TER General Board

Re:Inquiring about overnighters
KCMOSHYGUY 11 Reviews 7594 reads
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I have often seen overnight rates listed on ladies' websites.

I haven't done one myself, and don't have immediate plans to do so in the future.  However, I have been curious as to what to expect if I ever decide to partake in the experience.  I realize YMMV, but I would like to have an idea of some of the typical overnighter expectations.  Does the "overnighter" have a general time length?  Is it a continuous "session" (with the typical breaks between activities), or does it include "non-session" type activities, such as dinner/social time and/or actual sleeping?  Would it be appropriate to ask the lady about any of this ahead of scheduling with her?

Feedback from both the ladies and guys welcome, especially those with first hand experience.  Thanks in advance.


Carrie of London 3552 reads
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All overnights I've done (or would do) involve a fair amount of non-bedroom activities.  Typically, they begin with some intimate getting to know each other, then out for drinks and dinner or theatre and dinner.  It's then back to the hotel after an evening spent enjoying each other's company and building the anticipation of taking up again where we left off earlier.

Waking in the morning, curling up close to your companion and getting inimate all over again before having breakfast is one of the best parts of all ;)

An overnight for me is generally up to 14 hours.

If you're considering booking an overnight then I would say to definitely try and work out (ask if you can do so) if you and the lady have the same ideas of what an overnight should be like.  They're expensive and it's a lot of money to pay for you to be disappointed and a long time for the lady to spend with you if it's not what she was expecting.

AngelOfSurrey See my TER Reviews 3912 reads
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Her description, in my experience, is accurate of what an overnight entails.  But as she suggests, you may want to confirm that with the lady in question.  Everybody has different ideals and opinions.

Have fun!

MasterYoda2 4 Reviews 3486 reads
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Carrie makes some excellent points, and I'd like to offer a couple more thoughts.

As I said in an earlier post, an overnighter is much closer to the mythical and elusive GFE than any one or two hour session could be, for just the reasons Carrie stated.  

It helps to go into an overnighter with an understanding that foreplay can take hours.  That includes activities before the clothes come off that are not normally associated with sex...washing the dishes together, for example, can be enormously sexy if you genuinely like each other.  (And I'm not talking about getting her as soapy as the dishes and getting her off in front of the sink...I mean regular I'll-wash-you-dry doing the dishes, while you talk and laugh together.)

It's not so much YMMV, as each time is different.  I've had an overnighter that was about six cups in the first five hours, after which we both collapsed and slept the rest of the night in each other's arms...and another with the same woman that began with an intimate dinner, some snuggling on the couch while we shared a bottle of wine and a movie, and then to bed, where we slept most of the night.  We made love once, in the morning, before she had to go.  An overnight date is much less formulaic than a typical short-term session.

One last thought: You should only schedule an overnighter with a provider you feel very comfortable with.  The longer you spend together, the deeper the feeling of intimacy you'll share...if the underlying attraction between you is genuine.

Good luck, Brother.


BigPoppaPumplv 30 Reviews 3421 reads
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I've done two overnighters with my ATF.  We did a lots of things, dinner, breakfast,site seeing, talking, gambeling, drinking, shopping and of course lots of fun time in the room.  I would suggest that you feel real comfy with the lady if you ever do an overnighter.

Slimroot 7 Reviews 3891 reads
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I've only ever had overnights with ladies I've seen at least a couple of times previously and whose company I really enjoy (though I might make an exception in Carrie's case B^D). I have always inquired about the desirability  of an overnight during a prior engagement. IMHO, there's not much sense in going forward if she's not particularly enthusiastic about it. You should absolutely discuss the details ahead of time.

My experience has been that overnights usually begin in the late afternoon or early evening (before dinner) and end sometime after breakfast the following day, though I have had one go until right after lunch. Figure on a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 18 hours.

What goes on during your time together is up to the two of you, but overnights are not sexual decathlons. There's usually a fair amount of social time involved (dinner, night out on the town, etc.) to go with the pole vault, javelin throw, shot put, and other events. If the two of you can stay up until after sunrise, then great. Otherwise expect to fall asleep in each other's arms.

Think of an overnight as similar to the first time you and an SO went away for a weekend. They can be extremely romantic, intimate, and exhausting.

Nick Carraway 5371 reads
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Make sure you and the provider of choice are on the same schedule.  You may be an early bird and she may be a night owl, or the two of you may be on different clocks because you're from different time zones and haven't adjusted.  Don't risk marring a great time by being exhausted when she's revving her engines or vice versa.  Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to get right.

Ci Ci 3439 reads
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on what you're looking for and if you already have tickets for a play, a dinner reservation, or something more intimate. Usually, an overnighter involves dinner and some form of entertainment, then (as Carrie mentioned) a lot of intimacy. Overnighters for me usually last between 12 to 14 hours.


KCMOSHYGUY 11 Reviews 4303 reads
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The information provided by those who have posted has been insightful & is appreciated.  Keep it going!!!

A common denominator among the posts so far has been that an overnighter should be with someone you're rather comfortable with, or at least have seen a few times previously.  That got me curious to hear from those whose first get-together with a particular lady/client WAS an overnighter.  How did things play out, the overall experience of seeing someone for the first time that way (good or bad), recommend or not, etc.  All perspectives welcome.


KCMOSHYGUY 11 Reviews 3713 reads
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I don't personally know what it's like.  I have never spent the night with a woman (escort or otherwise), let alone an entire weekend.  To add more shock value to it, I will turn 40 later this year, and I've never had a girlfriend/SO.  I posted on an earlier thread a few days ago that I haven't had an actual date with a woman in nearly 8 years, and basically gave up trying.  My attempts to find love/romance/a soulmate have been a complete joke.  If I were to completely chronicle my futility in this area, I would burn out all the bandwidth on the website.

Obviously, you had no knowledge of that.  Your info was helpful, and I understand the concept you were conveying; I just have never experienced it myself.

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ClareQuilty 2519 reads
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I've done it successfully.  It certainly raises the stakes, tho.  Expect to be a nervous wreck before you meet her.  Make sure you're mentally and physically ready for it, and if she isn't what you expected, be ready to limit it to a couple of hours, go ahead and part with your money and say, "Toots, this ain't what I came here for."

stilltryin25 16 Reviews 3803 reads
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I also have never had a girlfriend or SO.  Earlier the situation was caused by me being too selective and by ineptitude.  Lately it has been by choice.  I did an overnight in February with a provider that I had researched through reviews.  I did it mostly to answer questions about myself, like did I awake at night fighting demons or talking to myself.  It was interesting to rest close to a woman throughout a night.  And looks like I got the questions that I had about what I did while sleeping answered, the provider and I recently saw each other again and she was not the least bit terrified of being in the same room with me alone.

elrod0007 13 Reviews 2775 reads
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You are crazy to try on the first date.  Hope you have a lot of money to spend.  The one thing I have learned about overnights are that they can be great of you and the provider know each other first.  

I did it once for a New Year's date.  Ended up disliking the lady, she drank too much, asked me to spend more money, and we went out clubbing in which she picked up a new client.  Do I blame her, hell no, I was the idiot that spent the money, and she just got the sucker to do it.  That's when I joined TER.  Worth every cent.  

Try a good provider on TER with a solid rep.  Some providers will talk to you on the phone and after the first date, you can get good conversation going and talk about setting up the overnight.  Good reason to be on TER is to learn from the other hobbyists.  To each his own, good luck.  By the way, if I were looking for an overnight Carrie sounds damn good.

stilltryin25 16 Reviews 3978 reads
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I mentioned it in a post above.  I researched the provider carefully and spoke to her by phone a couple of times, making careful mental notes each time.  The homework paid off, the overnight went well.  In our case, both of us were comfortable hanging out in the room, having a lot of conversation between events.

thebadboy 3618 reads
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KC I'm preparing to spend a long weekend with my ATF on S. Padre Island this next weekend. This will be our third trip to the Island & each is different. I assure you we'll be on the nude beach some of the time which we really enjoy but for the most part we just let things happen. Many of the posters bring up some excellent points...& each experience will probably be different. I would suggest you spend some time researching the Ladies, spend some time with them to find the right one & go for it! Don't forget to allow the Lady some time to herself to check on things @ home, e-mails, voice messages & such. Good luck & have a great time!

InterestingWoman 2868 reads
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Just as everyone else has mentioned, please be sure to ask what the woman's expectations are of the date. By asking, you will ensure that there are few, if any, misunderstandings about the time spent together. I no longer accomodate requests for overnight dates for several reasons.

1.  I am absolutely positive I would annoy a client after about four hours.

2.  I live alone and sleep with my dog each night. I have never, ever shared a bed long term with a man. Time in bed is sacred to me. I don't enjoy sharing it with another person.

3.  I couldn't be away from my dog for 12 hours. Dogwalkers in my area will only walk until 10 p.m.

4.  I'm a very, very light sleeper. The littlest noises irritate me. (Surprise, surprise that I'm easily annoyed.)

5.  Being a strict vegetarian, it's difficult for me to find restaurants that can accomodate myself and my date. After all, the evening is all about him. I think it's unfair for me to place my dietary restrictions upon someone else.

6.  Most telling reason of all - I accomodated one overnight request a few years ago, and I HATED it. While kind of a nice guy, he got on my nerves. Additionally, the only thing I did after dinner was fellate him until the sun arose the next morning. I left his hotel room agitated and exhausted. I don't blame him at all, because I should have been more clear about my expectations. Never again.

vannessa 3251 reads
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I agree with Carrie as well.
I also highly advide that you at least meet with the provider in person for a good idea of what to actually expect.
It's always best to do overnighters with someone whom you've met before.

gtown 3 Reviews 2937 reads
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>the only thing I did after dinner was fellate him until the sun
>arose the next morning. I left his hotel room agitated and

AND (don't forget) handsomely paid for it.

When you do the paying, you make the requests.

THOMASD 52 Reviews 2830 reads
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The key to success is to find the right lady to spend your time with. As others stated, spending the night with a lady you've already been acquainted with and click with is a good idea. But equally important is to find a lady that is very comfortable doing overnights. The best overnighter I've ever done was with a lady that I had never met before. But based on my research on boards like TER and discussions/emails we had had upfront, I had no shadow of doubt that this lady brought her "A game" for overnighters and it was something she truly loved to do.  I felt more comfortable doing an overnight with her than I did with many of the ladies I had seen a number of times before.

Another key to success is being upfront with the lady in terms of eachothers expecations of how the evening should go. You don't want to spring something on her that she doesn't like. If you are nervous because it's your first time, make sure you tell her so she won't freak out when she see's that you are nervous. The more comfortable you are with eachother and what you expect from the evening, the better things will go.

Lastly, an overnighter can really be (for the most part) what ever you want it to be. Some guys book overnighters for relatively platonic reasons such as to have someone to talk to, companionship, have a date for a business event, or just to be able to wake up with a honey in their bed. Other guys are looking for extended intimacy as the focus of their overnighter. It's your dime, just find the proper lady and let her know what your all about up front and you should be fine.

netmichelle See my TER Reviews 3158 reads
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sedonasandiego See my TER Reviews 2208 reads
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There was a little girl
who had a little curl (dreds?)
Right in the middle of her forehead
When she was good
She was very, very good
And when she was bad
She was horrid.

You're too much! :)

netmichelle See my TER Reviews 2706 reads
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But its so much fun, and the matches are just laying around and I really don't know the response to the question... Ouch! My ass is on fire!

Carrie of London 2745 reads
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I've done many overnights were it's the first time I've meet the man concerned and they have all been fine apart from one.  I think if you do your research, have some email communication or talk on the phone then that goes a long way towards working out if you could happily spend 12/14 hours in each other's company.

The one intended overnight I had which was a problem turned out not to be an overnight as I terminated the appointment and left because the client was downright rude.

itlbn 4200 reads
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Howya doin', homegirl?  This has got to be one of the funniest lines I've ever seen anywhere...made me break my monkish vow of silence!  :-))

CremeSavers 3649 reads
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I had done an overnighter about a month ago. We go out to dinner, come back to the hotel room, make love till around 1am, both drift off to sleep. I wake up at around 1:30pm, for I find out that he snoooooooooreeeeeeeeeeeeeesss. I wake him up to turn him around about 6 times, where I am just laying there praying for the snoring to stop LOL I remember finally getting to sleep, and being awakened by hands all over my breasts, but by then, I really needed my time to sleep. I had asked him to let me sleep for about an hour at least, and he said of course. 20 minutes later, he is still touching me. Finally at 6am, I made up an excuse and jetted out of there, went home, cancelled my appts for that day, and slept all day long lol

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