TER General Board

“My father was always emotionally distant, but that’s just how men are sometimes”
TruthSpeaker 3405 reads

I often hear women say this.  They may wish their partners were more able to express their emotions, but their fathers are not held to the same standard.  Instead, they use adjectives of idealism or sympathy in describing how their fathers behaved during their childhood:  “stoic”, “cautious”, “repressed”, “browbeaten”, “dignified”, “reserved”.  Their father was the “strong, silent” type.  And indeed, in our culture, it is the man of few words who is often seen as the most masculine, and many men buy into this view of masculinity, and take it with them into their fathering style.  They do not understand their daughters, and aren’t involved in their lives.

Some fathers are emotionally unavailable to their families.  They don’t intervene when their children are attacked by the mother or by siblings.  Even when told by teachers or spouses or counselors that their children are in trouble, they take no action.  If their children ask them for help, they do not react.  They are simply oblivious to their children’s needs for love, encouragement, and affection.

But what appears to be a remote father’s indifference is often a vigorous attempt to keep his emotions under cover, like a calm lake with mysterious demons lurking far beneath the surface.  Most of these fathers are not really without feelings – it is that they are unable or unwilling to *express* their feelings.  Often, they were raised to feel that expressing feelings is a shameful thing for a male.  This is a reason for their behavior, but not an excuse – they can with effort overcome this and become the kind of fathers who are lovingly involved in their daughter’s lives.

Some fathers are very passive people, and will do almost anything to avoid becoming the target of someone’s anger.  They often marry women who are their temperamental opposites – steely women who dominate the family with impossible expectations and never-ending  fault-finding, the kind of women who only feel valued if other people are dependent on them, or controlled by them.

How do emotionally remote fathers get this way?  Perhaps it is a reaction to having had a domineering mother in their own childhood, combined with a father who was emotionally absent.  For some men like this, love with a woman is mixed in with anxiety, affecting their marriages, and they also end up losing their ability to empathize as fathers with their daughters.  

Men often affirm their masculinity in one of two ways:  first, by having women respond to them sexually; and second, by escaping women, making sure that a woman doesn’t get control of them.  And so for them, sex must not carry with it the risky entanglement of real intimacy.   But these sons would not be so terrified of intimacy if their *fathers* had played larger roles in their lives, and provided for them an example of masculine tenderness.  As it is, too many fathers are strangers to their sons.

I want to talk next about what happens when daughters have emotionally distant fathers.

Zucco3486 reads

Where does all the above analysis get us? What does it mean?  We wallow around in the past trying to explain all our sexual and emotional limitations in terms of the limitations of our parents, as if we're all victims. Enough already!!  All parents have limitations, "emotionally distant fathers" included.  Children all grow up to be adults. If they didn't like what their parents were like, then they can choose to treat the people in their lives differently. They can choose to be better than their parents and treat those around them better. They can stop overanalyzing their family history and get on with their own future lives. And if someone in your life is emotionally distant and doesn't satisfy you, you are free to leave that person and find someone who isn't distant.  Let's stop this psycho-babble and get on with life!!

TruthSpeaker2636 reads

It is those who refuse to examine their past who will be unable to escape it, and whose children will be most negatively affected.  One of my main reasons in posting is to help people to be better parents.  This starts with having the courage to examine our own pasts, and successfully resolving our relationships with our own parents.

Doing this is not wallowing in self-pity.  It is taking charge of our lives, having the courage to stop avoiding doing the work (and yes, it is work) of successfully resolving our relationship with our parents, so that we can move on with life in a positive way.  

I am going to post later on the exact steps that a person can take to successfully resolve their relationships with their parents, but first I am going to talk for awhile about different types of parents and children.

Can I be the first to say this?:

My parents for all their minor faults did a great job.  That I am a worthless piece of fuck is my own doing.  There- that felt good!

Can we all shout this from our windows tonight?

Oh Paddy C. wher is thy sting....

Mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore!

now that was good-  I don't even try to read 'em.  Doc Phil as Hobbyist or vice versa- tis weird.

Sigmund Fraud1574 reads

Silly me!  I have been doing it wrong all these years!  Instead of taking out my anger by pounding the crap out of the other guy's face, I should resolve this by seeing more providers!  More women respond to me sexually & my wife doesn't control me because I'm having sex with whoever I want!  No more .44 Magnum for me, it's Trojan Magnum XL for me now on!  Thanks doc, I just killed three birds with one stone, & I didn't even have to reload!  Thanks for your psychoanalysis for dummies 101 course.  I am a much better person for it.  Now did you reach your hypothesis by the "throwing it on the wall & seeing what sticks method", or by the "throw it & see which one goes farther method"?  Personally, the latter works better for me!  But maybe that's just my hyper masculinity speaking because I'm so "terrified of intimacy".  Can't you just feel all the "masculine tenderness" in this post!

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