TER General Board

Scented or Unscented
SweetTina 4329 reads

To the fellows, do you prefer your women to come to you or you to them with or without perfumes or lotions? I am asking because I always use body lotions and the matching scents, even outside of work. Sometimes I wear perfume also. I was thinking Monday that it is possible for my perfume to pass unto your skin if I hug you for instance and then you will be in trouble when it was time to go home. So my question is do you request to your provider that she not wear any lotions or perfumes? That she be unscented so that you can come and go without altering anything like a change of shirt, etc. I have never had anyone ask me to not be perfumed. Have any of you ever thought of this and what you would do? I would like your honest opinons of this. Thanks. :)

I am single so I love a wonderful perfume to be worn by the lady. Hey Tina please post contact info I know many would love to be able to contact and see u!!!!!!!!!!!!


The fewer traces of evidence the better, for those of
us returning to office for work or home to SOs.  Same thing goes
for lipstick - none is better.

I always wash my face afterward so as not to tell the whole world what (or who) I've been having for lunch (DATY).  While I love the taste and smell, not everybody needs to know.

When there is time, a shower together afterward is nice, but that is not always possible.

Tina, I really like perfume and find a little intoxicating. Makes me a little dizzy even if its the right scent and the right woman. So long as its not overdone its a super turn on for me. As to the posibility of leaving with the scent, that could be an issue but can be handled with a quick shower if necessary.

SmellySmegma2810 reads

are married, and don't want to go home with "the scent of a woman". No perfume, colored lipstick, or sparkles/glitter.

in fact I was thinking of strapping a Glade dispenser to the inside of my thigh.

If you get the plug in one...you can plug in a vibrator right there...how convenient....

Unscented is best.  I usually have an extra shirt in my car for times when scents are an issue, but it is a lot easier to not have to deal with that.  Besides the scent of a woman is all I need to get turned on.

That's why you take a shower afterwards.  I perfer my ladies to smell like a million bucks.

Absolutely unscented.  No perfume, powder, heavy lipstick, or lotions.  A little blush and a beautiful provider is all that's necessary.  If they need props they get dropped.

True professionals know that perfume is lethal for their clients, and it does not wash off easily !

Although the light scent of a perfume is nice and sexy at first, I am allergic to most smells, nice or not.  It makes my nasal passages swell up and my nose run. Plus a pounding headache develops, cutting down on the overall experience.  A nice, clean smell of a freshly showered person is much better than the mask of a perfume.

On many occasions I have rushed into the house and changed my clothes immediately to avoid getting questioned.  My SO has a very keen sense of smell and is quick to pick up out-of-the-ordinary smells.  In fact, once I took a gal out for lunch and later that evening I took my SO out to dinner.  As soon as she got into the car, she asked me who I had in the car earlier because the car smelled of women's perfume.  And this is several hours later...

Providers should not wear any fragrances unless requested. Its called discreet...

Geeshe.. I should market a perfume called Discreet.. Only can smell it.. the fragrance wont linger.. kind of like sniffing vodka *ick) but cant smell it on ones breath.. LOL

You are right in that it shouldn't be work without prior agreement, in case the client doesn't want "traces".  However, there are plenty of hobbyists who enjoy it, and, as fragrance is an individual choice, I would feel it is more of an "option" the lady should offer than a request a client should make.  The lady may not enjoy fragrance, or may not feel like it that day.  I prefer a lady to go with what she feels her best expression of herself is than to have her conform to a laundry list I have that may not have anything to do with what she is like.

For the record, my sense of smell is my strongest sense, and I LOVE it when a provider wears a good fragrance.  It can really enhance the meeting.

Yes, I'm not married so I don't worry about "traces".  I love a bit of perfume.

My sense of smell is my strongest sense. I love the men smell with just a tiny bit of cologne. It drives me crazy, especially if I see him on a regular basis. As soon as I smell him, I return to our last rendezvous. There are dozens of scent that take me back to childhood, high school, my grandparents' house, my parents' house, the library, etc. Smelling a familiar old scent is like traveling the world from my magic carpet in Chicago.

I like scented lotions and fine fragrances. I feel so girly and sexy when I wear them. Admittedly, I rarely rare perfume when I'm with a client for fear of causing difficulties elsewhere. It's just almosd scented Kiehl's lotion for me.

SweetTina4402 reads

Not all clients have wives or SOs and they like the feminine smell of a woman. It's unfortunate that the lady above doesn't seem to understand this. I am asking men on here because the scent I recently purchased. The first thing I thought was that this could rub off on a client if I hugged him or got close to him. That's when I thought of the question. I have never hesitated to not use perfumes or body sprays. For me it's as natural as coming my hair and brushing my teeth. Then I thought I should come on here and ask you guys what you all thought of this. Now it has made me ask the clients if I shall wear body scents or not, although none have asked me to not wear body lotions or sprays. I never wear glitter and the lipstick I wear doesn't rub off. It takes about 20 minutes to set but to me it is worth it. Thank you for your understanding and response. :)

Lex Luethor3391 reads

Now that would be totally sexy!

just reminded me...
Nothing beats the time I showed up to work with a small streak of "stripper dust" on my face.

Lex Luethor3646 reads

...more natural scents that a suspicious spouse would be just as likely to detect as perfume. If scent is an issue, a gentleman really needs to take a shower, regardless of whether or not you wore perfume.

Speaking only for myself, if you like wearing perfume, wear perfume. The more you can do to make yourself feel comfortable, the more I am going to enjoy our time together.

That said, the consistency of scents you described would be a real turn on...very "polished".

-- Modified on 1/21/2005 2:33:48 PM

SweetTina3058 reads

Thanks Lex Luethor. BTW I really love that bald head of yours. I have a technique of polishing bald heads. tee hee. I have a vast array of body scents, peach being my fav.

Lex Luethor2904 reads

...experience your head-polishing technique, but first... you must reveal yourself, woman.


-- Modified on 1/22/2005 12:04:44 AM

ashleelala3608 reads

ummmmmm peach lotion on a bald head......can I get in on this with you?   Lookout Lex.......

Then we agree MSD... "unless requested" ;)

As Al Pacino said "Ahhhh, the Scent of a Woman". :)

ellobo693975 reads

Dunno about perfume, but I love a natural smelling pussy.

SCENTED.  Despite the "SO" concerns, I also enjoy the scent of my provider and delight in the pleasant memories it evokes.  So I prefer not to shower, try instead to be careful and discreet. BTW I have had "glitter" eye makeup from my ATF rub off on my skin,m it is not so easy to wash off.

SweetTina2837 reads

That's why I don't wear any glitter. Very minimal makeup, body lotion and spray. BTW I love your handle. (blushing)

BILL183563953 reads

I would think most men that have concerns with having the scent of perfume on them would let you know in advance.

Personally I prefer a person to look and smell their best

azariaforu2095 reads

sorry guys but i like my perfume


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