TER General Board

Re:TER vs. Big Doggie
Guz 25 Reviews 4047 reads

When I first started the hobby, I used BOTH boards to get info but eventually I gave my membership money to TER. I find TER is a lot better to follow. The reviews are great to read (for the most part), the members when contacted will usually reply back with a honest and good answer.

Some of the providers I've seen know TBD more so than they know TER so I guess TBD is more popular with the ladies...for whatever reason.

Pork Sword5933 reads

of each. Please be fair and HONEST with your answers.  Most of the things I hear about Big Doggie are negative (except from some providers that have been reviewed negativelyon TER).

Lex Luethor3195 reads

[whispering]...about even mentioning that other, evil site by name.

Only on that other website.  Staff is pretty free about it around here.


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi

ellobo693972 reads

Immediate posts vs delayed posts and more graphic reviews of providers on TER.

The only difference I see, is there are more providers posting on that board. This one is used primarily for reviews, hence the "R" in TER.
Also this board requires juicy details or they kick the review back. Just my 2 cents.

you are in the right place and probably prefer to spend time with like-minded women. TER is the best bet for you.

I don't think that's fair Abby :( You're insinuating all TER folks are crude barbarians..an unfortunate stereotype that a few TBD "elitist type" hobbyists and some "primadonna type" escorts have fabricated . A lot of us gents.. and ladies utilize both boards. TER has a more democratic discussion board than TBD. TBD has way too many "TOC's" that stifle open debate in my opinion. On the other hand I'm not too fond of the juicy detail policy here at TER. I'm not real comfortable with kiss & tell and I know the  problems it can sometimes create for a lady.

TBD is ok ... MHO TBD is ran very well but there is very little discussion and turnover of posts is slow .... I also feel that TBD regional boards (posts) are generated more by providers than by us the hobbiest.  Now if you want a board that really rocks and can  be down right cruel check out the redbook (San Fran)site .........

The guys ask very direct questions and have no problems getting vocal. They really frown at shills, white knights, suckups, etc. and usually get nasty with those kind of posters. :-).

PS... I love TER too :-)... just being a suckup.

RB in San Francisco is dominated by hobbyists who understand that this is primarly a business for the ladies.  There's lots of discussion about performance, cost, value and the ladies but not nearly as much bullshit tolerated from lapdogs who think the 'connect' with a call girl everytime they go out and play for an hour or two.  Lapdogs and suckups are mercilessly attacked until they leave altogether.

TBD, OTOH, is loaded with guys sucking up to the ladies, especially on the East Coast city boards.  It's downright nauseating at times.  And the number of self-written and just plain bullshit reviews is apalling.  There's no control whatsoever and, therefore, little reliability in what's contained in the review db.  It's especially atrocius in the SF board where some ladies have written themselves 50 or 60 reviews - all false!  The one good thing about TBD is that posts apply to the board immediately.

TER has reliable reviews in the database and I've found them to be more acurate and plentiful than on any other national board.  The drawback to TER is the lag time in the posts.  On the SF board, this can run to 2 or 3 DAYS before a post actually gets placed on the site.  That's one reason why that board has been largely abandoned as a discussion venue by the members.  

The other major problem with TER is the large number of lapdogs and shills on certain boards, especially NY, where the majority of male posters seems to feel obligated to constantly overwhelm the ladies with appreciation for taking their money and over-complimenting them as a method for keeping them posting.  You rarely see any kind of objectivity by the men there and certainly no criticism of a lady, even when its merited.

Don't get me wrong tho, I like TER and think its a great source of info.  Just getting a bit tired of the lapdogs and their loss of touch with reality.

diaperman3406 reads

That board will be busted soon. One of the leaders of nambla (chicken hawk) runs his operation out of the philly board. Do a search of him on the net. He was the reason for operation candyland. The reviews are fake there. If your a provider running ads there you don't get bad reviews. Plus 75% of the guys on the philly board play the skin flute.

-- Modified on 12/30/2004 3:28:48 PM

Stewie Griffin4514 reads

where do you come up with these incredible stories?

Now tell the truth ..and remember..."for every spinkle I find...I shall kill you!"

The reviews are fake where?  On all of TBD, or just the Philly board?

Many reviews there are exactly the same as the same reviewer posting a review here.  So if they are fake there, they are probably fake here to.

I have not been a member of Big Doggie, but I looked at both sites and decided to use TER.  I did not like Big Doggie's site for a number of reasons, one being that it seemed like 99.99% of the reviews gave ratings of "highly recommended," which smelled to me of BS. Of course with BD you cannot read the reviews without VIP membership, which you cannot get without paying, so to be fair it was hard to judge completely. Also, I like the discussion boards on TER much more than BD. I like the rating system on TER, as well as the search system, and the reviews and profiles are very informative.  There will be problems with reviews and ratings on any system like this, but TER and its members seem to put the effort into keeping them as honest as possible. Overall, I have been very happy with TER.  It has really improved the quality of my experience.

TER is much more informative. TBD is more about being a community. I'm a member of both and I find both have their own qualities for me. Of course your experience will be different on both (as they will on redbook or dixie or anywhere else because we're all different and we're all looking for different experiences.  I reccommend trying all the sites and see which experience works the best for you. But my bet is when it's time to party and you need REAL research you'll end up back here.  One other difference is that each board has regions it is stronger in.  For instance I would say TER is a lot more prevalent than Big Dog in DC.  But TER is still catching up in Florida.  TER is stronger in LA but TBD may have an edge in some southern states.  Part of this will be due to the personalities that submit to the boards and chat rooms. If more of the Florida gentlemen took a more active role here this board could dominate Florida, but so far they have chosen to post more on TBD or dixie. Try them all. Only you can answer this question for yourself - really.

Pork Sword3476 reads

truth and hobbyists. Doggie second class from what I gather.

And the people there say the same thing about TER.  It all depends on your point of view.

A point:  I can submit a false review here on a provider I've never seen and easily get 15 days of free VIP time.  TBD doesn't give free memberships.  Does that mean it happens here?  I don't know - maybe, maybe not.  But that's why TBD exclusive members feel THEIR board is superior to this one.

If your are a paid member of TBD and submit a review, you get points toward a VIP membership (gold status). Although you do not get a free membership, you do have an incentive to post reviews on TBD.

Reviews...When is the last time you read a bad review on TBD where the provider has a banner ad or directory listing on that board?

-- Modified on 12/31/2004 5:38:40 AM

I don't know the exact number, but I've seen several reviews that meet this.  Of course all the regulars there jump to the defense of the lady, but the review still stands.

there are a few but since they did away with the numerical system it's sometimes had to tell between a poor session and a mediocre, only the truly awful get your attention.

But what do the numbers mean here????  I've seen reviews here where the review gave the lady a 9 in service, but the review was barely a 6 by TER rules.  As for looks, that is completely in the eye of the beholder.  I've seen ladies that are 5'2" and 300 pounds get "Model Material" ratings here, and if that's your thing that's fine.  

Numbers are meaningless when the subject they rate is so non-objective.

-- Modified on 12/31/2004 4:49:05 PM

I too am a member of both.  TER provides better and more detailed information from both a quantitative and quality viewpoint.  This is especially true if you travel to different parts of the country.

But, as others have said, check them both out and see what is best for your area.

TBD in my view is more a provider site...TER is more a hobbiest site. The reviews on TER are very valuable....very much more informative. I am a member on both boards as well

SweetTina3029 reads

First off, let me thank the originator of this thread. I have been wanting to ask that question for the longest time but thought it would be in bad taste to do so. Second, I read that Big Doggie was raided by LE in FL. That scares me as I am in FL and I haven't joined for that very reason and I am sometimes afraid of that happening on this board. I will join to see how it is but I feel really safe on this board, not dogging the other board.

I have never been on that board, so I don't know what it's like.

However, I do like the fact that people here care enough to try to reach out to others in need.  This seems like a very good community.

And on TBD, most of the things you hear about TER are negative.  It's all relative.

I belong to both.  I find the discussion boards there are move lively, and the review here to be more graphic.  IMO both boards should be taken together to get the full truth.

When I first started the hobby, I used BOTH boards to get info but eventually I gave my membership money to TER. I find TER is a lot better to follow. The reviews are great to read (for the most part), the members when contacted will usually reply back with a honest and good answer.

Some of the providers I've seen know TBD more so than they know TER so I guess TBD is more popular with the ladies...for whatever reason.

I have found the discussions here at TER to be a much more civilized sharing of ideas and perspectives. There is much more participation, so the thread topics evolve and move on very quickly. However, TBD has some local information that I cannot get here. There are also provider's ads/messages on the local/regional boards that I would not otherwise see or know about.

Once I became familiar with both boards, I can now visit both sites and quickly and effeciently find the information I desire or read/participate in a discussion. So, it is a combination of both that works best for me.

As for quality and accuracy of reviews for either and/or both sites, I am sure we could all debate this as it's own topic at another time.

To Answer2652 reads

Much more thorough, complete, up-to-date reliable, time after time after time info.....

I was curious and had some time on my hands with the holidays in full swing. I checked out some reviews as a non-member. I feel that they do not give as much information as TER reviews but the ratings on whether one would see a provider again were clearer.

The Bigdoggie discussions looked like trash, the ones here are better by a large margin.

Overall, based upon what I saw, TER is the superior site, plus the logo also looks better.

...am now just a member of TER.  I travel a lot and found that TER's review search function is much better at finding candidate providers in some town that I am traveling to (if you need more info on this, backchannel me).

Like many of the previous posters, I have found that the reviews on TBD are too general to get a good feel for a provider.  Now, the TBD folks all beat their chests that theirs are the only truly objective reviews, since TER gives membership credit for writing reviews.  But I have sniffed out as many hokey sounding reviews on TBD as on TER, so this ends up being a trivial, unproveable argument.

Lastly, especially for the DC boards, I have found that the TBD discussion postings tend to run more toward juvenile, slash and burn attacks than intelligent postings.  Also the TBD "Members Only" board in DC is pretty much a repeater of the public board with only a few provider photos thrown-in, so it isn't worth the price of membership IMHO.

So, I just pay money to TER now. And this was another 2 cents...

Lex Luethor3474 reads

...so I just joined the other board.

Since I already waste half of my days here, I guess now I'll be on hobbyist boards 24/7. :S

pooterhunter1926 reads

Okay for what it's worth, and it's just my biased opinion:  Every board has its cadre of gents and ladies that participate a lot - they keep the communities going. There is no delicate way to put this but my observation has been that the majority of ladies dominating TBD are not the hottest or the wildest women. They are pleasant and certainly not anyone to run from. But look at some of the ladies that frequent our boards and chat:  SMOKING!  I don't know why that is. I do see some of our more prolific ladies stop by TBD once in awhile but not nearly as consistently as they are here.  Am I just looking at the wrong booty or has anyone else noticed this?  And it's not just one isolated board, I'm talking about the general and 7 local boards that I lurk/post on both sites.

Another good thing for reviewers: you don't have those numerical scores.  That takes some pressure off, as you won't generally have provider complain to you that you gave the session just an 8.  

Bad thing about TBD-- for reviews, quality and bullshit control are nil.  Yes, you could write a review there easily, but the reviews there are far less reliable.


Lex Luethor1970 reads

It's nice not to have them. Here an 8 almost seems "bad" if you liked the woman personally (and hope to see her again), but let's face it, once you get out of newbie-euphoria, it's quite a leap from "Hot time" to "Went that extra mile"...

...and "Forgot it was a service"? My wife wouldn't even earn that.

And "Once in a Life Time"? Let's see that would be... when my ATF tells me she's moved to this area, that she wants me to take the cover off so she can have my child, that she's rich so she won't need child support, and that it's OK if I don't divorce my wife because a) she's always thought polygamy was the natural order of things and she just wants to be wife No. 2 and b) she really is bi-sexual and is looking forward to steamy threesomes well into our golden years.

-- Modified on 1/2/2005 9:10:41 AM


I think numerical scales here are really ludicrous.  You can't quantify something that is so completely subjective.  That makes the number mean nothing.

Ever look at a reviewer's history and notice they may have seen 20 providers, and that several of them are "Once in a Lifetime" ratings?  Isn't "Once in a liftime" something that you should only have once in your lifetime?  Not multiple times in less than a year?

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