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Re:Sex in World War II .......... Tonight ..... at 11
BILL18356 3284 reads

I'm not going to watch this show. Whenever I watch shows like this my mind starts wandering and I get to thinking of the hygiene issues in those days.

Am I the only one that cant help but think of how repulsive these people must have smelled back then? Half of them didnt have teeth let alone brush them, no soap, no shampoo, no deodorant, no running water. Not counting all the clothes the women wore back then , think about that God aweful smell when she undressed for a minute, better yet imagine the guys wearing those crusty old long johns. eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww that smell.Oh and just think for a minute of all of these guys and girls sharing a bed , betcha they didnt change the sheets if they even had sheets.

Oh my gosh how did they ever do oral in those days? And how about all you Foot and Rim fetish people out there??? Tell me that aint a visual that could drive ya to celebancy

eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww its worse than kissing great grandma

Nope I'm just gonna sit right here and look at pornboy pics that are posted and be thankful I wasnt born 150 years ago  

Even if you are not a "history buff", if you spend any time on this site, the program on the History Channel tonight (11 pm Eastern and Pacific) is a "must see".  This appears to be the same show I have seen in the past; the following is my recollection of the history it relates.
   Hotel Street in Honolulu was a "tolerated" red-light district, though the police had placed restrictions on the women (e.g., they could not live out of the district and could not have a bank account).  After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Army's Provost Marshal (head of the military police) had legal authority over Hawaii (it was then a territory, not a state, for you "whippersnappers").
   With the influx of large numbers of military men, the women raised their rate to $5.  (Yes,  five dollars.)  However, the military brass (no typo here either) protested because that was a rate that their "boys" could not afford.  The women put their rate back to $3.  However, here was the downside:  the service came to be known as "three minutes for three dollars".  (No GFE or PSE here ..... might, however, have been ALE ........ assembly line experience.)  Men were lined up down the block.  ("Is kissing allowed?"  Wanna guess the answer?)
   The working women organized to protest the restrictions placed on them by the police.  The restrictions were lifted, at least in part.  In a time of no television or the internet, the women probably had little concern that their names or photographs would end up in their local newspapers back home.  
   What is the "lesson" for today?  Assuredly, it will take an organized effort if there is going to be any chance of laws being modified.  How many of us, women and men, have the ability and willingness to "come out" publicly in favor of changing laws?  
   Obviously many simply cannot:  women with custody of minor children do not want to risk their ex filing in court for custody.  Most do not want to come onto the radar screen of LE.  Men with a spouse or SO know that in this context, most women are not "understanding and sympathetic".
   So ..... take 60 minutes and experience a time that some of your parents or grandparents actually lived through.  Will we ever see it again?

I watched Sex in the Civil War, and it was very interesting... part of the same series I'm sure. You definitely learn some things they didn't teach you in history class!

Did they cover Lincoln's prediliction for dick?  That one is still throwing me- NOT THAT THERE IS ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT...

isn't that where the term HOOKER came from, it was after one of the generals? Actually I found out it existed 20 years before the war.

-- Modified on 1/11/2005 4:53:49 AM

Stempy2331 reads

I bet you did not get "multiple pops" back then either since you had to stand down and reload before you could shot again. Repeaters weren't around then.

Thanks for the reminder.  I watched the Civil War episode too and it was very interesting.


My recollection is that the term "hooker" precedes the Civil War and General Joseph Hooker's presumable willingness to tolerate working women following his troops.  I do not know whether there is any "scholarship" that has researched the number of "travelling women", or whether there are any documents that reflect on that aspect of the Civil War.

Aphra3412 reads

According to my Dictionary of Slang, the word "hooker" (mainly US) dates back to 1845, and is from the notion of "hooking" clients.  

The date, btw, is probably the first confirmed reference to the word, and was doubtless in usage before that.

If you're interested, the earliest slang word is "moll" and that dates back to 1604.:)


darn I wish I had cable now sounds like a fascinating series. Thankfuly I have the net. this posting got me to thinking and I went to history channel's site and have run a search on sex and sex in history some rather interesting reading for those cold rainy (snowy) nites when I dont have a date
including one on prostitution in general some interesting reading though the article is rather short

ashleelala2848 reads

I love the History channel!   There are no tests on this stuff later or anything, right?? :P

No matter how its bottled, canned, or bagged, sex will always be traded in one capacity or another. Reading the brief piece also reminded me of how we'll never get over ourselves on this subject.

"In ancient times and in some primitive societies, prostitution often had religious connotations-sexual intercourse with temple maidens was an act of worship to the temple deity."

2sense4181 reads

Each year in ancient Egypt, the pharaoh participated in a "creation" ritual at the Temple of Amun in Karnak. The culmination of this ritual was masturbation (hopefully, with the assistance of a nubile Nubian) resulting in ejaculation. The successful climax of this ritual was thought to promote the annual flooding of the Nile, which was necessary for a successful crop.

Erect phalluses are a common feature of ancient Egyptian artwork, which unfortunately tend to be edited out of "PBS-type" documentaries. The History Channel is actually better in discussing ancient sexuality, and I would expect this to continue as the right continues its takeover of "public" TV.

BILL183563285 reads

I'm not going to watch this show. Whenever I watch shows like this my mind starts wandering and I get to thinking of the hygiene issues in those days.

Am I the only one that cant help but think of how repulsive these people must have smelled back then? Half of them didnt have teeth let alone brush them, no soap, no shampoo, no deodorant, no running water. Not counting all the clothes the women wore back then , think about that God aweful smell when she undressed for a minute, better yet imagine the guys wearing those crusty old long johns. eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww that smell.Oh and just think for a minute of all of these guys and girls sharing a bed , betcha they didnt change the sheets if they even had sheets.

Oh my gosh how did they ever do oral in those days? And how about all you Foot and Rim fetish people out there??? Tell me that aint a visual that could drive ya to celebancy

eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww its worse than kissing great grandma

Nope I'm just gonna sit right here and look at pornboy pics that are posted and be thankful I wasnt born 150 years ago  

Glad I am not alone.  Grosses me out too- but since everyone was in the same boat-(literally sometimes) perhaps it cancelled itslef out ...?

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