TER General Board

Re:Ladies in the UK vs the US
wannarideher See my TER Reviews 3479 reads

I don't want to do anal or be too liberal with a complete stranger as I am hoping to get enough money to start my own business and then rub elbows with high society. I don't want my future husband to have all his friends to say that I did such and such for a low price.

I want to reserve some things for that special man in my life as I have never been married. It is the main reason I haven't done porn as I am not the modest type

4inofpleasure6774 reads

I've been browsing the escort listings on numerous sites, and I've noticed something. There are so many beautiful escorts over in the UK who are willing to do anything and everything for reasonable prices. Here in the US, from my personal experience and from reading tons of reviews, the more beautiful escorts are very conservative with what they do. Where I live at in the US, virtually all the really attractive girls are strict CBJ, no anal, no CIM, no Asian, etc. To get any of these services, I have to see a lady who really isn't that attractive, overweight, etc. There is one beautiful lady in my area who, according to her reviews, does do all this stuff, but she's like $$$$$$$$$$ for two hours. Why is there such a discrepancy between the ladies in the UK and in the US?

I don't want to do anal or be too liberal with a complete stranger as I am hoping to get enough money to start my own business and then rub elbows with high society. I don't want my future husband to have all his friends to say that I did such and such for a low price.

I want to reserve some things for that special man in my life as I have never been married. It is the main reason I haven't done porn as I am not the modest type

RehabRob2841 reads

Bravo to you. I think the reason you meant to list as to why you haven't done porn or anal or whatever is that you ARE more modest than most. This hobby takes all kinds and it is a caveat emptor business. I believe the dream you have is at your feet whether the money is there or not. Turn 'I wish' into 'I will' and 'I can't' into 'I can.' Don't think about how much money you'll need or you will be stuck in this business forever. This is meant to be a short-term business if you truly have an action plan. I see too many women seduced by the notion that the ship is just around the corner and stay too long. This business does not allow you to trust many people and when you lose your sense of trust, it hardens you into someone that won't be attractive to anyone because your what's in you will ultimately show on your face. Listen to your wishes and see where they lead you. The time may be very well now and if you wait, all of that may be lost. So, let's take it that you find your way to this idealic life you desire. It's going to take an awfully strong man to manage knowing about this part of your life and respecting that you are your own person etc. Often, when we wait for the ideal circumstances to appear, we are left at the gate and the last bus has run for the evening. Get out soon and find yourself at the top of that mountain.

4inofpleasure2801 reads

That's good and all, but it's something I've noticed across the board. Looking at some agencies and also independents in the UK, these ladies are smoking, supermodel caliber girls who do it all; CIM, swallow, rimming, etc., all at reasonable prices compared to US ladies. I've been with, or have read reviews, of virtually every lady within my area, which is one of the bigger cities in the US, and I can't get these extra services out of any of the ladies other than the not-so-cute ladies. Don't get me wrong, these ladies are super nice and are great people, but for me, there's nothing like the body of fit, beautiful young woman. I don't know if it's a cultural difference or what, but it's a bit disappointing. For example, check out these sites below:


Agree on point 1 that it is very difficult to find a lady who is both an 8-10 in looks and who does Greek here in the US.  Agree on point 2 that the women on the UK sites you list are all beautiful.  Point 3 is the big one:  Who will vouch that they actually saw the girls in the pictures and that they actually did all the things advertised?  Have you read reviews for a representative sample of all these beautiful women?  It's easy to post a pic and talk a good game.

RehabRob4031 reads

Totally agree. Pictures in the absense of solid reviews mean nothing and even then its YMMV as you know. I have rarely had a picture and the session match the performance as described in many reviews. Guys on both shores tend to exxagerate for whose benefit, I am not sure. Take Canada for example, the hobby is mostly legal there, the rates reasonable and lots of 'extras, yet the women there are no more better looking "in-person" than what I have encountered here. The problem with the U.S. from my point of view is that it is flooded with ladies who do not want to show a gentleman a good time because they have been told by handlers and others that they can get away with this BS with little or no reprecussions. And yes, that gorilla you saw in the parking lot probably has a bad attitude and a '9' to match. I have found this to be somewhat a pattern. Ladies who are independent and career girls with SOs tend to leave ass play off the menu along with other high risk activities. The agencies somehow find a way to recruit younger,(not always good looking; pictures lie) hungrier ladies; some just off the block and just clean enough to check into a nicer hotel. When you go after ladies who will do it all, you are putting yourself into a situation that you may regret. If you can get all of what you want for $$ then so be it.

-- Modified on 6/4/2005 3:02:46 PM

I can't speak of these two agencies specifically, but I have had several 'reputable' agencies use my photos in both their gallery and for front page advertising.  These were agencies which I was never in any way affiliated with (nor do I or have I ever provided some of the services they listed me as doing).   And for some odd reason, there has been a disproportionate number of UK agencies (and indies) who have used my text and photos.

Perhaps these agencies that you have linked to are completely above board.  But it is also possible that some of it is stock photography or stolen pics from other ladies sites.

some of the girls look so perfect that they probably had more surgery than the Swan and some may have been men in the past. I am not looking down at that but here is a real comparison.

I know a girl who had a lot of weight loss and plastic surgery and the first thing she did was become a stripper b/c she was hungry for the compliments she didn't get in high school.

I was also fairly attractive. Not a stunner but I always favored the kid sister Winona Ryder so I got lots of guys who told me I was cute or had pretty face. They didn't call me Playboy or model material but I had enough compliments in high school that I had the self confidence to not be needy in relationships or allow a guy to talk me into doing things I didn't want to do.

Now my girlfriend who went from "ugly duckling" to swan was given more party invitations and dates than me after her surgery and she didn't know how to say no because she never dealt with having male attention so she slept with every guy who invited her to her party or called her pretty for 3 years when she realized what she had done

I am not saying all gorgeous girls are like that but many in the entertainment business have had work done and if they are too perfect looking, there is a reason.

Aphra3236 reads

Click on any of the girls and see their place of origin.  If you find an English escort, you'll be lucky.  All the ones I saw were from eastern Europe or the Far East.  Many are from Lithuania, Latvia and Slovakia.

I think that you'll find that the London escort market is saturated with women from Eastern Europe, and that has driven down prices in the last couple of years.

I wouldn't say that all these girls are trafficked but some may be.  There are probably a number of other factors at work, including the lure of London and maybe the hope for commercial success in one of the fairy-tale careers, like dancing or modelling; the expense of living here once they arrive; the lack of conventional work or poor rates for immigrants, particularly illegal immigrants; and for those already involved in the sex industry, the comparative profitability in the London market vs the Eastern European markets.


horny243703 reads

in the ass more personal than being fucked in the pussy that you'd save it for your future husband. Is it because it's an unnatural or forbidden act whereas it's okay to have a complete stranger lick or fuck your pussy? I don't understand it.

AnotherNYCProvider4339 reads

I think she meant that she would like to save something that she sees as sacred for her future husband.  It used to be virginity long ago, but now thats gone.  I agree with her.  Its why I dont do anal.  firstly, I do think its more high risk, and it can be very painful if not done right.  But, nonetheless, when you are a provider sex becomes something you do over and over again with men you hardly know.  But you want to save something special for the furture love of your life, something youve never done before, or something you dont do much at all.  Anal becomes a gift that you can give to him and something that you only experience with him.  Its not that its more personal, but that it becomes a gift.  Its probably why some girls dont kiss or dont do BBBJ.  Make sense?  

Theres also an element of trust involved.  At least for me.  because anal can be painful, I would only want to do it with someone I could completely trust.  I could trust that he loves me and would be careful with me, rather than just fuck my ass hard.  Unfortunatly, not all "hobbiests" are kind and caring and they will just fuck you hard.

horny243362 reads

been seeing for a long time and you trust him, would you consider doing anal with him, the issue of saving it as a gift for future husband aside?

AnotherNYCProvider2832 reads

To be honest, i had a really bad experience with anal a few years back.  A druken asshole had anal sex with me without my consent. We were having sex and he keep "slipping".  So all I know about it is pain.  So in my case, if I really became good friends with a client and he was on the small side, I might consider trying it again.  But I dont know. I dont plan on being married, and I dont have a BF.  So I guess I could possibly consider it with a very special client.  I would just hope that he understood where I was coming from and that this was just for him, kind of deal.

horny242822 reads

we really click and then it becomes a matter of just wanting to be more intimate and passionate with her, i.e. I consider her to be someone very special, provider or not. I think it's less of a physical pleasure to me, never has been. Have u ever gotten any physical pleasure from Greek at all and were you doing it to please him?

-- Modified on 6/4/2005 6:03:16 PM

AnotherNYCProvider3602 reads

Like I said, it was done not with my consent.  he kept "slipping" I kept saying stop it, no. But he ignored me, and just kept putting it in and fucking me anally.  We were both drunk and this was a boy I liked (pre escort days).  so thats been my only experience with greek.  Ive never tried it since (if you call my experience "trying", it was more like rape).  And because of that, I was pretty traumatized.  It hurt so bad for a couple of days after.  Lately, I have been curious about it, but because I was so traumatized I would only want to try it with someone I cared about.  And someone small.  (the a-hole was large which made it worse)

horny243043 reads

Sounds like he raped you, I'm sorry to hear that.

-- Modified on 6/4/2005 6:20:21 PM

more blood, more doctor bills
I have girlfriends who have to see a doctor b/c their men didn't lube up enough and the tissue is delicate

I would want my husband to have that as he would be caring enough of my feelings to back out if I wasn't feeling up to it.

there are some nice clients but I feel that you have to have a more personal relationship with a guy for that

I have yet to go to a doctor b/c some guy made my vagina too sore.

Patooie!3616 reads

Then your future husband can be proud that you werent a cheap hooker, but an expensive one. Maybe he'll be able to put you in a doublewide with your extra earnings. Sounds good, right? Patooie!

Squirtboodles4071 reads

First I will not comment on the services and looks part just your complaint that more is offeered for less$$ in UK. In UK this is perfectly legal unless you are a pimp (They have rules agains pimps to keep women from being forced into this or abused etc) Here in the US the risks are much higher. Just scroll down to the thread about here alias says it all if you do not believe me and I know for fact she is not the only lady to have gone through this in the past week. When we ladies are participating we are risking much more than the gents for statisticaly it is the ladies whom are most often targeted. A recent case in NJ a lady was arrested first time offender they confiscated her car computer etc and asked for a bond of about 28 k.
I am sure you get the message for the discrepancy of pricing.

RehabRob5016 reads

that it is legal here (Nevada), but you don't see girls flocking to join the brothels either, where the prices in some make all of the street activity look cheap. So I don't think you can make the argument that the risks of being busted is what drives prices up here in the USA. If that were the case you wouldn't have as many in the business and the turnstyle seems to get swifter every year. Once you are a 'mark' for the police, it's about over in that a bust is the making. For the girl, who gets caught in the random sting, then chalk that up to the luck of the draw. I know several long-term providers who because of their practices have never found harm's way. Unfortunately, and as you know, some states and jurisdictions have a bigger hard-on (pun intended) for this biz than others. While I would not want to see anyone is custody for any reason, this biz has its drawbacks or I would be slinging dick everyday.

Squirtboodles3751 reads

1 state out of 50. Are all the gents supposed to travel there to partake in the pleasures we ladies have to offer? Would not the state of Nevada be a bit over populated if we all went there for the safety of no worry about LE? Sounds like a silly solution to me.

RehabRob3099 reads

I only made it sound preposterous as your saying that the fear of LE was driving the price up in the US; not true either. The market is flooded with 'scrubs' and ladies who could care less about LE. Getting $$ and more for doing next to nothing is a huge incentive when the only thing compelling is a bad man habit or a bad drug habit. I figure the average hobbyist gets ripped off 4-5 times before he wises up and uses the boards and the socials to find the great ladies who are committed to giving a guy or gal a awesome time. My respect to anyone who gives as good as she gets. I also contend that for most of us that pay to play that it's not the amount as it is the value we find in the experience.

-- Modified on 6/5/2005 6:30:46 PM

Bob, one reason that the ladies don't flock to the brothels has to do with working conditions.  They pay room & board and are on-call their entire stay (once the health test results arrive).  Some find it difficult to be awakened at all hours and look their best.  Plus, leaving is not usually an option.  Then, they only get about half of the money.

Still, with all of those negatives, the brothels typically have no problem at all finding ladies to work there.

LuckyGary2284 reads

Because they can.

Aphra3193 reads

Cost is a relative thing, of course.  But I would say that the cost of living in the UK is far higher than the US and most of western Europe, especially France and Germany.  And London is that much more expensive, especially for luxury services, than the rest of the UK.  So, if a top of her game, beautiful, young escort is charging a minimum of, say, $500 in NY or LA (the equivalent sort of city as London), all other things being equal, I wouldn't consider it to be unrealistic to think in terms of £500 upwards for London (I'm deliberately substituting pound for dollar here).  Indeed, there may well be some that charge that kind of rate, as price is such a variable, as with all "luxury" services.  

Now, if the escort industry is dependent upon tourism and nods its head towards the value of the American dollar as a matter of course, then the high exchange rate with the pound is going to affect business, and that may act as an independent factor in driving rates down.   The same may apply with sterling's value against the Euro.  I would anticipate that the escort industry must be conscious of this when considering price.  This is an unknown and may be variable but I can't imagine that sex tourism is blind to this.

Another factor which must be taken into account is the legal implication.  Women do not bear the same legal risks here as they do in the US, and this must also have an impact on price.  This will also be inextricably linked with other factors like the numbers and types of women involving themselves with the industry.  Social risks, however are probably on a par if not worse - eg personal safety and health risks, social stigma, the risk of exposure etc.  It's still a risky business.

So, is it that much cheaper for you as an American?  In terms of value for money, probably, but not as cheap as going to a third world country and taking advantage of their sex tourism.  Now that is as cheap as chips.  But the question is, do you want chips?:)


What the hell, we did it over tea the first time, can't think of a better reason to start another one now... have to admit though, feel a special kinship
for our brothers and sisters in the UK.  Was stationed with some of the when in the service and my family is originally from Northern England.

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