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Re:Since I follow ALL Orders from Sexy Women:My Polygamy Post
stilltryin25 16 Reviews 4780 reads
1 / 21

Hopefully, this will not go political.  Sooo, how do we get started?  Hey, maybe with some questions!!!
-If you could be a polygamist, would you do it?
-If you were a polygamist, would you hobby?
-And, If you were a polygamist, how many women would you take?
-If you were a polygamist, would you take on younger women periodically?
- Any questions that I missed?

Raoul Duke 3229 reads
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Good Lord!! More than one wife? Even if they were subserviant, they would still be pains in the ass, unless of course, they were mutes...LOL

No polygamy for this dude....

EWADS 7 Reviews 2238 reads
3 / 21

If you could be a polygamist, would you do it?

No way! Trying to sustain one 24/7 ongoing relationship is hard enough. That's why we call this hobbying ;)

1woody 18 Reviews 3223 reads
4 / 21

Now if all the wives were bi just think of the possibilities.I would let them bring in the new or younger wives to the family.For some things there is master card, but this would be priceless.

EWADS 7 Reviews 2025 reads
5 / 21

The number of two-way interactions between any number of parties in relationship can be expressed by the formula n(n-1). In other words, if you had two wives, the number of two interactions you would be involved would be six [3(3-1) 3x2 = 6]. This assumes that no two parties could conspire to influence the behavior of the other party. In that case, the number of interactions would be twelve.

Throw in children, several of which could be girls (I have 3)and the amount of estrogen in the environment could be overwhelming! That's why my only son and I keep our golf clubs in the trunk of the car, ready to play at a moments notice.

1woody, you are either mad or one brave dude.

Hobby on

netmichelle See my TER Reviews 4060 reads
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Within a month they will all be having their menses at the same time, then you will not be getting any!

sedonasandiego See my TER Reviews 3609 reads
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Because THAT'S something that sounds like fun! Three's the charm, but why stop there?? LOL

megapig 2769 reads
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Being a Polygamist means:

Hearing "You don't love me like you used to" IN STEREO

Hearing "where is this relationship headed"  IN SURROUND SOUND

Having TWO pairs of stockings hanging in your shower

Just imagine every tiny little glitch in your marriage.  
Then imagine every little bitch and complaint that your wife has about you.  
Then imagine your wife having someone who really DOES understand what you put her through.

Then imagine the two of them being ALLIES.

MasterYoda2 4 Reviews 4161 reads
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My dad made a comment to me when I was about 14 (which was NOT 886 years ago...when 900 years YOU are, look as good YOU will not) that has stuck with me.

He said, "I could spend my entire life exploring everything there is to know about ONE woman.  I don't have time for another one."


devie 2913 reads
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Relationships are complicated enough without the added weight of the legal implications and ramifications.

Gahlil Gibran 3377 reads
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Those three terms are used in perspectvie of monogamy.

My expereinece was with plural marriage when I lived in New Zealand. I was the third husband, where there was three wives.

Does it sound odd to you to be married to more than one wife AND one husband? It didn't to me. It was bliss.

All the complaints, worries and fears I have seen expressed by Raoul, phroaddog, netmichelle, megapig, and MasterYoda, are valid in monogamy and polygamy but evaporate in a plural marriage. Plus, the children were never without a parent. Financial issues become much less as well.

Remember, monogamy was created to mainly control the wealth through a patrilineal system. It was maintained to assure who the father was so that the wealth could stay in the male side. Polygamy maintains this system as well. (read some Margaret Mead) Polyandry and plural marriages upsets this system. Modern technology with DNA testing has made monogamy virtually obsolete. You can see this today with the new phrase being used....."serial monogamy."

Human capacity to love via eros, familial, and agape is unlimited.

Would I do it again?  In a heartbeat!

EWADS 7 Reviews 3826 reads
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Believe, me at those times of the month, 18 holes in the middle of a perfectly manicured green is a welcome refuge! LOL

1woody 18 Reviews 2948 reads
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MasterYoda2 4 Reviews 2532 reads
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Didn't think I was expressing a complaint, worry or fear but a choice.

My dad's point was that there are so many aspects to any one woman that it's just not possible to get to know all of her if your attention is divided.

In terms pbroaddog might agree with, the mathematical equation of a plural relationship would have to be that the Intimacy Achieved with an Individual Member of the Group (I) varies directly with the amount of Quality Time Available (T) and inversely with the number of other Members (M) (I = T/M).  If you're in a relationship with two women, you have half the time available to get to know each of them, with three women, you have a third of the time, and so on.  Set aside more time to devote to the relationship and you'll increase the intimacy.  Having more husbands only serves to keep all the wives busy all the time.

When an individual tries to achieve intimacy with more than one person at a time, he or she sacrifices depth of intimacy with both.

I choose depth.

On the other hand, a buddy of mine always says, "You never REALLY know a woman until you've faced her in court."


Blue672 3 Reviews 3934 reads
17 / 21

....that comes riding in looking curiously interesting only to present you with your own personal DOOM several times over.

MP, I would guess you and I have somewhat widely divergent views on any number of issues, perhaps none moreso than in the political arena, but I have to say your penchant for zany sarcasm and humorous one-liners is truly amusing.

A welcome respite from the stridency of the politcal "debate" of late.

FreedomRider225 4153 reads
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A hot looking nymphomaniac,
A clean freak
A sensitive "care-giver"

  With that mix I would be in Hog Heaven. No need to hobby, the house in perfect order and my emotional needs fully satisfied.


Yellow Feather 3024 reads
19 / 21

You saw it right, thirty thousand. Mostly in Utah, but some other western states as well. For the most part, it amounts to child rape, when grown men take 12 and 13 year old girls as additional "wives." The worst thing is that the law looks the other way. They did bust one guy a couple of years ago, but only because he was fool enough to get on TV and brag about his five wives.

These people belong to the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS), or Fundamentalist Mormons. The regular Mormon church will kick you out for polygamy. But the followers of the fundamentalist version claim to be "pure" adherants to the original teachings of the church, going back to founder Joseph Smith.

There are two communities on the Utah-Arizona border above the Grand Canyon where a bunch of these people live. In addition to the child rape issue, there is also a lot of inbreeding. The females in these communities are threatened with harm if they try to leave the group. One girl got away and wrote a book about it.

We may joke about having more than one wife, but this certainly isn't a joke.

FearlessLeader 2890 reads
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...so long as each wife comes with a mute switch. But I guess the real question is: Why would anyone want three of what could drive him crazy??

whitenite 18 Reviews 3349 reads
21 / 21

No, because men are too insecure. [eom]

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