" is a relationship where the lovers are each enriched & empowered by their relationship.

WebTerrorist2946 reads

Quite some time ago, on another messageboard, the question was posed:  
"If you could meet anyone living or dead, who would it be?"

My reply was something along the lines of:

"If I could meet someone I could love, that could love me.
Someone I cared for and that cared for me.
Someone I could desire, that could desire me.
Someone that made want to be, and be, a better person when we were together, than when we were apart.
Someone that could overlook my faults, forgive my failings and believe in my potential, and that I could do the same for.
Someone that could comfort me, that I could comfort.
Someone that would challenge me and be challenged by me.
Someone that I could give to and receive from, freely and openly.
Someone that I wanted and needed, that wanted and needed me.
Someone that made me want to be more, do more, experience more and give more to them, and the world, that I could do the same for.
Then the 'who' wouldn't matter, but living would probably be better than dead."

I guess that's the closest I've ever come to puting what I think "true love" is into words, though it falls miserably short.
I do beleive true love exists, for a very lucky few.
I do believe some people can find it.
I don't believe I'm one of those people.
I can't even find false love.
Hell, I can't even find lust.

First, if you found that poerson, and they were physically disfigured, would it matter to you?

Second, you came to the right place for lust! :)

Thanks for the post.

WebTerrorist3069 reads

Quote:  " First, if you found that person, and they were physically disfigured, would it matter to you?"

I would like to think that it would not matter, but as it hasn't happened, I can't say for certain.

Though, I will say this, in the course of my life I have only "hit on"/"flirted"  with two people, that I didn't already know, with the intention of something akin to romantic/sexual intent (I have joked with more people than that, but it had no real intent) the first was when I was in college, he had a severe limp from falling off a roof.  The second was when I went to bar with some people I knew, he was in a wheelchair.  So I guess that disabilities, at least don't bother me.

If it were someone that needed caring for, due to illness or disability, I think I would be ok with that as well.  I took care of my Mother for quite some time...of course I had to, I had promised myself at 8 years old, after watching my Mother take care of my Grandmother through illness until death, that I would do the same for my Mother...it took me a long time to do it, but I kept my promise, but then, I loved her so I could no less.

If on the other hand it is a deformity that involves one's appearance, I do believe that everyone has at least one, some more, feature that is absolutely stunning.  The kind of beauty that you can't will your eyes to look away from.  It can be something as easily overlooked as the arch of a foot, a shoulder, the way they move their hands so that they seem almost as if they are dancing, I was once awestruck by a woman's clavicles, and another's sternocleidomastoid, and that is just the physical.  When you get to know people, see their hearts, minds and souls....that is when you witness real beauty, and are humbled by it.

Sadly,  this may be the right place, but I'm wrong for it.
Of the providers I have met (I'm not actually a hobbyist, I work for providers doing webdesign/webmastering and taking pictures and such) those that I have had the chance to talk to and get to know a bit I have liked as people, but nothing happened of any sort of sexual nature. One that I had a chance to spend even more time with, told me she considers me a friend, I like having friends....so that's good, but nothing happened beyond talking with any of them.  I was told that, apparently, something could have happened with one of the ladies (I still say there was no indication of that, though everyone I tell about the events of that meeting tells me I'm an idiot.) "but, I had to be 'friends'", but given the choice I would rather be her friend than not, despite that it means there are things I may wish could be that can't because of it.

To Femaleartist:
I wish I could believe that is so, for me, but if my personal history has taught me anything, it is that I while I am many things, a hopeless romantic, a bit of a fatalist, and a cynic (both meanings), to name a few, I am not lovable or desirable...but I think I do still hope, I just can't believe.

Oh, one other thing Miss Artist, I would be most interested in seeing some of your work, if that would be at all possible.
I, myself, am a traditionally trained Fine Artist, a figure artist to be exact, working in colored pencil, conte, oils, monotypes, and in the last couple of years digital art, and do so enjoy seeing the work of other artists.

very well said though I would also say never give up u never know what or who is around the next corner in your life

CelticLass2951 reads

And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva... Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam...

That movie is an absolute classic. The best part is under all of the humor is one of the greatest love stories of all time.

I think I will go watch it now..LOL

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