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Re:(Off Topic) Free drivers licences for illegal aliens in California .
caharmon 2 Reviews 2880 reads

Someone is confusing Drivers license renewal fees and Vehicle registration renewal fees.

Drivers licenses are NOT free, and to the very best of my knowledge, renewal fees are NOT scheduled to be increased.

Vehicle renewals ARE scheduled to TRIPLE!! in price, one of the many reasons we want Governor "GUMBY" out of office.

The issuance of drivers licenses to illegal aliens is just another one of Gov. Low Beams ludicrous ideas.

Wells Fargo Bank has decided to cash in on a largely untapped market of customers by offering to open checking and savings accounts to those from Mexico and certain south american nations who present their national identification cards in lieu of a California Drivers License.

ThePatriot3725 reads

The rest of us have the renewal fee double and the satisfaction knowing that a non US citizen could use their licence to identify themselves for the purpous of voting. (can you say "Motorvoter"???)

 Davis is getting ready to give away the store to garner hispanic votes in hopes of saving his governorship.

smilesx5282 reads

If they are illegal then the correct course of action would be to send them back or to make them legal.  If they are guests then they should have an alternate license.  

I wonder if this is some kind of sting to get them to come out, then deport them.

I wonder what the legality of it all when someone gets in an accident.  The first thing that would be raised is "this tradgedy should never have happened.  He wasn't suppose to be here in the first place"

Personally, i'm against it just because most foreign drivers drive really really slow.  Just as bad as old people.  Too cautious.  Just clogs up the traffic.

In the articles I have read on this issue, I have not seen one that says that the licenses would be free.  Is there a link to an article documenting this?  Also, I believe the renewal fee was supposed to triple, not double.

I still can't figure out how if the person is acknowledged by a government agency as being an "illegal alien" (the term all articles I have read have used), how would it not be their duty to call the INS and have that person deported?

Assuming that there is an explanation for this angle, and that the person is okay to stay within the state, the "pro" argument is that the person would have to pass a driving test, pay the licensing fee, and be fingerprinted and photo ID'd  like other Cali drivers.  This would supposedly put less "high risk" drivers on the roads (ones who haven't passed a driving test), and would create a state identification for these people.  However, I can't see "illegals" putting money down for this when it really doesn't improve their standing any (a majority of Hispanic LEGAL citizens in this state don't even vote...one third of state population is Hispanic, but only 14% of state registered electorate), and more easily identifies them;  it isn't like the amnesty that I think "Duke" (that's former Republican governor Deukmajian for you non-Californians) and Reagan approved back in the late 80's that naturalized thousands of illegals.

And as for "giving away the farm", that would only be fitting, since just about the only people who work on farms anymore are Mexican in the first place.

A Spectator3606 reads


US Constitution clearly stated that only citizens can vote in elections.  No merely state law can change that.

-- Modified on 8/21/2003 11:26:08 PM

Someone is confusing Drivers license renewal fees and Vehicle registration renewal fees.

Drivers licenses are NOT free, and to the very best of my knowledge, renewal fees are NOT scheduled to be increased.

Vehicle renewals ARE scheduled to TRIPLE!! in price, one of the many reasons we want Governor "GUMBY" out of office.

The issuance of drivers licenses to illegal aliens is just another one of Gov. Low Beams ludicrous ideas.

Wells Fargo Bank has decided to cash in on a largely untapped market of customers by offering to open checking and savings accounts to those from Mexico and certain south american nations who present their national identification cards in lieu of a California Drivers License.

Raoul Duke5877 reads

Licenses for illegals....bad idea.
Flawed thinking at its finest.

ThePatriot3984 reads

Ok the licences are not "free" but they will be issued to illegals. (they're will be no discernable differences to the licences)
  Our vehicle registration tax trippled recently thanks to Governor "Gumby's" fiscal incompetence.

 The rest of the country may view the recall as great entertainment but the people and the State are geting the shaft by this bozo Davis.

Patriot, please don't take this wrong - I'm with you brother, however the streets, highways and freeways are already filled with illegal aliens!

When they are stopped, they get a ticket.  Which of course they pay as much attention to as the US Border they recently invaded.  Not to mention that the same folks NEVER have any insurance.

What we need is a law that would impound automobiles stopped where the driver cannot produce a valid driver's license.  And if he/she is illegal, then call the INS and bus their asses back to the border and deport them.

A reasonable time of 14 days could be given to produce a license, pay the fine for not having it while operating a motor vehicle and pay the impound and towing fees.  After 14 days sell the car at auction.

In Orange County, CA last September an illegal, non-licensed, non-insured Mexican woman ran a red light at 80 mph and broadsided a Ford  Expedition rolling it 2 1/2 times.  Killing the woman passenger and permanently disfiguring and disabling the male driver  The illegal woman who did this (and was unhurt) was given a sentence of ONE DAY OF DRIVERS SCHOOL (mind you she had no FUCKING LICENSE), no monetary penalty and sent home - to fuck up somebody else's life.

That woman killed was my Mother and the man my Dad!  Am I biased, FUCKING A!

The law you propose makes sense to me, Bribite.
I can't understand how the law would be anything but the way you laid it out.

This does seem to be a case of a politician throwing a bone to a core constituency (which, in reality, will have little effect on anything), which is the lifeblood of all modern American politics.  

My sincerest condolences regarding the loss of your mother and the disabling of your father.  I can only barely appreciate the anger you must feel.

-- Modified on 8/22/2003 11:07:43 AM

-- Modified on 8/22/2003 11:08:58 AM

There seems to be no justice. Why wasn't she prosecuted for vehicular manslaughter? A friend of mine spent two years in jail when convicted for vehicular manslaughter. The other car made an illegal left turn in front of his Harley. He barely survived. He was DUI. But thats not the charge he did time for. When he was released from rehab (for a brain injury) he went to jail. Doesn't make much sense to me

ThePatriot2324 reads

You have every reason to be biased 'bribite' and my prayers  and condolences to you and yours. If it means anything to you I have driven professionally(owner-operator) for close to 20 years. Having delt with instances involving uninsured motorists all I can say is I feel cops should be allowed to execute(shoot) uninsured motorists at the time of the citation/accident. That would definitely put some teeth in the insurance law.

I never heard anything about "free" but I don't give a damn about that.  The whole idea of giving licences to illegals is nothing but another example of political pandering.  For those who aren't aware, Davis had twice refused to sign the bill...of course that was before the recall election became a fact.  So now he's simply making a lame attempt to garner Latino votes.  I'd bet dollars to Krispy Kremes that if the vast majority of illegals in this state came from somewhere other than south of our border he not only wouldn't sign it, it never would have gotten through the Legislature to even have been put on his desk in the first place.

Consider this little fact as well.  During the recent haggling about the state budget Davis proposed saving $16 million by eliminating parole supervision of illegal aliens after release from prison after being convicted for a felony.  No, he didn't want to deport them...merely to let them go unsupervised to give them time to appeal to the INS for legal status.  WTF?!?!  I have no idea if any part of the appeal process is dictated by Federal law or not...I wasn't even aware of it before.  But it's a stupid idea regardless!  Let's see now...entered the country illegally, committed a felony & was convicted...and we're not deporting them immediately after they've served their time???  How can anyone think that's a good idea?  I guess if they want to appeal, fine...but they can do it from the Graybar Hotel it seems to me.  

And we Californians wonder why the rest of the country is laughing at us!

Couple things to think about:
1) How come "hispanic" or actually Mexicans are always the subject and never Europeans or Europeans.  

2) Gov. lost the Latino vote, the very minute Bustamante joined the race. Also people who don't want Davis but won't vote against thier party, will vote  Bustamante.

3) This bill AB 60 has been around since Sept 02. I people believe Gov. Davis has the power to see into the future.

4) Don't forget Enron (and some other companies) manipulated the energy market in California, even shutting down power plants during black outs. Enron executives actually, gave presentations on market manipulation. Where's the outrage? George the II raised so much  money for his presidental primary bid that no other republican had a chance from the start. Lots of this came from Enron Execs.

5) I believe the term Hispanic organized with English sailor who could not pronounce espanic, so they added an "H".

ThePatriot3144 reads

Our trouble with illegals is not from a handfull of Canadians or Europeans that outstayed their travel visas. We're being flooded by Mexican illegals and running up huge bills accommodating them. If we keep up this courtship of the hispanic voting block we soon may end up throwing the keys to the State back to Mexico and walking away because we won't be able to afford the welfare costs.

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