TER General Board

Re:She does have to restore her energy! (eom)
SULLY 24 Reviews 2161 reads

I say old bird, you left out a deucedly obvious power supply:

The cuppa

I have it on good authority that a cup o' char can get her back to rights in no time...

Or, of course Guiness- "refreshes the parts other beers cannot reach"

From a Provider4829 reads

Having had scores of trips with clients, all AMAZING, incredible times!!!, with both regulars and new clients, my tips for guys and women are these:

1)  Always allow ample time apart -- absence makes the heart..... and we all need personal space/ down-time, an hour or more several times a day to rest, regroup...

2)  Know them well via numerous emails and/or personal recommendations.  But one guy's prize is another's...  Talk on the phone first.  Feel a connection.

3)  Agree upon sleep habits.  One guy I was with wanted to stay up ALL night having sex!  (He hadn't had it in over a year...)  Have stayed up like that before, when I was REALLY crazy about the guy and we were in a rare, steamy love affair!!, but otherwise need 6-8 hours sleep.

4)  Communicate your plans.  If you have full days of meetings and just want an evening/overnight/early morning companion to ease the loneliness of your travels, and do plan to sleep, she'll likely give you a lower rate, knowing it's not 24/7 -- again, we all need our time away.

5)  Quality of the destination/ experience.  If you're going to the Four Seasons in Bali, giving her ample time alone, a separate room, a shopping stipend, etc, then, of course, you're likely to fare MUCH better by communicating that.  In short, ANY benefits, whether free time, exciting activities planned, luxury status, or monetary benefits, should be immediately communicated to ensure the best rate.

6)  Negotiate rates.  Tell her your plans, including the above notes, and your budget.  Tell her you have x amount to spend, and that you were wondering for how many days she could come with that amount.  If she likes you, you're likely to get a treat!

Happy travels!!!

all-you-can-eat Indian Lunch Buffet at the "Heap-O-Tandoori Cafe".
 But I could still give you a little "time away" during the meal if you need it.  I'll turn my chair and nibble on some Naan while you finish your Saag Paneer.
Jockeypants while waiting for my ship to come in.

Dirk Bogard3334 reads

C'mon Dearie!...Get with it, girl!

Your sleeping .41667 of your life away.

That's 152 days out of the year without your unbounded,unbelievable,unashamed,undaunted sensuality.
Almost 22 weeks of UNNET MICHELLE!
Oh, the humanity!


and awake from your slumber.

Dirk Bogard1858 reads

Yes I know Karlee, Dearest but

Its rumored that a certain part of NM's body has it's own power
supply. I've heard this through a very reliable source.
The "juice" cums through various ways.Let's examine two possible sources.




I say old bird, you left out a deucedly obvious power supply:

The cuppa

I have it on good authority that a cup o' char can get her back to rights in no time...

Or, of course Guiness- "refreshes the parts other beers cannot reach"

Ci Ci2542 reads

it is hard when you're doing an overnighter not to get any sleep, but at least you can plan for the next day to rest if you know in advance. However, two days of tirelessly heated passion without sleep is exhausting and the performance will suffer. I've had clients that are non-stop, even follow me into the bathroom. It drives me crazy! Give me some time alone or at least let me sleep in. Some will even get up and make a lot of noise so that you wake up at 6 a.m., and they expect you to look great and begin the next day. My sleeping patterns are different. I'm not a great sleeper to begin with, so sometimes I'll sleep until 9 or 10 a.m. given that I fall asleep at 1 a.m. because I wake up often in the night, while my lover is sound asleep and snoring. He then wakes up feeling perky while I'm exhausted. If I went on a week vacation with a client, I would have to be honest with him and tell him I need some time alone, too, even if it's just to sleep.

have my body while I'm resting. It wouldn't bother me in the least.
 Besides sleep I don't need that much "me time"...I'll get that when I'm dead.  I'm a damn people person.  If YOU need "me time" I'll just watch you having it.  That wouldn't bother you would it?!

 The obvious solution is to take two providers with you and split your time between them.  The three of you could get together once a night for the co-educational part of the journey but the rest of the time there could be a kinda tag-team set-up.  (Now I'm thinking wrestling outfits...hmmmm.)

I need "me" time everyday...and not to sleep in.  Just to take my i-pod out for a walk.  When we go on our weekend, even if it's just to Jockeypant's Fatasty-Land, you'll be able to sleep and have "me" time.  And if I wake up earlier than you (like THAT'S gonna happen...) I'll be silent as I draw you with a charcoal pencil and make tape recordings of your snoring for my sound files.
 But when my ship comes in and I call you for a weekend can we eat the Indian food on the LAST night? (for personel reasons best left undiscussed on a classy board such as this)

Many thanks for the advice from the provider’s side.  I forgot about needing some space during the weekend.  I do like to get out of the hotel room during the day and do other activities such as shopping and doing some of the tourist things.

I did learn from experience about sleep time and who is a PM person and who is an AM person.  I get up about 5:30am during the week and about 6:30am or 7am on weekends.  It is an interesting experience when the other person is a PM person and likes to sleep until 9 or 10am.

I posted some hints a couple of weeks ago.  My concerns also include smoking and drinking.  I do not smoke and it can be a long weekend with a smoker.  I also like to remain sober and limit the amount of alcohol consumed during the weekend events.

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