TER General Board

Re:The answers all seem to point to the same thing
thevirginiadude 8 Reviews 2824 reads

Should have taken the time to teach her.  If she was like my wife she really wanted to know how to do it right.  Well She still isn't the best but she is fairly good.  Only thing I have not talked her intoyet is a 3-way but I'm trying.

Ci Ci4986 reads

Have you ever got so sore down there from a lady doing BBBJ that you had to tell her to stop?


Yes, who ever told a woman that it feels GOOD to have their teeth SCRAPING up and down my johnson needs to be bitch slapped.


After being stood up by the same young lady for the third time in two weeks, I got impatient and made a phone call to another provider in the same small Wisconsin town I was visiting.

My wife read somewhere a long time ago "Bite with the lips, not with the teeth."

In addition to the toothy BBBJ, this provider had an iron grip while using her hands. I started with gentle hints - "Oh, I like it soft and slow", but finally had to make her stop.

I ended up with a couple abrasions that took almost a week to heal.

Almost forgot - yes, I did review her, but TER rejected the review due to a bad website.

-- Modified on 3/31/2004 4:08:55 AM

Anais_nin3346 reads

I agree, most ladies need to realize that what one guy likes, another may hate.  I know of guys who like the firm grip and others don't even like any hands.   If a guy interupts me while in motion to show me how he likes it, I am not offended as I don't know all the likes and dislikes about this person just yet.  So guys, feel free to nicely tell us, "here honey, this is how I like it" :)

Couple of times, then I moved away from it and went to something else.

"Baby don't bite it, suck it"


Beware of providers with an overbite!


Yes.  Once in Mexico I had a bj from a famous BJ Artist, but her techinque involved so much suction I had a hickie for days after.

Yes.... and it was from someone not experienced enough to realise dragging teeth will do a job on that delicate skin.

The main way this tends to happen is if the woman is doing it too roughly or too mechanically.

As always, communication is the key.

Actually raises a point.  An old SO who gave poor ones always told me I ought to tell her what she was doing wrong.  But the whole point to me of the bbbj is for me to stop thinking... an impasse.

So we just fucked a lot every other way except anal and 3ways...

Should have taken the time to teach her.  If she was like my wife she really wanted to know how to do it right.  Well She still isn't the best but she is fairly good.  Only thing I have not talked her intoyet is a 3-way but I'm trying.

Sheesh-  I've had less than 15 bjs IN MY LIFE!  Only 5 to the end., so I'm not too good at giving direction...

It's one of the reasons I like this site/Community

Damn, I have had more than that in the average 2 week span.  I love a BBJTCCIM more than just about anything.

-- Modified on 4/1/2004 5:49:04 AM

BRHa4318 reads

No!  I caution that I like it wet, soft, slow,& easy.

However, tt really hurts when the get to jamming hard on Mr. Johnson only to bend him in the middle, get sour then.

Not yet, but if you're available I'm willing to try!  ;^)

I do find that most are delivered FAR too vigorously for my tastes...  Based on reviews, comments on boards, and field experience, it appears that most guys prefer a fast and heavy touch  over the slow, soft, wet ones.  OK.  Again, I have a boner now, and this time it's my own post.  How weird is that.

Ci Ci3037 reads

ask that question. I'm usually careful in that area but, like others, probably get carried away sometimes (although I've never had too many complaints in that department).


Well if the scraping starts, I meantion something before the abrasions happen.  Outside of that I let the woman do it however she likes.  Her being into it is real important.  And everyone has their own style.

I have two stories and neither from a provider...both real life gals

Once while getting a BJ she had a chipped tooth and a tiny bit of skin got caught between those teeth and I jumped up holding my penis...blood spraying all over the place...she however was laughing like a hyena(she was less than contrite later too)...I was out of action for over a week after that(and had a scar for months)

The other time was during the LAST time I ever 69ed with a lady...in this business or not

She was on top and um...nearing the "finish line" and I went into overdrive on her clit...she just as she cum...she bit down on my poor penis...I grabbed her hips and tossed her to the other side of the bed and checked myself out...fortunately she didn't break the skin but I had teeth marks about half way down for three days

She was more apologetic than the first woman but I never will 69 again if I live to be 100

Chipped tooth lady happened early on when I was first becoming sexual with women and maybe that's why in over 20 years I haven't cum from a BJ(some experiences fade with time but while writing about chipped tooth lady I was wincing almost the whole time)...I doubt THAT memory will EVER fade away

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