TER General Board

Re:Now I have a list of things to do
Tig Ole Bitties 8901 reads
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I am having a dinner date that will spill into an overnighter with a long time friend tonight. We have a very good time together and I enjoy his company. He is sweet, great looking and really knows what he is doing. The only negative thing about him is that he snores badly. The first couple of times we had our overnighters I never got any sleep because his snoring kept me awake. When I have an overnighter I don't like to see anyone in the day because I want to sleep in case my friend decides he wants to play all night. I have done about 10 overnighters with this particular friend and was only able to sleep twice because of his snoring. The last sleepover I woke him up because he started snoring even louder and it scared me. I am looking forward to this because we have a great time together. He always makes sure I am happy over anything else but I am dreading it at the same time because of his scary loud snoring. I like sleeping and cuddling very much but I don't want to insult him by waking him up again and his snoring is always very loud. Help! :(

pm95 3546 reads
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Not only can snoring be very annoying for one's partner, but it can also be very dangerous.  At the very least snoring can lead to long term heart problems, during snoring the heart gets starved for oxygen and this can lead to problems in the long term.  Snoring also means that your friend is having trouble breathing at night.  At the worst he could stop breathing and not wake up in time.  What I am elluding to is that you might want to confront him about it and try to coax him into taking a sleep disorder test.  They do make a device that you can wear at night that will prevent snoring, but they must be obtained with a prescription.  Good Luck!

CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 2396 reads
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I snore and drool on overnights.

For the amount you get for an overnight, Deal with the snoring.

Tig Ole Bitties 4032 reads
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You have no idea what I get for an overnight so why did you make that comment? I am glad to hear that you can get comfortable and snore and drool all over the bed.

rox c-u 4629 reads
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I say when he starts to snore, give him a little nudge.  This works for me.  Sometimes a change of position, using another pillow, or something can eliminate or reduce the problem.  If he is truely a long time friend, he shouldn't mind.. and you shouldn't have a problem making your thoughts or concerns known.  I know that it wouldn't be a problem for me.

followme 3464 reads
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We must have a snooooooooooooring contest for a night or three.

and I'v been drooooooooooooling over you for a looooooooog time.

Thank you

SlowBoat 3010 reads
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If he is sleeping on his back, ask him in a nice way to try sleeping on his side. Another tip is to kiss him on the cheek while he is snoring, and see if he stops. I've done that to women. Might work with him.

followme 2964 reads
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When he starts to snore just put one of those Tig Ole Bitties in his mouth..........you will both enjoy it  I'm sure.

Thank you

davesnothere47 2877 reads
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hobbyforme 27 Reviews 2416 reads
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Your client has sleep apnea.  It is a condition where not enough air flow goes through the throat when the afflicted is laying down.  While the person sleeps, the body’s self preservations instincts kick forcing the airways open.  This process makes a loud noise, that continues throughout the night.  Some inflicted are helped by a breathing machine;  others use a special retainer; but many have difficulty finding a treatment that is comfortable to use.  The condition does have a major impacted on the quality of a person’s sleep, which impacts things like sex drive, but is not life threatening.

There is a certain bottom line that your client can not help his problem.  It is really up to you to decide how you want to deal with your client’s condition.

keesterman 1412 reads
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Great conclusion Hobbyforme, and in saying so, why did you bother posting. It is obvious that it is up to her to decide what to do.
Maybe he has a lactose intolerance and trying to impress the lady he ingested some causing the nightly dificulty she had observed.

Any-way, this is one of the costs of doing business.

Good Luck

shitload 2517 reads
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or you might try sticking some nose plugs up his nose.

-- Modified on 9/17/2005 8:42:34 AM

junior457 2667 reads
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Maykus Sickby, VD 3090 reads
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Buy some "Breathe Right" nasal strips before you meet up for your date. Just hand them to your client when you decide to go to sleep and tell him that these may help. Chances are good that you'll get some sleep, and be rested enough to do some pole-climbing in the morning.

Cuban lover 2681 reads
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zinaval 7 Reviews 1239 reads
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Put in the 30db earplugs, pop 2-3 mg of melatonin, and it won't matter.

He needs a sleep study, most definitely, but that doesn't do you any good until he gets his apnea treated.  

Remember, Tig, it could be worse.  He might have restless leg syndrome and might be kicking you all night.

HootOwl 48 Reviews 3480 reads
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Felicia FoXX See my TER Reviews 3426 reads
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If you do as Mayus suggests (the sleep strip - and I highly recommend it), then feel free to dipolmatically slap one on yourself as well, telling him of your great discovery of its efficacy and how much you want him to know the benefits as well.  I did that to a client once, slapped one on him and said, you be Huck, and I'll be Tom .... you both end up looking like you need a stick of straw in yer mouths.

As for melatonin, I tried to do THAT but couldn't wake up sufficiently to play in the a.m...so make to TEST drive it (on your own time)  after you've been up late wining and dining to see if that situation will work for you. Alcohol will exaggerate the effects of a sleep aid; and to take a sleep aid at a late hour when you need to wake up early, could prove miserable in the a.m. especially when you are with a client.

Yeh, and he COULD have restless leg syndrome, lol.

Of course, you could go the route of staying up all night, but not it he or you has a plane to catch or go to early meetings...

Once when I was in NYC seeing a play, I decided to have an espresso with my client instead of a glass of wine.  What a night... we were both up all night, physically exhausted after having played ourselves out, but too wired to sleep.  Torture.

-- Modified on 9/17/2005 12:32:22 PM

CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 2192 reads
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He is paying for you to accomodate him
You are not paying him to accomodate you

Therefore we all have our habits when we sleep.
My overnighters think its funny I snore and drool. Must be a fetish. They keep coming back

Dont have a such a thin skin. Geeshe.

THOMASD 52 Reviews 1594 reads
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It's only for one night, take the easiest route and just pick up some earplugs.

VtwinRider 2028 reads
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Not everyone who snores has sleep apnea. That said, without going into a lot of detail, true sleep apnea is characterized by the periodic cessation of breathing. As the person falls into a deeper sleep, the tissues in the throat lose their tone and become loose, flapping around. Hence, the snoring. Eventually, the airway becomes blocked and breathing ceases. As the body's oxygen level decreases beyond a certain point, the person starts to awaken, the throat tissues regain tone and become firmer, the airway is no longer fully blocked, breathing starts and so does the snoring again. Does your friend seem to stop snoring and breathing for awhile (twenty seconds or more is not unusual in a severe case of sleep apnea) and then begin snoring and breathing again with a loud snort? This is more indicative of sleep apnea than constant snoring. Many suffers are overweight (e.g., fatty throat tissue takes up more space making the airway smaller), but this is not always the case. You would potentially be giving your friend the gift of life if you told him what was going on, recommended that he see a specialist in sleep disorders and get tested at a sleep center - most big hospitals have them nowadays. There are a number of effective treatments that a qualified physician can recommend. Sleep apnea is insidious because people with sleep anea do not know they have it - they never really wake up all the way. They are often tired during the day and can fall asleep in meetings, driving, etc. Also, the long range effects can be deadly - heart attack, high blood pressure and stroke. If knocked unconscious, the sleep apnea sufferer can die from lack of oxygen since he cannot wake up. A sufferer can go through this interrupted breathing cycle hundreds of times a night, believe it or not. Those of you who are physicians may want to add your two cents...

Tig Ole Bitties 3080 reads
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Love all the responses. Thank you to everyone. He likes to cuddle up and hug me when he is sleeping but the snoring is jarring. I just slip away and move to the other side of the bed when it happens. I was thinking about those strips you put on your nose. I think I will grab up a box of those. Our appointment is for 8:30 so I am getting ready now. Thanx again :]

Maykus Sickby, VD 3369 reads
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If your head is positioned just right, the drooling could work out just fine. In my professional opinion.

HandsFree 61 Reviews 2503 reads
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There are some sprays that are supposed to work as well and not cost you much.

oh no 2567 reads
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1. Get ear plugs for date.
2. Buy nose strips.
3. Request an extra pillow.
4. Ask for middle of the night roll-over (note to self).
5. Make an appointment for a sleep disorder test.
6. Freak out all night about sleep apnea. (Well, then I won't sleep, problem solved ;) )
7. Nose spray? Hummm...
8. Ponder for an hour. "Could the TER Dr.'s diagnosing from afar be correct?" (Damn, I thought this was a hobby not the clinic.)
9. Drooling cloth, his and hers. (Nice one Ciara)
10. Cancel date.
Too much stress.

All in the name of snoring. Who'd a thunk it?

HandsFree 61 Reviews 2945 reads
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Too funny, but when you are doing an overnight, it can be a LONG night if you are not prepared. As far as sprays, you can get a prescription for quality sprays such as Nasonex (contains steroids) or some of the other the counter stuff such as Snore Relief can be just as good as a short-term measure. I got an ON by pure chance where a 2 hour date turned into 6 at a very reduced rate (I made her laugh) and it's nothing like being awakened by a great you know what. Lady, I know you read these boards, you are the best.

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 3216 reads
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Consider yourself lucky. I have a problem with ladies falling asleep (and snoring) while I'm actually in the process of seducing them.

oleguy 10 Reviews 1618 reads
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I admit it, I snore.  First, I always have earplugs for my companion.  Second, I do use the spray before actually retiring.  Third, I use the clear Breathe Right nose strips.  Last overnight I let her try the strips and she really liked them.  Ended up letting her use them both nights.

Nico Veneta See my TER Reviews 4448 reads
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Go to Walgreens and buy some snore stop for him it works GREAT. Have him spray it in his mouth 30 mins before going to sleep and then again right before going to sleep. You and he will both sleep like babies.


Tig Ole Bitties 1366 reads
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That spray really works Kadi? It's called snore stop. He wants another overnight next weekend. Last night was great. I was so tired from our activities I zonked out and don't recall any snoring. I am still sleepy since we didn't sleep. I just thought of something. If I get that snoring spray, I will take some too so he doesn't feel bad about snoring. :)

Gentleman Jim 1564 reads
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The best thing on the market is MACK's Pillow Soft ear plugs. They are a reuseable soft silicone ear cover that molds to the ear opening and does not insert in the ear. They are very good and will block out the snoring. Most general ear plugs will not do the trick. Good luck.

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