TER General Board

Re:Lying over and over again may make you believe a lie, but
smartmax 101 Reviews 3841 reads
1 / 23

What is with the intern thing? Why don't these guys just stick to the pros?

-- Modified on 2/12/2004 9:14:06 AM

megapig 3170 reads
2 / 23

Gary Hart would have been President if, when accused of "monkeying around" (pun) with Donna Rice, he'd simply said "yeah I boned her ... and she was GOOOOD!"

Every single man in the country would have pulled the lever for Gary, and half the married ones, too.

If, when confronted with the "arms for hostages" thing in Iran, Reagan had just said "yeah, we tried to pull a fast one with some moderates in Iran to get our people back and it didn't work out."   It would have been a 2 day news cycle.

At least it OUGHT to be that way.   But the people in Washington don't seem to agree with us on that point.   A former Congressman friend of mine once told me "the thing we can never do, but the thing we ACHE to do .... is come home and tell our constituents the real truth.  The problem is, no one that's ever done it has survived it."

So it will be interesting to see what Kerry does about this.

Col. Nathan R. Jessup  was right.

-- Modified on 2/12/2004 9:37:08 AM

onehiphippy 3 Reviews 2233 reads
3 / 23

Even worst, Kerry is a memeber of the same elite private club skull and Bones. What a boner

emeraldvodka 3281 reads
4 / 23

If true the Democrats are going to have to dump kerry in a heartbeat.  Didn't like him much anyway...

RLTW 3376 reads
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FearlessLeader 3832 reads
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I'm not concerned that a handsome, powerful senator is getting laid by a girl 20 (30?) yrs younger than him. I say: Bravo!! I can't recall where I read it , but I remember reading that the most potent aphrodisiac is power.
 I'm not upset that Clinton had a mistress as an intern in the White House. I'm upset that the leader of the free world's mistress was so frumpy.

clownboy2 3 Reviews 3475 reads
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exslac 8 Reviews 2125 reads
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that Clinton was our first black president:
- he played the sax
- he did drugs
- he did ugly white women

Bob71466 7 Reviews 3808 reads
10 / 23

Hey, it makes me like the guy a little more.  Look at all the "cheaters" from the Oval Office ....

Clinton, Kennedy, Roosevelt, Washington, Jefferson, ....

Times were pretty good when they around.  It's the uptight "moral" ones who usually get us into trouble.

agrkej 18 Reviews 7049 reads
11 / 23

I see the Republican 'machine' has started to spew out its bilge against Kerry.

bribite 20 Reviews 3526 reads
12 / 23

Did you think that the dumb, AWOL, coward, liar stuff was civll?  Simple political discourse and discussion?

It's just starting!

goodguy 56 Reviews 3606 reads
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Willie Clinton 3360 reads
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agrkej 18 Reviews 4492 reads
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Not particularly.  Did you think the accusations that Clinton had Vince Foster killed was civil?

-- Modified on 2/12/2004 5:45:09 PM

2sense 2259 reads
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Gee, I don't know bribite. The weight of evidence so far is that, if George W. wasn't AWOL, the most he had was a permission slip from George Senior excusing him. Maybe that will turn up some day.

Actually these days, I'm sort of nostalgic for the days of George Senior, Colin Powell (before his present disgrace), Brent Scowcroft, Larry Eagleburger et al. After listening to George W.'s Meet the Press interview, I have to admit I'm sort of concerned about his mental acuity. One would expect that he would have a mental functioning approximately at the same level as his father. Yet, on many of his responses to Russert, there seemed to be considerable incoherence. Perhaps due to residual effects of long-term drug and alcohol abuse.

wonhunglow 7 Reviews 4609 reads
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bribite 20 Reviews 3674 reads
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the evidence shows otherwise.

Besides IF you had served in the military you would know what AWOL means.  In order to be AWOL you have to have orders to be somewhere, when you don't show up, you are arrested and subjected to a court marital.  And there is a record!

Bush's pay stubs show he was paid and IF you had ever served you would know that the military doesn't make pay mistakes in the soldiers favor, ever!

When asked if he ever saw Bush on base, his General said he couldn't recall seeing him!  LOL   He then went on to say that if Bush said he was there, he believed him. I was in the Marine Corp for 6 years and physically saw a General once, at my graduation from Marine Recon School, I doubt he would remember me either.  I only was in the presence of a Colonel once, he probably wouldn't  remember either.  Shit, I only occasionally saw a Captain, he would remember me though, he was the only other guy in my unit who liked Bushmills and fine cigars.

And to the poster who brought up Clinton and Foster, can you name one elected Republican who made that accusation?  With a fact other than your wild imagination.  Where you morons come up with this kind of bullshit is beyond me.  It's like attributing every wild ass thing that Michael Moore spews to all democrats.  It's unfair and bullshit.

sdstud 18 Reviews 3106 reads
22 / 23

It's probable that this is what REALLY happened.  Which technically, is not quite AWOL.  But it's hardly any more defensible, which is apparently why Bush is withholding the records.

And BTW, attributing Jane Fonda's actions or even outright lies about actions that she DIDN'T commit, to every anti-war protester, even the courageous ones who came home with many military decorations, is similarly unfair bullshit.  But you, Bribite, seem to be very willing to wallow in THAT bullshit - so why shouldn't we give ALL your spewings similar credence?

agrkej 18 Reviews 7660 reads
23 / 23

Bush's pay stubs also show several months where he was not paid.  Also, one of his superiors that did not remember ever seeing him on the base was a friend of Bush.  It is also amazing that no one from either of the units has come forward claiming to have seen Bush at that time.  I would find it hard to believe that Bush's people haven't been looking.

Where did the requirement that an accusation had to come from an elected Republican come from?  They would have to be politically stupid to make wild accusations unless they had solid proof, and even then, why would they when Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Matt Drudge, etc. are perfectly willing to make the accusations for them.

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