TER General Board

Re:Just to clarify...for all you sluts:
slut101 4151 reads
1 / 21

Most ladies are in this business to make money. If more guys are using Viagra and taking longer to ejaculate, are you now seeing fewer clients because of soreness and tiredness issues.
Inquiring minds want to know.

wannarideher See my TER Reviews 2177 reads
2 / 21

I think it has helped as Viagra causes men to see me who wouldn't normally b/c of performance anxiety. I don't take more than 2 clients per day unless they are regulars calling me to see if I had a cancellation and I had bfs as a teen who would go for hours on end so I am used to the long rides.

CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 2193 reads
3 / 21

Us "sluts" never hurt.

And BTW.. Sluts give it away for free

Please call us whores.
Thank you.

-- Modified on 9/22/2005 9:20:46 AM

SmellySmegma 4080 reads
4 / 21
slut101 3021 reads
5 / 21

1. A woman considered sexually promiscuous.
2. A woman prostitute.

bikebryan 18 Reviews 2024 reads
6 / 21

I think you are operating under a misconception of the function of ED medications.  They don't offer one bit of help in the ability to ejaculate sooner or prolonging how long until it happens.  They neither increase nor decrease sensitivity.  All they do, if a person suffers from ED, is help provide the ability to get an erection.  That's it.

So if the lady sees a guy that uses Viagra or doesn't, there's a good chance that EITHER guy will have trouble finishing the second round - or won't.  That's not a function of the medication but of the person.

Oh, and a "gentlemen" wouldn't just think of himself and pound away like there is no tomorrow.  If the lady is getting tired and/or sore, he should switch activities to allow her some rest.

mr.ed 14 Reviews 3214 reads
7 / 21

I check out the OED (Oxford English Dictionary).  It provides not only standard definitions, pronounciation, etc., but it also supports its determinations with references to historical usage that include quotations to demonstrate use.  

The NEW Shorter Oxford that I have with me at the moment lists the following:

1 A woman of slovenly habits or appearance.  [Middle English in origin]  (This definition quite obviously does not fit any of the women who generally post here.)

2 A kitchen maid; a drudge. [Middle English, rare]  (This rare usage is also plainly inapprorpriate here)

3 A sexually promiscuous woman, a hussy, a tart.  [Middle English]  (see comment below)

4 A makeshift candle, esp. one made from a piece of rag dipped in lard or fat [England, 17th century]  (see comment below)

5 A female dog [England, 19th century]

Ok, here's my take on it for women posting here:

1, 2 and 5 are not worth discussing.  The same is perhaps true for 4, but I've got something to say about it so I'll hold that one in abeyance for a moment.

The name used by slut101 and her asserted definition are apparently based on usage 3.  But, usage 3 does not distinguish in the OED from paid women who may engage in sex with a variety of men and unpaid women who may do so.  So, technically, that definition may arguably apply, but I don't think it does for two reasons.  First, it is vague and overly general and there are any number of words which are more specific and therefore more accurate and more appropriately used (escort and provider among them).  Second, the use and explanation given by Ciara is, IMO, in more common use today and understood as more accuarate - if not everywhere in the English speaking world, certainly on the TER General Discussion Board.

Finally, the word "slut" is most often both taken and intended as derogatory.  Again, most persons posting on the TER General Discussion Board would not use the word slut to refer to an escort or a provider because that derogatory intent is not accepted.  Along those lines, Ciara's joke made in response is supportive of that point: pointing out in a humorous way that women here do not accept being looked down upon by anyone.

To that end, let me conclude by adding that definition 4 is, perhaps, no longer historically inappropriate.  If you want to use the word slut for some reason, I will take that to mean that you regard these women as one would a candle - offering light and warmth and comfort.  For a better phrasing and description of what I mean by that usage, I would suggest reading the "about me" section of wannarideher's profile - it is a rather eloquent and accurate statement that helps explain the point.

-- Modified on 9/22/2005 3:57:31 PM

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CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 2546 reads
8 / 21

Thanks nosc ! Heck with the silly willies that dont even know how to use a dictionary:)

Provider1 4261 reads
10 / 21

Love it if he's on viagra and can keep up with me!!!!!!

Luscious Laurel See my TER Reviews 1932 reads
11 / 21
mr.ed 14 Reviews 1991 reads
12 / 21

The definition of a slut is NOT, as claimed by Slut101, a female prostitute.  I invite her, or anyone else, to provide support for that definition from any reliable dictionary or alternative source of equal reliability.  If unable to do so, do us all favor and stop making up definitions to suit your moralistic fervor and try a bit harder to comprehend reality.  Inquiring minds should make an effort to open their minds in order to comprehend the answers provided.

TraciofChicago See my TER Reviews 1489 reads
13 / 21

Main Entry: slut Pronunciation: 'sl&tFunction: nounEtymology: Middle English slutte1 chiefly British : a slovenly woman
2 a : a promiscuous woman; especially : PROSTITUTE b : a saucy girl : MINX
- slut·tish /'sl&-tish/ adjective

Hardwood469 18 Reviews 1663 reads
14 / 21

And a push in the bush is worth two in the palm.

catdaddy69 4 Reviews 2855 reads
15 / 21

All that just to say 'slut' is not synonomous with 'provider'...sheesh. I tend to agree with your pretentious explanation, but it boils down to one's opinion. You can't factually support who is a slut and who isn't no more than you can decide who I consider a prick and for what reason I think so. It just depends on who who ask.

frustratedprovider 1523 reads
16 / 21

that I couldn't say.  But I have noticed that those on Viagra or Cialis either never get there, get so red-faced, sweaty, and out of breath I'm concerned they will die, or take so bloody long that I'm exhausted and sore to the point I'll never see them again if they request me.  Someday the pharm companies will get it right.

Nico Veneta See my TER Reviews 1313 reads
17 / 21

I went to websters.com and looked it up and it is exactly the definition that slut101 provided.


JULY 42 Reviews 1936 reads
18 / 21

There is anecdotal evidence that Viagra makes it more difficult to orgasm.  This can be a good or bad thing depending upon what you want.  I do know that one of the better providers and myself had a falling out because I take so long to come as it is.  Your advice is good and I take pains to be a better client, but you don't always know what you're doing when you're in the midst of things.  I guess I rubbed her the wrong way for too long!!

JULY 42 Reviews 2277 reads
19 / 21

I think that was me you saw.  I apologize!!  I have since stopped using Viagra and can come on a dime.  Now if you'll just let me have several pops an hour, everything will be jim dandy!!

SASHA See my TER Reviews 2746 reads
20 / 21

Do not cause any problems what so ever.  As I consider the pop appalause it is most gratifiying if it ends that way.   If Viagra cause this result bring it on.  However when a guy who has no physical need for Viagra but takes it anyway this is where Viagra becomes a problem for me.

bikebryan 18 Reviews 3962 reads
21 / 21

If a guy has no physical need for Viagra then it does him no good anyway - at least pharmocologically.

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