TER General Board

Re:It's Not A Flame
Mithrandir 4 Reviews 3021 reads

It's definitely time to set this out of hand situation straight ! First - None of the women I've reviewed is the one I am speaking of and I NEVER review the same person twice and only review when requested to. Second - An awful lot is being read into this, I don't understand where growing a "pair" or maybe they had problems in bed even enter in to this circumstance. It's relatively simple : I don't see her anymore and haven't for quite a while and have no intention of seeing her again, so if I write an extremely honest and fair review is that the correct thing to do? This is a subject that frequents the boards and was hoping for some good advice.
Thank You

Here's the situation : I have been seeing a top provider that has the annoying habit of setting a time then calling 15 minutes prior to the time and pushing it back as much as 2 hrs at times. I have had her cancel several set appointments a half-hour before and have even been stood-up a couple of times. As I drive over an hour to see her if see pushes the time back I have at certain times waited but not recently. I know from other hobbyist that this is her way but no bad reviews of her show up. Should I be the "bad guy" and write a truthful review or since I'm not seeing her any longer just let it ride ? A tough call for me as I'm no longer involved.

to post an honest review. Let's stop being afraid of the ladies and start posting honest reviews. That's the name of this board "theeroticreview".

PerthAussie2441 reads

I don't get most of the guys that rate on this board. I have been 'mislead' several times and hey, I know, 'caveat emptor' and all. But are so many guys that 'whipped' as to not tell the truth? I made an appointment with a provider and even called 2 hours before only to wait in the parking lot for the last client to leave almost an hour later. To boot, she did not return my call to say that the guy paid for OT. She swore she would give a generous discount on our next appointment, but making that appt. seem less and less convenient. Well, I voted with my donations and when she e-mailed and asked why I hadn't dropped in for awhile, I told reminded her about the incident. Well, profuse apologies followed, but I am no longer interested. I will say this my friend. Even if she was all that and perhaps she is to you, I would not see her again. $hit happens now and again, but as frequent as this seems to be, I would ask who is paying for what and with whom?

tell about both her good points and her bad points. Be factual. That is the idea behind this board. Only once did I get yelled at for a review, and we did talk. Some of what she had to say had merit...so I changed it. But the main points that were negitive, even she had to agree with.

MrsClean2640 reads

Always be honest in the review. Talk about the good points that kept you in her bed. But also talk about why you are not going to see her again. Don't just concentrate on the negative. You can always say : " I had a great time with her on many occassions, but I will not repeat because of...." You never want to burn your bridges, remember that! You may never know when you want her to wet your penis again ;) Never say Never!

So far so good, in response to one though fear is not an issue here just trying to do things the fairest way possible. The good points were what kept me a loyal client for a long time but the lack of being able to keep an appointment became too much, it got to the point of a 95% chance of the session not happening.  When I write the review it will be totally honest in all ways. I appreciate the feedback - Thanks.

You and the rest of the guys on here are so weak kneed.  Heaven forbid you risk telling the truth about a girl and she cuts you off from tang.  You wouldnt return to a restaurant that had bad service, yet you return to this toot over and over.  Grow a set.

FelixTheKat2323 reads

There's a reason why they used to call clients.....'tricks.'

I am surprised she called you to postpone or cancel. Many if not the majority of no shows just don't call. (This is the same for many clients too, so don't flame me on this.)

there is no way I will let a provider call me 15 minutes before arrival time and push it back 2 hours. If she did that I would tell her to call me and reschedule. If she doesn't ever call it is her loss. There are thousands of providers out there who are willing and able to take my hard cash and provide an on time service with a smile on her face and happiness in her heart. If I wanted the hassle of postponment and such I would get another wife or mistress.

Her unreliability NEEDS to be reported. This is a business and management can only solve the problem if they know about it. And reviews are how they find out. If enough reviews come out and her numbers go down, her calls will dry up and she will either get out of the business or resolve it.

I concur with all that honesty is the best policy!

Punctuality is a major aspect of any service, no matter the industry, and is an aspect of performance.  I've had some bad experiences myself and have completely eliminated the possibility of giving repeat business to someone who is grossly or chronically late.

those practices might improve. It's better all the way around to be honest in reviews.

so as to be able to answer you with a 'clean slate' as it were.  I'd say write a truthful review.  Help get us back to what reviews are supposed to be, accurate information to help out other hobbyists.
Of course you'll hear it but good from the 'Provider Protection Posse' (loved that phrase), but really, what can they do to you?

Too many reviews lately are really advertisements, sucking up to a provider, or some other form of TER insider politics.  I feel like puking every time I see some provider demand, and get, a review pulled because it gave her less than an 8.

MrsClean3134 reads

He clearly states that she was a former ATF. So apparently something kept him continuing to see her. Did he and her have words while in bed? Did they fight while they were in bed? Was there something ELSE, besides her pushing the time forwards/backwards/sidewards, that is keeping him from seeing her again. Yes, he has every right to be upset, I would be too!. But when he writes the review, he should do an "overall" review where it states the positive points of what KEPT him wanting to see her, and also state the reasonings of him not wanting to anymore. Be fair! Be honest with yourself and her. There are ways to be truthful but not come off harsh. It seems to me that she didn't rob him of money, didn't do anything to him that threatened his livelihood. She could be a very nice woman, when the actual meeting has taken place. It is just her planning sucks lol Don't go overboard with the negativity on one factor, when there are many facets to a person. We are all human and have faults, and I have yet to meet the "perfect provider" out there. There are ways of parting out of a "relationship" and still remaining good friends/good terms. Also, a reviewer should never make himself look like an *sshole by constantly dumping on one negative aspect to his meetings with the provider.  Then people will think that it is all him. Again, something kept him coming back to her. Go figure ;) Lets all be adults out here, and play friendly.

-- Modified on 9/7/2004 8:56:27 AM

Just who is MrsClean? Can anyone help since you can't get a PM sent to whoever this may be and I would very much like to respond to her remarks and I don't think it is very smart to question a persons integrity especially twice in concerns to a pretty straight-forward question.

It is not a matter of wether to flame or not but to tell the truth of the situation.  Bottom line is that the provider is NOT being respectful of your time but continueally pushing back her schedule.

I would tell her that she needs to give you more than 15 minutes of prior notification if she wants to continue to see you.

But of those three reviews you posted, one in particular I think doesn't even know what day it is half the time. Actually, in the 7 years(!) she's been on the Internet, I have never heard of an appointment she's made ever starting on time (must have been a former UAL employee or something). It must hurt to be THAT blonde.

It's definitely time to set this out of hand situation straight ! First - None of the women I've reviewed is the one I am speaking of and I NEVER review the same person twice and only review when requested to. Second - An awful lot is being read into this, I don't understand where growing a "pair" or maybe they had problems in bed even enter in to this circumstance. It's relatively simple : I don't see her anymore and haven't for quite a while and have no intention of seeing her again, so if I write an extremely honest and fair review is that the correct thing to do? This is a subject that frequents the boards and was hoping for some good advice.
Thank You

youve been seeing her for a while and only now when you no longer wish to see her you want to write a review? something about this just sounds fishy. why not review her when things were great and you saw her often. only when youre annoyed at her you are going to write a review.

also correct me if i am wrong ( and i know you all will) but i didnt think you could write a review unless you saw the girl for the booked apointment. i.e you cant write about canceld apointments no matter who canceled it.

you cant write an overall review of her you can post ONE review of ONE session and then ONE updated review, to replace the old review please see # 8 of the review guidelines.

to bad we all didnt know how great she was when you first started seeing her.

Like I need a lesson on how to write a review and the guidelines. I'm OUTTA this one, it started as a question and I was only asking for feedback and it's turned rather ugly. I don't understand how such a simple question can be turned into a really rude free-for-all. This sort of participation makes me question the use of this Board.

MrsClean3137 reads

You wanted our opinions, and you got it. I don't think the majority  was out here deliberately "riding your back" so to speak. I believe that we were looking at the whole picture, and then offering our advice. This was not meant as a flame ;0 But, I do have to question , so pardon me here, why would you write a review now, when you haven't seen her in a while??? I do have to question that, as well. You sound bit bitter of the issue of her pushing the time forward, than anything else. So my question to you is are you just going to write a review just based on her pushing the time forward??? Remember it is just a question, so relax :)

You seem to want answers from me, make yourself available to accept a PM or I will have to answer them here. Why are you so interested in how I'm going to write this review? Do you possess some of the qualities of the individual I am asking about? I also find it interesting that you are so involved in this particular question even to the point of manufacturing scenarios that never were part of the situations. All this you are doing even before I have decided whether to review her or not. "Relax" you say, I get the feeling that you need to relax somewhat. I did ask for answers and opinions to the question I asked - not to the questions and make believe situations you have invented. If you want to discuss this further PM me so we don't take up other peoples time, if not I think I understand why - I probably understand more than you know, what I do know is that your idea of the whole picture is in a fantasy world.
Thanks to everyone who gave me feedback to "my" question and I'm still undecided on what I will do, I know that many of the replies were great and helpful and others seemed a bit too harsh for what I was looking for. It will be a while before I do this sort of thing again. "Shu" it has a meaning :)

MrsClean3203 reads

Please do not make me out to be the bad person in this group of posts. To be honest, you do not dwell into much, except for her bad habit of pushing the time forward. But I also feel that I am asking  valid questions :) Anyways, sorry for giving you the impression, that I was the one that was "riding your back", for I am not. But, I tend to look at the overall view of a situation other than just one part of it. Sadly, you didnt' give us views more to go by, other than just her pushing the time. To be honest, it doesn't matter who I am, for my opinion has been expressed, just like those who have posted in this thread :) I wish you the best on your review.

Mrs. Clean

NIKKI2426 reads

hi  we all know its me  i wish i could learn to  manage my time better but all my time and  energy goes into pleasing  my clients  some days i wish  there  were 2 of me  i love you all xxxx love always  nikkii

if you didnt want peoples opnions dont ask for them. Looks like what you wanted was so sort of validation that her changing apointment times as "bad"

for christ sake if youre man enough to pay to see a provider you should be man enough not to need a group hug about her pushing the time back.

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