TER General Board

Re:Okay, doc...
EastCostDrifter99 9 Reviews 4851 reads
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OK, I started a thread on the ATL board and we were having some laughs about how so many guys write reviews where they are literally tearing it up and wearing it slam out for a solid hour non-stop, and getting 3 pops in the process.

Now I'm sure most providers and any honest hobbyists will recognize the humor in that, given that we all tend to be at least approaching definite middle age plus, and tend to be in various states of physical un-fitness.

One of the comments gave me some insight into getting 3 pops with one provider, and I think this is so universally true, I decided to repost it here.  Have a laugh :-D



Something about reading your post, and it hit me!

OK everyone knows what "The standard 2 call system" is, of course.

And now I understand where the 3 pops with one provider come from.  This is "The Standard 3 Pop System", and I KNOW all you guys will recognize this one from personal experience, LOL.

1st pop with same provider:  

Happens within your preferred range of scheduling.  You know this one - you want to be "full", but you don't want to cum in less than 10 (5?) minutes.   You know you are going to see "Hottie" on Yday, so you jack off on Xday, which falls on however many days before Yday you think is "right" for you.

Then no more activity until:

2nd pop with same provider:  

You actually meet "Hottie", and despite having practiced the "rhythym method", you still pop within 10 (5?) minutes.  :-)  Then you spend the rest of your hour - maybe - trying to get it up again. :-)  If you are really studly, you are starting to get hard again about when she kicks you to the curb.

3rd pop with same provider:

Of course, this occurs sometime shortly after having left "Hottie"'s place, because now you have to jack off again thinking about what you could have done if you could just have managed that boner while you were still there. :-)

Eureka!  3 pops "with" 1 provider, LOL.

Admit it guys.  You know we've all done it, there's no shame in it :-)

"The Standard 3 Pop System".

I think I'll post it on the national board.  I'm  sure every hobbyist in the friggin' country has done this one, LOL!!!

R :-)  

Bizzaro Superdude 4021 reads
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avalon_rose See my TER Reviews 4589 reads
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Is a long enough "reload" period with no stimulation of the male. I have noticed that if you rush the reload time, even if you may have erection, you will not have ejaculation. Granted there are some men who are fortunate enough to know they can do 2, 3, 4 or more in the hr, and they will make sure to get it. What is uncool tho is the "forced" 3rd pop when the second was long coming and yet they pretty much demand you try again and keep u down below knowing full well that they probably won't even get enough blood flow for rnd 3. Thankfully that doesn't happen often. Most are very considerate. Oh, as far as how long you need for reload time, I think it depends on age and physical/cardiovascular fitness (well, and genetics, but you can't gauge that one). I think you should always allow a full 10 minutes (you can cuddle and talk, or enjoy the lady if you like). Then if you go downtown and try "the revival", and "he" is reluctant, give him 5 more minutes. Rinse and repeat. :P

avalon_rose See my TER Reviews 3710 reads
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catdaddy69 4 Reviews 2976 reads
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Seven minus P-Day (that's a week before Provider Day for you civilians), drink enough water every day until you feel like puking. Cut back on P-Day morning so you're not pissing every five minutes that evening, but you'll cum like a gusher. I read that in an old Peter North article. Works for me.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1552 reads
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To me, it's the ride, not the destination that counts.
Thanks for the Peter North tip.  I will try it next time.

skisandboots 3365 reads
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Or, you could just be normal.  You know, go about life in general and enjoy your time with the provider.  The only way I'm getting two pops is if the provider extends her time with me (has happened).  But since I don't typically cum too soon, I don't have to worry about that side of things.  Since I'm married, I put all my forethought into making sure my plan and excuse will not go to hell if the unexpected happens.

Landem 1229 reads
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what about us poor, hopelessly addicted junkies for whom counting back seven days from any given P-Day would include 2 or 3 other P-Days?

But then, I've never followed the "Standard 3 Pop System" anyway. That count ranges from 0 to 5, dependent upon a plethora of variables - sometimes, I think, even including the phase of the moon.

luvsgirls 13 Reviews 3906 reads
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Gad I hate it when the "experts" think they know what us normal Hobbyist are like.

Not being a 20 something guy anymore I settle for the normal 1 & 2 pop sessions.  It is not just the pop that counts, it is all the foreplay and afterplay that are part of the whole overall experience that counts.

I can only speak for myself but I don't see a Provider just to get the bbbj and covered hole treatment, I go for the cuddling, smooching, touching and all other aspects of the business.

I do not and I repeat DO NOT  do the pop 3 system.  I am sure many even pop in porn to get their system working, hey fine as I have nothing against porn but a real live Provider does it for me.

jack0116533 14 Reviews 1555 reads
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[[Seven minus P-Day, drink enough water every day until you feel like puking. Cut back on P-Day morning so you're not pissing every five minutes that evening, but you'll cum like a gusher.]]

I'd like to know the medical reason for that.  

OTOH, a week's torture for a few minutes' fun seems it might be a little out of proportion.

What could be real fun is to pay a provider to convince you you're so hot she'll put out for free, demonstration included [GG]

little phil 37 Reviews 3305 reads
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If it's just to pop, I can handle that alone.  In my twisted head, it's about the most beautiful girl in the world treating me like life isn't worth living if she couldn't get my seed out of me.  After I leave, she can call all her friends and tell them I'm a douchebag if she wants, as long as she "falls in love" again next time.

Landem 2157 reads
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I never claimed to be an "expert" of any kind, just a heavy user.

And it's been a loooong time since I was 20 myself.

And if you look at my 0-to-5 range, it's the low end more often than the high - often enough, it's the VERY low end - foreplay, afterplay, cuddling, etc., absolutely! If not for that, what would be the point?

(And the high-end of my scale was a one time event - over the course of a looong entire afternoon-into-evening session!)

And besides, the original post that started this thread about the 3 Pop System was tongue-in-cheek, dontcha think?

-- Modified on 9/29/2005 2:13:30 AM

oldguyindc 3713 reads
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Smarty1101 61 Reviews 2895 reads
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on several occaisions the provider decided to turn the TV on with some porn, thinking I guess that this will help me pop (maybe sooner than later). This routine always brings me to asking for them to turn it off to their surprise.

Yet when I tell them, "I want to watch you, not some porn movie", they catch on pretty quick. And, I'm seriious about this topic for me anyway.

catdaddy69 4 Reviews 3310 reads
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...go watch an old Peter North flick then ask your question. His tip, not mine...just passing on the info.

Jockeypants 22 Reviews 2150 reads
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made me pop 98 times. (so far)

Kim has made me pop the most but I'm too embarrassed to mention how many times.

I guess the best deal would be Lily June, Brooke B., Avalon, & Sola among others.  I've never "seen" them and they've made me pop quite a few times.

I get a LOT of bang for my buck.

crash bang boom 26 Reviews 3889 reads
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seems to me that the repeat pop thing goes hand-in-hand with just how attracted i am to the gal.  sometimes i'm a one-pop wonder, over and out.  more than sometimes, two for the road.  and rarely, i'm so hot for the gal that i never seem to lose the wood!  ladies, that's a compliment to you, not a reflection on your "inability to satisfy" me!  hehehe

Maykus Sickby, VD 2907 reads
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More fluid = more fluid. Dunk your kegels

Suzanne in San Diego 2629 reads
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... first sentence, first line and 'the gal' is mentioned, mmmm!! Third line, onwards and upwards, low and behold, 'the gal' AGAIN!!

My gut feeling about this thread is that none of the posters understand the true meaning of the expression, 'walking on (particularly fragile) egg shells!'

Suzanne in San Diego

-- Modified on 9/29/2005 3:21:44 PM

luvsgirls 13 Reviews 1312 reads
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Hyabby was not trying to flame you here.

Jockypants do you own stock in the Petroleum Jelly company ????

I would venture a guess most of us Hobbyist agree it is not the pop that is most important but all the things leading up to it and after it that we see these lovely Providers for.

As to hight to very high end Providers even if I could afford them I doubt I would, looks are not the main event and the low to middle Providers are as cute and in my mind do as good or better job.

Remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder, what one Hobbyist says is cute another might say is lovely and yet another might say ugly/homely.

Pump away and enjoy the softness.

Bizzaro Superdude 2023 reads
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Providers and Hobbiests, Clients and Therapists, Escorts and the escorted....   lol, you get the drift - I do not think that he was being disrespectful, just did not wish to type our the more lengthly expressions.... or perhaps my fav...
LORDS and LADIES!  or Lads and Lassies.....  Take your pick

jack0116533 14 Reviews 2406 reads
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Not doubting, only asking for any MDs to comment on HOW or WHY it works.

thedrone 1598 reads
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hopefully this wont be taken as a insult but,alot of the guys I meet with say the can only go once,then end up 3 times,because some guys feel uncomfortable if the 2nd is BBBJ and it takes like
10-15 mins ,they start by saying" you must be getting tired" now if I say "oh my god no,I LOVE it" then almosst always it happens,if the provider acts like its taking to long in any way shape or form,he will feel self conscious and it will never happen,only if the client feels like you really do LOVE it,then alot of guys dont know that they need want prostrate stimulation,that usually always works(if they let you),see now I am giving away my secret's :)and if they tell me "i have not done 3 in 25 yrs except one time with ??" well then I have to do it,I cant let someone else out do me.lol,oh and make sure you dont have to use the rstroom,or if you started to soon after the 2nd,you will get "desensitized" ,and for everyone who thinks prostrate massage is gross,they sell these little finger condoms at Petco, they are really for putting meds in dogs cats ears,but they work great,see everywhere I go I find some other little "prop" that I can use for work,crazy,huh?

avalon_rose See my TER Reviews 3831 reads
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prostate massage, I do know that of course some men love that, I just can't bring myself to go there. I think it's important to enjoy yourself and follow your own comfort levels. :D

crash bang boom 26 Reviews 3584 reads
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not sure i understand... since when is "gal" a derogatory term?  if i indeed *am* "walking on (particularly fragile) egg shells" it'd be nice to know why.

Doctor Oscillator 3154 reads
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I may be a doctor, but even I don't go there!  ;)

Traffic only flows one way on the back street.  ;)

Suzanne in San Diego 2760 reads
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My post re 'the gals' was meant to be humorous, no to indicate that I found the term 'the gals' disrespectful.   Here I go again with my UK 'Monty Python' wacko sense of humor, which obviously no one got!!

I was teasing him about the fact that each time he mentioned a number of pops, it was followed pretty closely by mention of 'the gal', which I interpreted as 'passing the buck,' but in a humorous, kind way, not offensive at all.

The part about 'walking on eggshells' was meant to refer to the subject in general,  number of pops, (0 to however many!) and I think it's a very delicate, but obviously very humorous subject to bring up  in the first place.  I laughed so hard when I read the original post, I fell off my chair and hit my head on the coffee table!!

I'll try harder next time, include an explanation, or I could always try a different type of humor :-)  I think I'll just shut up now......

Suzanne in San Diego

thedrone 2337 reads
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I was'nt implying I know what you or anyone else wants,I was answering a question posed,I dont know what anyone that I have not met wants,and I alsways ask clients how they like things to flow,dsome want as many times as possible,some want one time slow and as you described,I am no expert.on anything I just try to figure out what my clients wants,needs, and fufill it the best I can hopefully exceeding his expectations,so if I sounded at all like i think I am an expert ,that was not my intention,I have done 2 hour apts where he does not want to "pop" at all just "cuddle" everyone is different,and everyone should be able to get what they want,sexymegan

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