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OT Anti-Depressants
cmm333 4080 reads

My doctor just prescribed me a new antidepressant called Cymbalta.  I was on Prozac years ago and dont remember much during that time.  Im a bit hesitant about the Cymbalta.  Ive had some side effects, such as dry mouth, jitters, and loss of appetite (this part is fine).  My doc said these are normal and should go away after a few days.  Its been a few days already and it already seems to be subsiding.  I guess im just wondering if anyone here has experience with antidepressants and Cymbalta in particular.

gfexxx4592 reads

Although I haven't any experience with that one, I was first prescribed Paxil(for anxiety) and had similar symptoms which you are having.  The side effects came and went for a year until I could no longer take it.  I was then put on Zoloft and am happy to report no side effects.  I wish you all the best.

i have been on celexa for about 2 years. i have a permamnent chemical imbalance and this drug works miracles. i had the jitters, dry mouth etc. for a little while. the best part is that my premature ejaculation stopped and now i can go like a champ. also be very aware of your alcohol intake. my s/o says my crappy attitude has disappeared since ive been on it. hope this helps.

Bi Polar and Proud2046 reads

My experience is with Paxil and now a generic form after paxil got recalled. Never had the side effects you speak of BUT I have had a very hard time trying to discontinue use. When I try to stop I have real trouble sleeping. I have experienced a RUSH of very vivid and epic dreams.No BS.I dream in full Color and extreme action.I wake up often to stop the dream but when I fall back asleep the dreams pick up exactly where they ended. The other side effects and "sexual side effects" spoken of in their disclaimers. These drugs are also prescribed for Premature ejaculation which was never my Problem. Now I have a  very hard time reaching Orgasam.Something else to be depressed about.My depression has become less of a problem enough that I have lowered the dossage and hope to discontinus all meds.Next I plan to start using Herbal sleep aids and heavy exercise for the sleep problem. I look foreward to reaching orgasam again without exhausting myself with sex that takes over an hour
or at least getting back the stamina to get there. No way can I do 2 pops in an hour. Keep up the Cardio....b

I've used Zoloft for about 6 months now because I was pissed off at everything and everybody and realized it was 95% me, and only 5% the rest of world, and I had to do something....
 After a couple weeks I was incredibly horny, wanted to do every chick I saw. Plus-- typical SSRI side effect-- I took forever to cum. My wife never knew what hit her!
 But it does dull the highs, not just sex, but the endorphin buzz I get from aerobic exercise and the adrenalin from rock climbing.
 I want to get off eventually, and have tried tapering by skipping a day (cold turkey gives me a chronic headache...), but I'm not in a hurry. I need to make a few life changes before I bail...
 BTW, have a friend who's getting off Cymbalta. He's complained to me that he feels "spacey, disconnected" and has a vague headache that aspirin doesn't really help.
 Sure, let's play with our brain chemistry!
 Having said that, Tom Cruise is still full of shit.

ellobo694146 reads

I've taken elavil for years. Can't quit because I can't sleep and get anxiety attacks. I was prescribed the drug for sleep vs depression.

gfexxx2368 reads

While on Paxil I had a hard time cumming but I don't have that problem on Zoloft.  Lexapro is a good one as well.  Often times drugs such as these seem to work really well for about a year, then the prescription has to be changed.  I'm going to stick to Zoloft and Lexapro as the side effects for me are almost none.  I guess you just need to experiment and see what your body responds the best to.  If you do feel side effects on a regular basis, it's best to find another medication.

Wellbutrin is a good one in that it doesn't usually cause sexual side effects.  But it is not the best for people with a lot of anxiety.  Cymbalta and wellbutrin are a couple that if anything may sometimes help with weight loss.  Give the medication a couple of months and then reassess how you feel.  See how your energy level and sleep are.  You might use a rating scale before and after to help measure your improvement.

Jack Daniels3025 reads

I have been on one type of antidepressant or another for about the last twenty years.  However I always end up back on Wellbutrin. Wellbutrin is the only antidepressant that does not have negative sexual side effects.  I also take Lorazepam for anxiety.   I am in my sixties and require Viagra to maintain an erection.    

Six weeks ago I volunteered to test an experimental medication which is a combination for depression and anxiety.  The pharmaceutical research company will not reveal the name of the medication or what company developed it.  My depression and anxiety are completely gone and my sexual performance is like a thirty year old man.  I am horny all the time and have no trouble getting an erection.  In addition to hobbying and having sex with my wife on occasion, I find myself masturbating two or three times a day. I haven’t used Viagra since after about the first few days. I discussed the effects of the medication with my doctor but he doesn’t even know what the medication is.  He said new medication is being tested all the time and about half make it past the FDA and are marketed.  I hope this one passes with flying colors.  I am not exaggerating, but my life has completely changed.  


My eyes are getting old..

I keep passing this and think its about deodorant.

It should be

Men- please start wearing extra.. never mind the meds or im going to be on them if I smell one more body of B.O..

Both my wife and I are on anti-depressants and what we have learned is that each person has their own unique responses to the same anti-dep's.  Give the Cymbalta some time and if you are having undesirable side effects, go see the doc and see if you can change to another anti-dep (there are a zillion of them out there).  It can take some trial-and-error to find the right one for you.

Fish oil is helpful for basically any psychological problem. Most especially for depression and bipolar, I think. You can google it if you're interested. SAMe is an amino acid derivative that's been shown to be as effective as many of the antidepressants on the market, if not more. It's also great for joints and liver. It can be a bit expensive, however, as it's not covered by insurance. A month's supply of theraputic dosage will run appx $100. It also must be enteric-coated and blister-packed or it's useless. Not recommended for bipolar as it can cause mania.

divamissx4555 reads

I took Cymbalta for about 8 months and just finished weaning myself off of it.  They claim it does not have weight gain or sexual side effects but I don't believe that.  I gained weight and lost the sex drive on celexa 5 years ago, then switched to zoloft 3 years ago with no improvement, then switched to cymbalta 8 months ago with no improvement.  All of these drugs were wonderful at controlling my anxiety and depression.  I had been a happy, overweight girl for 5 years with no interest in men or sex.  I weaned myself off of the meds just recently.  My weight is dropping very fast now.  I've gone from 140 to 125 and should be back to my "normal" weight of 97 in the next month or two.  Sex drive is returning very slowly and my moods are very up & down.  Turning back into the man-hater I was before I got on meds.  I will most likely be going back to doing Domination as opposed to being a Provider.  

Feel free to ask questions.

I have had none of the side effects you describe. Each person's chemistry differs and we respond diffrently.  For example, I also take Effexor XR.  It causes me loss of appetite and although I can get a boner, the long stick won't go boom.  Cymbalta has no side effects for me, but does not appear to help as much with anxiety.  Effexor XR does the best to lift my spirits and makes me want to get out and do things.  Effexor XR, for me, is better for anxiety.  I've also taken Paxil, Zoloft and Wellbutrin.  In conclusion, if your better off with taken ADs than without, side effects aside, stay with it.  Your doctor may prescribe serveral different SSRI until he/she finds one best suited for your chemistry, that is what my doctor did.  I hate taking Effexor XR. but it's Pros outway it's Cons. Cymbalta has no side effects for me but I do not respond as well to it.  I hope this helps you.

lauradace2297 reads

First of all I have to say that for everyone the experience and side effects of every antidepressant will vary.  2 different people could be on the same AD at the same dose and 1 will lose weight and the other gain weight.

Regardless, i was on Cymalta for about 4 months and it really messed with me.  At the 2nd week I had pretty much every side effect listed in the drug info insert.  I had to take xanax and a benzodiazepam to get past these nasty effects.  Cymbalta is most similar to effexor and it works on multiple neurotransmitters at the same time.  this incr. the possibility of start up side effects.  After the initial side effects passed I felt good for about a week.  then i started having ups, downs and just wackyness.  i never knew how i would feel from one day to another.  i stuck it out for a long time b/c I was taking it for pain and really wanted to give it a good try.  I also had intense sugar cravings and rapidly started to gain weight.  After about 3 months of feeling like the drug was doing nothing for me and had actually destabilized my mood I decided to stop taking it.  You aren't supposed to stop this drug cold turkey.  You have to taper off of it slowly lowering the dose.  I had really really horrible withdrawel effects from this drug.  I had what they call brain shivers.  I felt like I had the flu, i felt crazy, depressed, out of it, a whole list of stuff.  It took about a month for me to feel normal and I am still having depression problems that i didn't have before taking this.  Now I have also heard from a lot of people who did great on this drug.  You should really check out the website called www.crazymeds.org     They have info about everything here.  it covers all sorts of AD's along with most other drugs that have anything to do with the brain.  You can click onto their discussion boards from the main site or go straight to the discussion boards   www.crazyboards.org    You will find everything that you ever wanted to know here and read experiences from other people.  it is a highly active and well done board and i think it will help you a great deal.  The people there are very helpful and do their best to help you.  Check it out

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