TER General Board

Re:It sure didn't stop you...
sunraider 12 Reviews 3640 reads

You're totally mistaken on that point. Several weeks ago the NYT ran an article about a Nevada brothel, that had been open since the turn of last century, being forced to close because conservative Republicans in that town no longer wanted the establishment in their community. BTW, you are fooling yourself if think AG Ashcroft would not hesitate terminating all aspects of "this thing of ours" if he got a chance. As it stands now, the USA PATRIOT Act could end this discussion board within a minutes notice.

cranky yanker4088 reads

Just speaking for myself, I'm very depressed and not interested in making any appt's.  
If Bush lost, I'd be celebrating with lots of appointments and have optimism and hope for the future.  
I don't know how long this will last, but right now I feel like I've been fucked so hard I can barely move (in a bad way).

I just read this on the politics board, and I completely agree:

"Any jackass who after all the fuckups of W could not inspire a nation and simply crush W is a sore and pathetic excuse for any position of leadership.
Truly the last 4 years have produced the most unworthy and low caliber of political leadership from both sides of the aisle and this great nation will pay the price.  I truly weep for this great country and our future."

-- Modified on 11/3/2004 9:11:14 AM

I know exactly how you feel.  It's a horrible day for America!

...and it's not just the top office.  Congress has followed suit, giving seats to ultra-religious conservatives.  We'd better hope there's a God, because someone has to help us.


verysadandblue2799 reads

Earlier today, I spoke to a provider friend, who voted for him. It broke my heart. When a President wants to take away a woman's right to choose, it becomes a very sad day for all of us women,  I told her.

from logging on to TER...

Effect on the hobby?  None.  Get real...

You're totally mistaken on that point. Several weeks ago the NYT ran an article about a Nevada brothel, that had been open since the turn of last century, being forced to close because conservative Republicans in that town no longer wanted the establishment in their community. BTW, you are fooling yourself if think AG Ashcroft would not hesitate terminating all aspects of "this thing of ours" if he got a chance. As it stands now, the USA PATRIOT Act could end this discussion board within a minutes notice.

I'm not going to bother wasting my breath on someone who is convinced that the sky is falling...

I know what ya mean.  I'm so depressed even my dick is sad ...

Jadie4629 reads

On the contrary, I am going to increase my depress endorphin levels by schedule appointments.  Better than getting drunk.

thanks for the grin... it was sorely needed today.


-- Modified on 11/3/2004 9:21:43 PM

Ozymandias3755 reads

I'd say political leadership has little effect on the hobby.

Publicly, both Democrat and Republican, Liberal and Conservative, are opposed to it:

The Conservative says it's morally wrong.

The Liberal says "these women are victimized by society".

Privately... well, anytime there is a Rebublican or Democratic convention, the providers are all booked up weeks in advance.

Business as usual, I'd say.


Politics are almost always trumped by sex.  Unless things like TER become too "visible" (our current "leader" DOES owe a huge debt to the God Squad), it will be mostly a matter left to local LE and their tricks.

Unfortunately, Oz, I feel like The Comedian today.

Red Wings3243 reads

I for one am jumping for joy. It's a great day in the country in my opinion. We gained in the Senate and still hold a solid majority in the House.

Insulted3421 reads

And we'll keep gaining seats and percentage points until the left learns to stop insulting the intelligence (and values) of the average citizen.

As a former Democrat, I never cease to be amazed at the level of vitriol the New Left spews at anyone who disagrees with them. They consider themselves "liberal", yet they're screechingly intolerant of any views that aren't identical to their own.

Yeah, yeah. We 51% are retards and you 48% are so enlightened. Oh please, please, tell us how to think and be as elite and culturally sophisticated as you are.

Red Wings2076 reads

It amazes me that the left has always said that the right was so full of hate but the last couple of days has exposed them as the true party of hate.

They're saying that anybody that didn't vote they way they did is ignorant and stupid. They are calling the middle of the country and the south "flyover" like they are not part of America. It's just a pitiful way to act.

Especially in California. The measure regarding 3 strikes hits providers very hard! Three convictions by le for a misdemeanor could equal a life sentence. Just look at what they have done for petty minor offenses in my state! That is it, I am moving to New England next year.  I refuse to pay taxes to a state that enforces cruel and unusual punishment to minor crimes when they refuse to go after corporate criminals who have cost the state of California an insane amount of money.

Become a member of the ACLU.  I have been a member since 1988. It is the only hope.

However, saying that three convictions for misdemeanors will get you a life sentence is a bit of an exaggeration.  The law states that you have to be convicted of two violent felonies and the third conviction can be of any type of felony.  The fact that you can get life for something like stealing a pizza is where the problem lies.  That shouldn't be considered a felony but I think the conviction level depends on your past record.  I am not a lawyer so I can't really elaborate.  

Have fun in New England.  I'll be poolside in January making sure I don't committ any violent felonies.

chuey931052955 reads

I voted a streight Arnold ticket on the Calif. propasitions. No on 66 was a must. Did you bleeding liberals want to let 26,000 felons out of jail to run rampant on the streets. What idiots..

Editor 22860 reads

you probably should learn how to spell "straight" and "proposition."

So this election was a spelling mistake?  I see.

So Shakespeare and Sam Johnson are idiots because their spellings were malleable?

"Stupid is as stupid does"- This is a country of idiots. Just ask Johnny Damon!

Editor 23997 reads

I'm not sure why you're lashing out at me. I was responding to chuey93105, who's calling people idiots. Did I misunderstand something?

-- Modified on 11/4/2004 4:18:18 PM

chuey931052228 reads

I agree...I can't understand Sully's post either. As for idiots, that was reserved for the people who did not read Prop. #66 and see that judges had the option to let 26,000 felons back on the streets. I just don't happen to trust some of our more liberal judges. I wonder how many innocent lives have been spared by the failure of this Proposition? BTW I do need to proof read my posts :-)

I'm a member.  Though now it's not enough.  


and they might do something about it.

Hell if the price of oil can make them go to war, think of what would happen if the price of pussy went up?

Jadie2303 reads

Netmichelle, GREAT NEWS!  I visit Burlington Vermont (your favorite touring city) and New England once a year and would love to meet you to recharge my endorphins ;). Better than LA-LA land!

Their first ruling will be that the ladies have to wear "Burqas"
Even while escorting.

SillyBaldMan3229 reads

...you have to consider that the Burkas will create more of a level playing field in this business for the less-attractive-than-average providers. Or are you one of those shallow guys who has something against ugly women!!!!

This is a sad day for democracy. For everyone that voted for Bush,I hope you are happy when all your rights are taken away. If you like being under govt. survielence ,then you made the right choice. I would not be surprized that when the new justices are appointed to the supreme court,they will ok the govt. to implant a tracking device on everyone. Sound crazy? I hope so,but don't totally rule it out.

I agree, but I've dated escorts in TX that loved the guy... Can you believe it? I should have told Laura...

Beyond Bush's exploitation of terrorist events to diminish our freedom, I just don't trust the man.  Both elections seemed shady.  Apparent fraud in one state (Governor Jeb Bush's Florida) again, this time with electronic voting machines.  There were reported cases of multiple attempts to vote for Kerry but the machine insisted on a vote for Bush.  

I believe we can expect continued erosion of freedom and increased corruption in his pursuit of power.

Weather Underground3818 reads

laws a higher priority in many, many communities, because they will perceive that this is what the religious right, who flexed their political muscles in a huge way, want them to do.

It'll have no effect.  Houston a city that the older Bushes used to call home has a VERY active business. It is Bible belt country. All LE activity is directed at street activity and people who make a nuisance of themselves.

Bi Polar and Proud2251 reads

If ya'll are so depressed by the election, Do what I did after Clinton got a second term.  Go out and find as many providers as you can and Screw your depression away.....Isnt that why we are all here and our ONLY common ground?

Poopdeck Pappy2943 reads

The economy was good then.

the President's tax cuts will provide men with more money to spend and hence more business for the ladies.

I never heard that Bush said any thing negative about this activity, yet Kerry called it a "nuisance." Besides, enforcement in this area is primarily a state and local matter, not federal.
And with this administration's strong defense against terrorism (no attacks in over 3 years since 911, while it could have been otherwise had the antimilitary, antisecurity crowd been in control) we're all safer going out to do anything.

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