TER General Board

Gaylord Perry 2701 reads

You were the best batboy.  Im glad you came out of the closet too.  Diaperman, i always enjoy our homo erotic sessions.  Keep swinging.

I've talked with many providers in the last ten years. When I ask them if their in favor of legalization of the trade, they usually say "no" because it would lower the prices. I'd like to know how girls feel about that issue on here. Are you in favor of the trade or not, despite the dangers since it is illegal?

DoggieStud1699 reads

In most of Europe, prostitution is legal, BUT pimping (or organized prostitution rings) are not. It works well ... I love the European way of life ... I've lived there.

If, legal you would have a lot of organized prostitution, and the service probably wouldn't be as good, I'm sure. I think it would be a bad thing for this business.

Plus, the goverment, would regulate it and have their hands in  everyones business. Not, a good thing.

I don't feel it will be legal anytime soon, as most consider it more of moral issue. If, it was legal, do you think your SO would think it was OK? Highly unlikely, don't you think?

Just my 2 cents worth,


Legalizing it would open up such a can of regulatory worms that service would go down and the prices would go way up.
Ladies would also lose a HUGE chunk of their profits to the IRS
 Much better to have it as an "infraction" much like a traffic ticket. Non-criminal, pay your fine and be done with it.


ParisKnight1879 reads

Land of the free....right~(can you sense the sarcasm)

The women in this occupation provide a greater service and purpose then anyone outside of this 'world' could imagine.  They should not be prosecuted or even be looked shamefully upon for that.  

Two consenting adults is still two consenting adults no matter who, what, when, or where.  Does anyone else agree?  Who cares what is going on in someone else's bedroom?  That's their business, not some member of the local LE or congress.

Educate, educate, educate!  Generally, people are afraid of things they don't understand.

For instance...

Remember when, most gay's stayed in the closet?  Now it's hip to be gay thanks to 'Queer Eye' and 'Will and Grace' and so many others.  Now gay marriages are in the works.

It will be almost impossible to decriminalize it on a federal level but one county, one state at a time it can be accomplished.

Simple steps to get things rolling in the right direction....
Pay your taxes--(for the ladies that don't already) Uncle Sam doesn't give a rat's ass about how or where you got your money.  Just give the man some money!
Educate--Tell them you would rather see a professional sex worker make money then see a child was raped and murdered.
Get Involved--If you have the time, dedicate it to something.  Helping the homeless, feed the hungry, aid victims of domestic violence, show the conservatist of this country that you are a valuable asset.

People should be free to live their own lives.  I understand that, yes, some people wouldn't know what to do without laws and rules.  Why punish those that can function and live decently without them?

When this topic has previously come up, I seem to feel the general consensus to be leaning towards decriminalization rather than completely legalizing the trade. Many will cite reasons such as legalization will bring about government regulation, in the from of licenses, fees, taxes, which potentially increase rates for less profit. Once legal, more would participate, and many new ripoffs would most likely enter the market lowering the overall quality of service. So legalization just might backfire on us and take us in the opposite direction we intended.
 Furthermore, keeping prostitution illegal is too good for politics, especially during election years. LE makes too much money off of arresting ladies who are not dangerous criminals. All this appears to maintain a good, moral community with christian and/or family values. Our society is just not ready for this revolution. (Though some may be open to a minor evolution moving towards decriminalizing.)
 Meanwhile, decriminalization would allow for some degree of community tolerance; yet, we still would police our own kind (the way it should be, at least for right now).
 While we all want to live in a world where our hobby/business is accepted; I have resigned myself to the fact it simply will not happen in my lifetime. I propose we try to decriminalize for now, then legalize later when society catches up with us. But understand it will be a long, hard fought journey to make so many see the value of all this when it has been viewed so negatively for so long.

it's still nice to think about though isn't it; legal and socially acceptable, mr.man

"legalization will bring about government regulation, in the from of licenses, fees, taxes, which potentially increase rates for less profit."

Legalization is harming all professions, then, not just prostitution. Thwacking government on the nose and telling it to get out of people's business IN GENERAL would be a much better way to solve that problem. Not only would it help prostitutes; it would help the rest of us as well.

I am tired of having to get a license for everything. It seems like no matter what kind of business you want to run, you only get to do it at Big Brother's pleasure. If prostitutes were threatened with the same treatment, then maybe they would start voting better, and we'd finally be able to get rid of all that crap. ;)

diaperman2100 reads

I think the goverment should step in on this ! It would cause the prices to definitly go down and the hobby would be safer on dieases . People in other countries are laughing at the prices we are paying.  If they stepped in it would cause girls to get tested and if they failed they would not be issused the card for them to work..

Gaylord Perry2702 reads

You were the best batboy.  Im glad you came out of the closet too.  Diaperman, i always enjoy our homo erotic sessions.  Keep swinging.

Clam Digger1792 reads

revised to exclude independent escorts.  The revised section would define prostitution, and the elements that constitute an act of prostitution.  There would be a statement contained within the section that would read something like this: “This section shall not apply to consenting adults who engage in sexual activity in a private place wherein the solicitation for the act did not occur in a public place, and the act is conducted by a sole practitioner.”  The exclusion of independent escorts would not affect other forms of prostitution such as street walking.  The community would still maintain control over conspicuous vice activity while acts between consenting adults would be decriminalized.  Independent escorting is more closely related to consenting adults having sex outside of marriage than it is to traditional prostitution such as street walking.  The chance of completely doing away with prostitution as a crime is very remote.   Legalization of prostitution would mean that society condones it, and the chance of that happening is very slim. Another problem with the legalization of prostitution with so many controls and restrictions is there still are women who would work illegally. The community would be right back where it started with the same problem but with the addition of another bureaucratic mess.

This might be one course to follow, even if I don't think it gets to what I believe to be the fundamental rights issue: using the government to coerce, license and regulate "proper" sex, or regulating sex as commerce.  But it would be a good first goal.    

pmovie2943 reads

As a newcomer to the hobby (as a client), how can I make sure that I avoid any brushes with the law?

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