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OK...Here's one for all the practicing and armchair psychologists.........
foreveryaction 1 Reviews 4127 reads

How do we learn to masturbate? I pray that you tell me it's by accident or is simply innate.
I've been masturbating as far back as I can remember...Possibly since around three years of age or so. I don't know when erections and/or semen discharge came along, but I do remember orgasms at least by that age. I also don't remember when the standard shaft "stroking" came along,(...pun intended.)I think that started happening in my late pre-teens. Up until then, (and still a practice I use today,) was a massaging of my foreskin between my forefinger and thumb.
Another thing is that even at the age of three or so, I knew that it was something that I couldn't let anyone see or know I was doing. Before I outgrew them, I would completely cover myself with stuffed animals and go at it. It's possible that came from an experience, either forgotten or suppressed, of getting caught. That I cannot recall. But I do remember doing it in the open when I was sure no one was looking...In my bedroom...In the bathroom...In the wading pool in our back yard...Hunkered down on the floorboard of my parents car when they went shopping...Practically every chance I got...AND OFTEN!
Early on, I'm not sure what the stimulus was. Later on is was usually the sight of teenage or grown women...Pictures in magazines...Undergarment sections of the "Big 3" sales catalogs...Semi or nude pictures in autobody shops or gas stations...Friend's sisters and mothers...Girls and women getting in and out of their cars at shopping centers...Even, until I learned how wrong it was, female cousins and my oldest niece. (We're only about 8 months apart...)
Anyway, the purpose of my original question was not merely for light entertainment or FYI material. Is the above common and normal? There are certain aspects that don't seem "quite right" to me. Furthermore, there are other related aspects and vague memories that have me questioning what possible effect these experiences have had on me in other areas of my life from then through the present. Something tells me that those that know are already reading between the lines and know what I am incapable of asking...........

TruthSpeaker2482 reads

You should meet with a licensed psychotherapist and discuss this.  Your discussions will be strictly confidential.

It is my casual (non-professional but rather "student of life") observation that children go through phases where they behave a certain way, or develop a liking for something and experience it to super-saturation.  But then it passes.

If you are still practicing at this high frequency, you seem stuck in the same infatuation.  

Shoot, at least you're not a serial killer (I hope).  


Very common, very normal!

What is more natural for a child than learning thru the senses?  Learning how to self comfort and pleasure?  It is likely you may have been touching yourself before three... got caught and were given the impression that touching oneself is wrong, therefore creating the clandestine sense of it all.

You sound as if you are one of the healthier ones, to keep your sexuality open and flowing.  Many people associate shame and guilt and therefore STOP touching themselves.  Some people relearn when they are teens, some later in life, the very unfortunate - never.

I myself have fond memories of the misuse of certain innocent children's toys, a somewhat discreet manner of sitting on my heals, reading found girlie mags in the vacant lot with my grade school friends, games of doctor and the like, friends brothers (especially if older) were a favorite...
I never extended these fantasies to cousins or nieces, though as long as the thoughts remained in fantasy land and we are talking child fantasing about child, there is nothing unusual about that either.

Of COURSE these experiences have impacted other areas of your life.  Everything we experience helps comprise who we are, ripples through our future days, helps shape our personality.
Which aspects don't seem "quite right" to you?  
What don't you feel capable of asking?

even a baby will have some sense of pleasure and it is very normal for a male baby to handle himself when he is in his natural 'zen' state.

It is a normal part of sexual development. In a post found before this one, Emma Bond noted that men use sex to release stress. Given the amount of men that die due to hypertensive issues, I guess sex is not a bad deal if you are stressed out

And I would say no probably not. But I do agree that yes you were caught masterbating and were told it was bad at a very young age. I think it is normal to do so even as a young child. I remember doing the same kind of things but hey I am definitely a sexual deviant.


I started when I was around... 6 or 7.  Before that point, I had never taken much interest in 'down there' beyond normal biological functions..

Actually what started me masterbating was my next door neighbor's (and best friend at the time) discovery of his parents porn stash.  He discovered that he got a response from his penis when he played with it and watched the porn at the same time, and he just had to show me cause it was so cool! So, I started trying it too.. LOL.. the mind of a 6/7 year old..

I remember doing it alot as a child, but not really an abnormally large amount..

The only reason I learned to hide it was because I thought something that felt that good had to be wrong!  A few years later when my mom caught me doing it once, she took it in stride and said 'we all do it, don't worry about it.'

BTW I'm new here :)

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