TER General Board

Rene Descartes
Sophomoric Humorist 409 reads

Or so i'd like to think.

Growing up in an Italian/New York household has defined who I am as a person.  

I value reputation, doing and being my best, honesty, respect for others and integrity.

Comfort before style, kindness before judgement, and loyalty above all else.

What has defined who you are?

...of my parents echos on the pages of my life. Both Pinoy (Filipino), I think my work ethic and the inability to stand down from any fight comes though. Also awe and fear of filipino wives...they rule domestic domains with iron fists in velvet gloves.

Who you are is not defined by what you do, though what you do may certainly be influenced by who you are. I grew up in a loving single parent home in the sixties and early seventies. Patience, tolerance and hard work where all values that I learned from a very young age. I try not to judge others and I judge myself by only one criteria-self respect. In other words, I try, with varying degrees of success, not to make an ass out of myself too often.
I try to treat others the way I would want to be treated; with honesty and respect.

lotusling449 reads

To me, the definition of who I am begin with what I stand for. And they are qualities like: honesty, fairness, and integrity. Big words but what they mean is that I don't lie, cheat, short change others. I do believe your home environment has a lot to do with it.

-- Modified on 9/2/2007 3:09:10 PM

my Father taught me:

To respect, treasure, and honor women.

That family was all important.
To cultivate and treasure true friends.
Be honest and faithful in all things I do.

Above all else, trust your gut, it won't steer you wrong.

All that advice has defined how I relate in this hobby.

Just my opinion...

zetzman440 reads

Was raised in a family where my Mother was cherished & respected.. Never observed any violence towards women growing up. Therefore, when I hear from Women how they have been mistreated or beaten ..I find this repulsive beyond belief..

I was taught to work hard and things will work out for the best. This has been excellent adivse that has carried me thru over the yrs.

I also grew up in an Italian-American household, in Brooklyn.  But I can't honestly say that my values have been shaped by my ethnic background or my birthplace.  My parents were individuals, not stereotypes.  Not to mention the fact that my parents had (and still have) a bad marriage, filled with bitterness and mistrust.  It doesn't define who I am, but it does define my sex-life -- my parents' bad marriage is probably one of the reasons I only see providers instead of cultivating "real" relationships.  It's not the answer you were looking for, I know.  I can't find the words to define myself as succinctly as you can.

When I was a kid I was just always wild.

My parents favorite word was "No" and I just wanted to live.

To this day, I still do what I want to do.

I am brutally honest, I am dependable, silly, and free spirited.

Its a shame to be close minded and never given an opportunity.

Sophomoric Humorist410 reads

Or so i'd like to think.

so conflict avoidance and resolution have always been my hallmarks.

Of course the horniness comes from my dad, along with many good qualities of respect and fairness.

My mom made sure that I was a good childcare worker, and so a good parent, as well as taught me to cook and clean.

Being a Scorpio (also Scorpio rising) also explains some of my erotic bent.

ooooooooooooooops1020 reads

-- Modified on 9/2/2007 9:50:42 PM

I never really knew my mother well (series of aunts!) and it always seemed that I made a subconcious, or concious (though I never really remember thinking about it), decision to be as different from my father as I could (I consider him unworthy of using as a role model, even for my daughter).  I have done a series of personality and psychological profiles (for military duty) and my results were different than those of any of my family members.  I believe, then, that while you are partially a product of your environment, you make definitive decisions about your makeup than most people believe or understand.  Just my 2 cents.

I mean the philosophers (no pun intended)! They asked questions about us as individuals - a deeper sense of thought! I am very new here and ask myself the question - would my parents, grandparents or children, friends, relatives. coworkers and even my wife be thinking - what if I was he was a hobbyist?

You pose an interesting question - to which I say - why we have influences in our life - we are define who we are and we need to take in our environment and surroundings! Do you live a separate and secret life that others aren't aware of? Would others approve?

I discovered this by accident - had my first maid voyage (last week by the way) - and I say to myself - I have rediscovered who I am and hopefully there is more discovery in the making! So getting back to the question - while there are a lot of influences - you have to define who you are - otherwise you can get easily lost! Cyclist out!

I no longer value or TRUST anybody's reputation.

It is way too easy for misinformation, lack of understanding the situation, or outright lies to tarnish someone with a poor reputation.

Some folks I know whom have STELLAR OUTSTANDING reputations built them by claiming credit for other's works.  And by slyly blaming others for their own mistakes.

While others with lousy reputations, are hard-working, honest, and loyal to what is RIGHT vice what is easy.

TER is actually a breath of fresh air!!   In this semi-anonymous, nation-wide, loose-community the "reputation" of the providers (and reviewers) from reviews and ratings has nearly always led to a great time --- THANKS EVERYONE!!!

This (semi-anonymous communities with rating/review systems) might be a great PhD thesis for someone in the psychology or people arena

what you describe is who you are being...

So what defines me is who I am being in this world.

another words... what ever I make it up to be...

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