TER General Board

Re:OT But I really want to ask the board these questions....**Please Read***
bikebryan 18 Reviews 1382 reads

Please.  If you must rant, get the facts right!  A "window" never fell out of the cockpit.  There was a plastic cover over the windows that was there to help protect them and it got blown off by the wind.

Every astronaut knows what they are doing presents significant risk.  We seem to accept that space travel these days is "commonplace" and carries very little risk, but these folks know that every time they go up, there are so many things that could go wrong.  They know the odds.  Think about it:  we have only lost what, three spacecraft in 40 years, and one of those never left the launchpad.  Flying in a jet carries much more risk in death.  Driving the DC beltway carries a much higher risk of death.

Just relax!

junior4573308 reads

I posted this on the NY board but I would like the more intellectual crowd here to comment on this please.
Who in their right mind would want to be an Astro-nut these days? WTF happened to N.A.S.A.? Now we have a fuel gauge problem or well that's what they THINK it is...it could be a couple other things of course.

Yesterday A COCKPIT WINDOW FELL OUT, while on the launching pad. I'm sorry did you hear me A COCKPIT WINDOW FELL OUT. Don't you think one of our excellent engineers would have used a screw or some glue to hold the fucking windows in place?

You know they should have launched this thing from New York on the night of July the 4th so everyone would have thought all the sparks and flames were part of the fireworks show.

Honestly when I was a kid everyone wanted to be an astronaut.....but now......I'd rather stick a lit roman candle up my sons ass and save his life then see him strap himself into one of our "space-ships".

You know what they should do....empty the fuel tanks because the thing isn't gettin more than a mile off the ground and fill those silo's with pop-corn so at least when she blow's people will have a tasty snack raining from the heavens for their fireworks show.

Sorry for the rant but this is un-fucking-believable.

My prayers are honestly with those poor SOB's in that shuttle.

Ben Dover2316 reads

The thrill of the experence far out ways the risks of getting there in my opinion! It has been a dream of mine for many years to travel into space, and in the greater intrests of all man-kind - exprence in a weightless  environment some 69 with a hot young provider, also Doggy, and reverse cowgirl while floating upsidedown. I wonder if DATY would still have the same taste in space, and BBBJ CIM, I wonder if she would be able to still swallow in a weightless situation, or how about if she didn't swallow and I tried to cum on her tits and face, would it still stick to her, or would my "liquid pearls" just float away? - "SPACE - The final frontier"......

  Ben-Dover, Reporting for duty!

DoYaThink3048 reads

I'm with ya. Can anybody ever do anything right? Do ya think?

It was a cover that was to be removed anyway. It was only there as a sun shade while on the ground. I for one wish I'd had the chance to go to space and still do.Too bad the government is the only entity large enough to afford this research as it would be less top heavy with managers if it were private.

...with the idea that we're going gain some real estate that people could live on, or it should explore only with robots and let private industry take over manned flight.  NASA has become a joke.  

Remember "2001: A Space Odyssey?"  That was supposed to be our society's future.

between public and private sector now, and the differnt liabilities of each, we're just putzin' around.
 Fund NASA bigtime, invest in the engineering it takes, recruit some brave soles, pat 'em on the ass and blast 'em off. If we kill a few by accident, well they really are heros.....
 Or GTF out of it.

Gregg1283020 reads

There's the shuttle to NJ ? is that the one? I didn't see any broken glass? You have to be an astronaut to drive a F***ing train now.

Please.  If you must rant, get the facts right!  A "window" never fell out of the cockpit.  There was a plastic cover over the windows that was there to help protect them and it got blown off by the wind.

Every astronaut knows what they are doing presents significant risk.  We seem to accept that space travel these days is "commonplace" and carries very little risk, but these folks know that every time they go up, there are so many things that could go wrong.  They know the odds.  Think about it:  we have only lost what, three spacecraft in 40 years, and one of those never left the launchpad.  Flying in a jet carries much more risk in death.  Driving the DC beltway carries a much higher risk of death.

Just relax!

junior4571864 reads

You are actually correct it was a cover of a window I found out after I placed the post. But still for even a protective over to fall off and damage tiles which needed to be replaced is still pretty lame.

Now to use your logic a bit. You are correct we have only lost 3 space craft in 40 years. However on those 3 space craft were probably about 15 people combined. How many total people have we put into space 200? So that would be a 13 % mortality rate. There is no way Flying in a jet carries a 13% mortality rate.

I respect everyone who has said they would love to go into space...but I truly feel with the problems we've been having that NASA has their head up their ass's.

I truly do feel sorry for the crew of this mission.

can I be Junior 4583110 reads

Thanks for the laugh Junior.  You should know by now that if you want something done correctly, you should show it to the Chinese, have them reverse-engineer it, then make it better.  They'd have spacecraft buzzing our heads 50 times a day.

Besides, stick to your guns dammit.  Cover, window, who cares?  Oops, where'd that thing go?  It was here a minute ago.  Next, they'll lose the map!!!

Anonymous NASA Guy1913 reads

Well guys, thanks for your concern.  And I am glad that you are concerned enough to start some healthy debate here.  I think the question about the "window" has already been answered.  We are dealing with a 30 year old spaceship that takes hundreds, if not thousands, of people to prepare for launch.  Does everyone do everything perfectly?  Most of the time.  Ninety nine point nine nine nine percent of the time.  But people are people and once-in-a-while they goof, like not securing a window shade adequately.  

Have you ever had a problem with your car or some electronics that suddenly clears up when you take it into the shop?  That's what we are dealing with on the fuel gauge problem.  And this isn't just the fuel gauge in your car - this operates at hundreds of degrees below zero, measuring hundreds of thousands of pounds of fuel, and if it malfunctions, it can shut the engines down early causing a bailout or aborted landing.  Not simple stuff.

And with respect to Burt Rutan, more power to him!!!  We would love to get out of the day-to-day biz of putting people into earth orbit so we can concentrate on pushing the frontiers out to the moon and Mars.  We would buy tickets on Burt's (or whoever's) spaceliner if he gets one operational to/from earth orbit.  But so far, he hasn't.  What he has done is about the same as what NASA did 40 years ago with the X-15.  Until the commercial sector can step up to an operational space liner, we have to maintain the infrastructure to get Americans to and from space.

Anyway, there's my rant.  Hope you can respect it as much as I have respected yours...

can I be Junior 4582263 reads

So, are you saying that I need to keep taking my car into the shop because it's a sophistcated German driving machine, and that it's inevitable that these parts will keep falling off?  I'm not bashing; it's a serious question.  I've asked the local BMW dealer for a desk so I can get work done, because I'm there so often.  I've even offered to adjust the settings on the big-screen in the "oh, I'm so f-ing bored" lounge.  They keep trying to explain how complicated the systems are on the car.  No doubt they are.  But it begs the question...is it not possible to make something work in a less complicated way?  Is that not the real genius of design?  Clearly, I would not want to fly into orbit in a craft jointly built by NASA and the engineers of the old Chevy Vega, but for all of sciences advancement, can't we just make it work?

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