TER General Board

Poll: I really want to know.....
megapig 4202 reads

Regardless of your political persuasion and without descending into our usual diatribes about party ......

What do you think that the Federal Government does REALLY WELL?

They field armies, which translates to blowing things up and killing people ... and they build and maintain roads.

What ELSE do they do really well, that we couldn't get better results if either it was contracted to private firms, or if the people were left to themselves?

emeraldvodka2805 reads

You asked what they do really well right??  

1.  They lie really well
2.  They give themselves nice pay raises really well
3.  They create beaurocracies really well
4.  They steal peoples taxes really well
5.  They keep themselves in power really well
6.  They pretty much manage to f@#$ everything up really well!!

What you should have asked was what does the govt do to benefit and improve our lives really well??

RLTW3476 reads

"What you should have asked was what does the govt do to benefit and improve our lives really well??"

Since when is it the responsibility of the federal government to benefit and improve our lives?

The only thing I want the feds to do is to not limit my freedom to do those things on my own, maintain a dominant military force, keep on cutting my taxes, and stop wasting tax money on idiotic black hole social spending programs.

Wake up, people.


Yeah like all that Corpoarate Welfare and ALL the Farm Subsidies!

You're right -we needs to get our Gas price up to more relaistic levels like the rest of the world!  $5-9 /gallon might make us think about the real cost of our car economy!

And I see you DO lie world domination- carries with it responsiblities duder- expensive ones at that!

RLTW3394 reads

"And I see you DO lie world domination- carries with it responsiblities duder- expensive ones at that!"

Wanting a dominant military force has nothing at all do to with wanting "world domination".

An anology: I'm 6'2", 215 pounds. I train in full-contact karate regularly. I'm a combat veteran who is hardly ever without a firearm and a back-up knife. Do I do this so I can intimidate and impose my will on other people? No, I try to treat everyone with respect and courtesy. But I will do every thing in my ability to maintain a dominant edge over anyone who wishes to harm me or my family.

And Sully, please don't call me a "duder" (not quite sure what that is) ;).


Duder- (it's a term of endearment to fellow dudes)

While Tacitus DID say "If you would have peace, prepare for war", an Adequate defense will do

If you try for domination -people resent it. and usually vow to end it.  Witness our power getting frittered away with a guerrilla war.

Possessing more power than is needed to beat the next ten world powers (excepting China- they ALMOST ALWAYS win simulations) poses a THREAT to those powers.  Blackmail.

Eventually other countries got fleets to compete with England.   Other groups solved the Legions' advantage in the ancient days.  And we find to our suprise that Arabs CAN fight- just not how we want them to.

The British did not fight their successful post colonial wars by using more power than their opponents in the Vietnam model- they outfought them in their own way, thus avoiding all the collateral damge that lost us the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese.

I see and fully appreciate you point.  just disagree that's all.

You little guys are always so feisty! (its a JOKE- I'm 6'5", 230)

Which has words about "preserving a more perfect union, providing for the common defense. promoting the general welfare,  and securing the blessings of liberty for ourselves and for our children".

Seems like a reasonable standard for judging the performance of the current administration or any other administration.  I wasn't aware we agreed as a nation to let any of these slide...Harry

RLTW2923 reads

I've read the preamble, took an oath to defend it with my life about twenty years ago. Maybe you should should be the one re-reading the preamble.

No where in the Preamble, or the Constitution itself, does it state that the Federal government should tax people's incomes for the purpose of wealth re-distribution, "free" health insurance, tatoo removal programs, farm & business subsidies, needle exchange programs, foreign aid to dictators, pet projects for congressmen and senators, I could go on but the list would never end.


The Nitional Institutes of Health is a premier agency that impacts the health and well being of all our citizens.

What has the government ever done for us? Nothing! Well, there's the roads. But other than that what have they done for us? Ok, the armies. But other than the roads and the armies what have they ever done for us.... etc

-- Modified on 2/11/2004 10:21:24 AM

-- Modified on 2/11/2004 11:10:04 AM

Gave Fwew thoughts

-Protect environment- can you imagine that privatised? Like it is under Bush? Ouch

-Courts -gotta have some people removed from society to judge and administer

-Prisons- sorry usually better in public hands, bad as they are

-Minting and regulating monet and transactions- bad as they do - they would be better that alternatives

- all kinds of regulation-

-taxation- best left with a bureaucracy than the old system of benefices and grants to act by kings - usually abused by collecting body- EVEN MORE THAN IRS type groups

Sorry-  If you ask someone WHO IS ACTUALLY CONVERSANT WITH HISTORY- you find that we are actually pretty well off with a need for tweaks not revolutions.  And if you factor in that today's upper economic class actually support the state and the poor FAR LESS (percentage-wise) than in the Middle Ages- we are doing damn well.

Personally I think we get a bargain and a more aggressive tax code evenly applied might get us a higher standard of living with schools and health paid for.  But that's just me.

Totally forgot Health


-Drug testing (not for pot/coke) making sure Drugs work- FDA

-Paying for Birth control in other countries (TOTALLY VITAL THING STOPPED by present president cumstain!)

-Paying for all kinds of basic research that might not have monetary value but may have other value

People- Just because Adam Smith had a couple of good ideas -does not mean that his tract is totally true. It's just like the Bible a book that is powerful precisley because ther are so many differing ways to interpret it.

Karl Marx had SOME good ideas too. We have to navigate this world with their help but not guidance. Set our own course.

megapig2489 reads

I'm certainly glad that we don't get as much government as we pay for!

FearlessLeader3282 reads

Governments can (and do these well):
  a) build infrastructure (roads, sewers, water);
  b) provide for the common defense (army, navy);
  c) guard public safety (police, fire, corrections);
  d) provide basic education (3 Rs); and,
  e) collect taxes for purposes of doing above.

Government should:
  1) get the hell out of my car (seatbelt law);
  2) recognize the de facto government of a sovereign nation
     (Monroe Doctrine);
  3) never spend more money than it collects in taxes;
  4) have elected officials who are not compensated for their
     service (i.e. no pay, benefits, etc. this works in NH);
  5) should enact term limits (no more career politicians); and
  6) for the next 100 years be required to kill at least 2
     programs for every new program created.

Another thing the government should do is require that every appropriation of funds should include a statemment such as "it is more important for the government to spend this money than it is for the people who earned it to keep it!"

Federal Government should:

Provide for a common defense.

Provide a Supreme Court to check congress's laws against the Consitution.  Not legislate as they currently do.

Provide a Federal Court to rule on federal laws, crimes.

Provide a Federal prison system to put federal bad guys in.

Coordinate states in building infrastructure.

State Government should:

Build statewide infrastructure (highway system).

Provide a State Court to enforce state and criminal law.

Provide a prison system to put state law breakers in.

Coordinate a state park system.

County Government should:

Provide jails

Provide Municipal Courts and Superior Courts

City Governments should:

Build city infrastructure, roads, sewer, water

Public education under the control of local citizens, if the locals want a voucher system, they should have it.

Public Safety - police & fire

All of this could be accomplished with 10% flat  federal tax, 6% state sales tax and a 2% property tax.

When asked "Who's your daddy?"  American's should not say "ENTITLEMENTS"!

Can't disagree with you.  It's managed virtually to destroy the Black family, something that 400 years of bondage wasn't able to do.  But then again, I don't want a government that's too efficient.  I want a government inefficient at seizing taxes, and putting citizens in jail.
Problem is, we've got a government inefficiently trying to do more than governments should.

Slavery eliminated a lot of black families by selling off the members individually.  So I guess, thke government, through the Civil War, enabled black families to exist as such in the US.

-- Modified on 2/11/2004 12:50:48 PM

2sense2585 reads

Through the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation, the U.S. government funds the best basic scientific research programs in the world.

An important consequence of this support has been the technological advances that fuel our economy and better our lives. Private firms (e.g., pharmaceutical companies) depend on this long-range, basic research to support their own, more narrowly-focused research programs.


I believe our government does a number of REALLY BIG things very well.  The trouble is, the govt. NEVER says, "OK, we've done our job, now we are eliminating this _______ (Dept., etc.)"

Some Good things done by Uncle Sam:
Interstate Highway System
Rural Electrification
National Park System
GPS (those are military satellites we use)

In many instances, the Govt. funds the work, private industry does the work.  Just my opinion.

EVERYTHING that the government does, it does inefficiently.  The ONLY thing that government does MORE effectively than the private sector is to COMPELL people to do certain things.  So essentially, the government is only good at doing things which people would NOT choose to do on their own.  There are also things that have major spillover costs and benefits to society, where something that is known as a Free-rider problem would exist, whereby you have no incentive to pay for anything where you would otherwise derive free-rider benefits from them by NOT participating with your own budget.  But even in THESE cases, Government has NOT shown that it can do the implementation.  What it needs to do in these cases, is to outsource the implementation via COMPETITIVE bidding, but to FUND the contract.  I believe that this could be done with just about ANY activity, including Road Building, and Law Enforcement.  I Do believe that National DEFENSE, on domestic soil, is too big, and probably too immediate a task to effectively outsource.  However, OFFENSIVE war, such as overthrowing Iraq, would certainly be the type of thing that could be more effectively out-sourced under contract.  We could sell the rights to overthrow Iraq to Haliburton, their payment would be based on delivering results.  They would have to pay their employees properly to compensate them to put their lives at risk, but their reward could be stock options, or Iraqi Oil options, for example.

So, essentially, the ONLY thing that government SHOULD do is collect taxes, create laws that compell behavior (such as the one making you pay taxes) and disburse the monies as determined through representative voting.  EVERY other expenditure of the money should be a function of whether people (either directly or through chosen representatives) vote to make such a program governmentalized (meaning funded through tax levies and procured through bidding) rather than privatized.

People might choose to have Health Care federalized, because you might need it while unconscious or otherwise unable to make an informed procurement decision, or gain immediate access to emergency care.  And, because it is an unpredictable risk pool, which many folks believe should be shared equally or otherwise fairly (based, say on risk premiums for smokers, or obese people, or drinkers, or etc.)  Or, the public might vote to have this done privately, and join risk-sharing groups like HMOs, which they then pay for themselves.  But still, we need to be conscious of the spillover costs for poor people who can't afford to join the HMO dying and rotting in the streets, which could spread disease to the rest of us.

In any case, ALL governmentalized programs should be funded through tax levies, by competitive bidding with a compliance review process.  All other programs ought be private.  And the only fair way to determine this is to have the public or the public's representatives vote on this.  Which, BTW, is pretty much the system that we have now.  The only problem is that not ENOUGH stuff is subject to competitive bidding and compliance review grading.

You don't contract out wars.  What if your contractors screw it up?  You aren't going to get off by not paying them their bonus!.  The other side is going to come after you.  Then, "who 'ya gonna call?" Stud?

I said we should contract out our OFFENSIVE wars outside of American soil, such as the one in Iraq that has NOTHING to DO with National Defense (Lies by the President's administration notwithstanding).

I specifically said that our National Defense should NOT be contracted out.

-- Modified on 2/11/2004 1:04:27 PM

What does government do well and what do politicians does well.  Government does the jobs that should not be given to the private sector, because profit motive should not be an effluence in the process, like education, I don't what a private company cutting costs to raise profit margin on backs of our children.  Politician on the other hand are very good at distracting us from the real problems by making noise about things that don't really matter, like Janet Jackson's boob, Howard Stern's mouth, gay marriage, instead of dealing with the real problem like, "not tax and spend" policy of the Bush white house, the large deficit that is drying up the supply of money for you and me to buy homes at a reasonable interest rate or putting enough teachers in our schools to teach our children or stop giving tax breaks to the rich and screwing the middle class.  Politicians are really good at those things.   Does it bother anyone that Justice Antonin Scalia believes that there is no conflict in him ruling on his duck hunting buddy VP Dick Chainey's Energy case that is before the supreme court.  Here is a Judge on the highest court in the land and sees no conflict of interest that he pals around with one of the litigants before his bench, we are screwed.

I have studied the Federal budget over the last forty-five years (no I'm not a masochist, it's partly how I make a living). The Federal government basically does three things: 1--Provides a social safety net (Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, etc.); 2--Provides insurance (National Security); and 3--Provides the infrastructure of trust in which a free market economy can function. The first two are fairly obvious; the last one is subtle. Think about it--the food you eat meets federal agricultural standards; many of you have not seen a paper paycheck in years, because there is a banking system you can *generally* trust; you get imported goods becuase the Navy and the Coast Guard ensure the freedom of the seas; you think nothing of driving from New York to Miami, because there is a Federal highway system that makes the trip relatively easy.

I don't claim that Uncle does this perfectly, but considering the complexity of the tasks and the diversity of stakeholders involved, the system works better than any of the alternatives.

Next time you see a civil servant, thank him or her for their service.

And, of course the richer you are, THE MOrE THE FEDERAL GOVT DOES FOR YOU!

Like poor people don't get to invest in Govt bonds etc.

megapig2985 reads

Sully ....

My first impression was to rag on you for that class-system thing.    It seemed at first that you were forgetting the fact that most of our upper-middle and wealthy class GOT the money to invest by working their asses off.

But first, you know that.   Second, it's unfair to the guy that works his ass off digging ditches and it just happens that there are so many people willing to take his place that he can't get ahead .... so it's not about work.

But the people who have money ... risk it, sometimes ALL of it, in order to make it ... and many have lost it ALL at one point or another along the way and had to start over and climb the ladder many times to finally get to the point where they have the hard-earned luxury of investing.

Just curious ... if you went to Best Buy and bought a $6,000 TV, then returned it a day later because it didn't work quite as wel as they told you .. you would probably be OK with them charging you a couple hundred dollars to take it back, right?   But what if they only agreed to give you $2,500 back siting that:

A) You didn't really DESERVE all that money back
B) They couldn't AFFORD to give you all that money back

Wouldn't you be pissed beyond belief because after all, it was YOUR MONEY that THEY are deciding about?

I'm often surprised when I'm told that I'm in the top "x"% of wealth earners in the country (makes it sound like me & Bill Gates pal around) and that me and my people pay 72% of all the taxes. I honestly don't mind paying, because without me and people like me, the whole system wouldn't work.

But you make it sound like the hot water comes out of my tap 27 times hotter than everyone else's.   I drive the same streets as you do, 911 comes to me only marginally faster than it does in South Central LA and there are FAR less police in my neighborhood, etc. ....  and yes, it HAS to be that way.

But when did that make me the bad guy?

your not a bad guy- just misinformed and a bit greedy- but our system makes you that way and I don't blame you for it.

most of the really wealthy folk?  DID NOT EARN THEIR MONEY.  Dad did!  Or another past relative.  

I'm not talking about people who make under half a mill here.  They are still working people.  Make over that and you begin to get into the "moneyed class".

Time was when "Noblesse Oblige" was a real concept and the wealthy (especially nobles) had an OBLIGATION to look out for their flock.    

With the rise of modernity- being rich is all too often an end in itself.  Once a pile is made, its fuck the rest- I'm going to enjoy myself.  That's where a Middle ages Baron seems a more responsible person than a Walton/Hilton family member.  Sure he could kill one of his serfs- but he would then have the responsiblity of taking care of the family left behind.

If more of the rich actually took their role in the polity more seriuosly and participated giving alms to the poor and paying for public works and other public benefits OVER AND ABOVE taxes- what a great place we might live in! As it is, too many of them don't even pay their fair share of taxes!

And I am no radical.  But American right wingers call any progressive a radical, forgetting how broad the actual political spectrum is!

Euros laugh at our vituperative fight between GOP and Dems. They say "Both of you are pretty much centrist parties with Reactionary and Progressive veneers"  What we don't have is an active right  (Fascists) and a aatrong left (real radicals) to remind us what all the people think.  

All that is missing from the American political scene is perspective.  And Intellect.

It's scary to the rest of the world that the most dominant power is also the least informed. As we get stronger in comparison, we seem to get dumber and care less about our intelectual deficit.  And yet we act out even more.

We ARE the big strong Moron at the party who gets drunk and then falls all over people, picking fights and generally behaving poorly.  But we can't be removed, and we can't be reasoned with.

No wonder some people delight when we are humbled- it doesn't happen often enough. And when it does- we seem to draw the wrong lessons!

megapig2503 reads

First ...

Dad earned the money and he paid his full fair share of income taxes on it.   Then when he died, the government taxed the inheritance.  Then, as each family member did into the trust, or stock, or fund or whatever it is ... they STILL pay an income tax on it.   Enough is ENOUGH!

Second .....

We are the "Moron" that feeds the world, invents the technology that drives the world and rebuilds each and every country after each 'world war.'   We put men on the moon (that's where the PC came from) and we're the first on the scene of any natural disaster anywhere in the world, as a government as well as a multitude of private agencies funded by (gasp) rich people making donations of which only a portion is tax deductible.

The Euros don't like us.  They never have.  When we stood back with a hands off policy, they said we weren't willing to join the world nation.  When we take an active policy, they said we're butting our noses in where it didn't belong.   When we try to do what we think is "right" we get accused of trying to be the world's polcieman.  When we do what we decide is in the national interest of OUR country, we get called boorish snobs.

They don't like us.  Period.  They don't like us because of who we are, what we have, what we're able to do, while they sit back in their quasi-socialist arm chairs and tell us what we SHOULD DO if we were smart like they are .. but we just happen to notice that they never get off their fat asses and actually DO anything.   All they have to do is step up to the plate, but they won't.   The Cheese eating, chicken-livered surrender monkeys (official motto "we give up!") are afraid of offending their muslim population while quitely enacting official laws and informal programs to insure for generations to come that they are the unoffical 'lower class'

The Chinese (official motto "Send us your manufacturing jobs, round-eye - in 20 years we own your ass") are too busy building their own middle and upper class building our products to be a threat to us like they might have been (granted they're using prison labors [didn't they learn anything from our slavery experiment]) but all told, they're too busy being industrious to be a threat.

The Canadians (official motto "eh?")  with their world-renown health care system .. have everyone with a tootache and 2 dimes (us value 3 cents) sneaking across the border to get American health care.

Meanwhile, in Mexico (official motto {sorry, it was stolen})with one of the poorest population in the world,  has a government that ran on an "anti-corruption" platform and then proceeded to buy $600 napkins and $800 dinner plates for the presidential palace while lecturing Clinton and later Bush about how our borders need to be fully open to Mexicans because they can't fed them all.   When the US soccer team played last week in Mexicon City, the vast majority of the audience was chanting "OSAMA" at the top of their lungs.

Ask me if I give a damn what these people think of my country.

Third ... and all I realy wanted to say (lol) ....

I'd like my government represetatives to actually say out loud each and every day "it's not OUR money we're spending"

wow!  You need to get some time with a book every now and then-dude!  That and a switch to Decaf might help you out.

Love your posts on prurient matters- thankful no-one lets you near the tiller on the ship of state.

megapig2290 reads

I'm sure if I read the books you read, I'd think like you think.

I dunno- Many people who read a steady diet of History and Military History don't share my views- many do.

Every one is entitled to their opinion.  I'm just leery of the "facts" you use to support yours.  

Like I said- doesn't mean that I don't respect your opinion on bbbjs, ROBs and rcg. There you seem to have a wealth of experience and knowledge.  It's just in the matters of history and politics, I feel you may be out of your depth.

And for the record I WAS a Thatcher/Reagan conservative once- before I started to travel and meet the innocent victims of that worldview. Then I read more by and from many perspectives and formed my own opinions.

You remind me of Rush Limbaugh- some great lines and a ready wit for putdowns and banter- but without the real information to base it on.  I am sure you are a good guy and a gas to chill with.  I just shudder when you vote.  But I have many friends like that, so I don't wish you ill.

Hobby on, Dude!  Just don't confuse Rush, Bill O'Reilly or Anne Coulter with good sources of FACTS. They are entertainers- Madonna with a different vocabulary.

Larry Elder3281 reads

You should really visit Seattle and go look under the Aurora Bridge. They have a giant troll there you could empathize with.

The E Ticket4330 reads

You know, your kind of myopic perspective on history is pretty typical of right wingers, so to illuminate you her is a list of LIBERAL govt program success.

1. Rural electrification
2. Social Security
3. Veterans Bill (GI Bill)
4. Interstate Highway System
5. Public education
6. Family Medical Leave Act
7. American Diabilities Act
8. Civil Rights Act
10. Child Labor Laws
11. Morrill Land Grant Act
12. Product Labeling/Truth in Advertising Laws
13. National Weather Service
14. Women's Suffrage
15. The Tennessee Valley Project
16. Peace corps
17. Space Program
18. Workplace Safety Laws
19. Food Safety Laws.
20.  Marshall Plan

That's just a few.  I am sure it is not enough to convince you govt can be good. And I am sure with Mad Cow disease you think Food Safety Laws shold be left to the corps.


ladysterling5135 reads

I do agree, most of the accomplishments you've listed are final products of the American government.  However, the rallies to START the various programs, etc., were fueled by the people.  For instance, women's suffrage:  Women were able to work and pay taxes long before 1919, but could not vote until they got out in the streets and the faces of political officials who realized it was a good idea to allow voting by the "other" 52% (today's percentage, anyhow) of the population.  Child labor, also, was not regulated until somewhere in the middle of last century.  (The dates I am not clear on, since I'm not a history buff.  But well into the 20th century, there were children working on farms and in mills, according to most history books.)  Then again, the U.S. government regulates what is printed in those books so who knows.  Not only that, we still (privately) endorse child labor in foreign countries!

It is very true that our country has the right idea.  But my feelings on the matter are that we go about it in an entirely indirect, wasteful manner and we attempt to cut corners-- that is, until we are caught.

Freedom4mebutnot4Thee4978 reads

Good job, E!  And although such things as building codes are usually handled by local govt., how come every time there's a 3.0 earthquake in some libertarian paradise (like Turkey?), 30,000 people die, and a 3.0 here only breaks some plates.  The Larry Elders of the world are shameless hypocrites, as, I fear, are many conservatives and neoCons who enjoy this hobby, forgetting what the Ashcrofts and Ken Starrs of the world would or will do to all of us if they had the chance.  In other words, JK!, JK!, JK! -- end

prank3337 reads

I think "THEY" are doing a damn good job of that, and have been for a VERY LONG TIME  :)

Before Social Security, more than 50% of older adults died in poverty.  Today, almost none do.  There is no way any private organization could replicate those results.  

Government should, and in most countries does, support the arts.  New ideas in the arts rarely come from popular art.  Popular art plays to the lowest common denominator, which is not something any country should aspire to.  

Arts education is every bit as important as the "3 R's".  It is well proven that students who get music education do better in math.  Arts education improves performance in all the "3 R's".  This has been proven consistently for decades.

Well I am on the subject of education, can I just say that the idea of "increased accountability" for teachers, which is so popular in political circles these days, is an insulting joke.  It assumes that teachers are not doing well because they are not trying.  The average public teacher’s salary is around $40,000 a year.  They are clearly not in it for the money.  So why do you think they are there?  Because they care deeply.  They don't need "increased accountability," they need increased resources.  They need be given the freedom to do their jobs, and to get it done right.  More testing (unfunded testing no less) does not improve education.  When you increase mandatory testing, you force teachers to teach the tests, not skills or critical thinking.  This is a phenomenally bad idea.  Here in Minnesota, our current education secretary is taking our top ten in the country educational system, and is redesigning it based on a model of an educational system which is one of the two worst in the country.   Needless to say, teachers (not me, but my sister), and other people who have a clue about education, up here are a very pissed off.

Government is also very good at protecting natural treasures.  The National Parks Service is very effective.  

WIC was an amazingly effective program.  In 1992, it was feeding low income infants and mothers at about ten cents to the dollar of buying at retail prices.  They would buy formula on bid from whichever company could provide a product which met the criteria at the lowest price.  Then the republican congress in 1993 changed the rules for WIC, and WIC was required to buy from one of the three major companies, and they were required to pay whatever price the company chose to charge.  The next year, that same congress used the way WIC purchased infant formula (which was mandated by Congress) as an example of government inefficiency.  

Private organizations can be very good at small aims, such as making a profit or improving the lives of a small targeted group of people.  If you want to make a major improvement for a lot of people, you need a government.


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi

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