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Re:I must be doing something wrong;
hrnyguy31 95 Reviews 9254 reads
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After many year of growing wild & wooly down under, and after reading numerous recent posts regarding the distasteful side effects of grazing in the bush, and especially after more than one of my favorites has said "what would it take for me to get you to shave that thing?", I finally decided to wade in with scythe and scissor, and do the deed. I shaved the sack and shaft clean, and left a little patch above - sort of an arrow pointing the way for the directionally challenged. I kinda liked the way it looked, sort of a reverse goatee, a dick Van Dyke, if you will. The problem is (and I did expect some discomfort), the "pricklies" started within an hour or two. I used a good lotion and did it again to get a closer shave. By the end of the first day, everywhere there was a follicle, there was also a red welt. It has not gotten any better looking, or any more comfortable. I don't dare hobby in this condition. I look like I have some sort of fuckin' disease. (no pun intended) My questions: Is this normal? Does it go away soon? Was I supposed to use something other than lather to make it smooth? And by the way, I was told to be sure and get the perinium etc. really good. How the hell do you do that? This is kind of an embarrasing thing to be asking about at my age. You can understand why I haven't considered talking to my priest, rabbi or minister, or writing to Dear Abby.
Thanks for your help. I know you will come through for me. Oh, and by the way, the first response I received was very enthuaistic. I really don't want to go back to being Mr. Hairy Nads, but I don't want to suffer either.
Just sign me, "Itching to Know"

xenopus 25 Reviews 4068 reads
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...really nothing left to do but keep it clean, try baby powder and NEVER do such a silly thing again!!!!!!!

-- Modified on 6/7/2004 4:01:03 AM

thevirginiadude 8 Reviews 4204 reads
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there is a product for Black men in the drugstore.  Its for guys who are prone to ingrown hairs.  Its an a can and is a dry poweder. you wix a little with water. trim the hair short, apply it wait the appropriat minutes and scrape with the edge of an old credit card. and then wash gently with soap[ and water and apply some moisturising lotion.

the hair won't come backl for a few days and when it does its not going to be sharp or scratchy. And NO RED BUMPS.

And it doesn't itch growing back in.

Emma Bond See my TER Reviews 4358 reads
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OK - let's start with the science.  When you shave you cut the hair off at an angle and as it grows back through the follicle it is thicker than the follicle is used to, this causes inflammation, hence the bump.  

Tip no. 1 - always shave with, rather than against the grain.  It takes longer - probably 2 or 3 passes over the same spot, but it's worth it.

Tip no. 2 - scrub the area immediately with a loofah or some other exfoliating device or cream.  Even a rough washer (you call them flannels?) will help.  Keep the scrubbing up with every shower.  Women who have a brazilian wax do this regularly.  (Sorry guys, is this too much information...)

Tip no. 3 - you may have a mild case of folliculitis (Barber's rash) so an application of Tea Tree oil or cream will help.

Tip no.4 - don't do this again.  Shaving is great for the first 8 hours, but the stubble is mega-yuck.  Buy some wax strips sold for facial or bikini areas and use them instead.  It hurts a bit more, but the results are worth it.  I use a brand called Veet which has moisturising wipes included which stops the rash and inhibits hair growth.  Though how one would hold the skin of the balls tight enough to wax is a bit problematic.  The skin has to be really taunt, which in a guy's case would mean taunt balls, which means...  Yikes, I don't even want to go there :)

gdoggatl 1 Reviews 4925 reads
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It's called "Magic Shaving Powder" (it's a depilatory). If you're really sensitive, use the yellow can.

-- Modified on 6/7/2004 7:20:43 AM

sheba See my TER Reviews 3972 reads
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CumToThinkofIt 3549 reads
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Try giving the ointments & powders mentioned here a try. This reaction to the shaving you are dealing with is not uncommon. You just have to toughen up the hide down there and get it used to being bald & frequently shaven. After a while you will be able to dry shave things down there with no ill effect.

Charlies Angel 4707 reads
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Perhaps it had something to do with how you shaved your balls and what you put on it afterwards.  Once a week should do the trick to keep things going smoothly, otherwise, if you wait too long, you will probably be in the same boat as you are in now.  Perhaps try using witch hazel (slight stinging at first, but then soothes the skin) or something that is hypoallergenic.  Also the kind of razor you use and how you use it can make a big difference.  For more tips, check out the site below  
Please don't give up the shaving :)  I love the feeling of smooth balls in my hands :)

hrnyguy31 95 Reviews 3276 reads
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do, but not one single guy. Maybe they just don't admit it? Anyway, lends whole new meaning to "waxing the weenie"!

CentrumSilver 4289 reads
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take a hot bath, soak your area in the water a bit, also, lather with soap first, rinse, and then apply shaving lotion and the razor. It makes a big difference :)

llcar 9 Reviews 4226 reads
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JK.  I understand your efforts.  I'm too scared to shave that area, but if you can weaken your requirements to say, a less bushy area, then I recommend a decent beard trimmer.  You will not get that shaved look but at least it will be less bushy without any complications (using the protective guard).  I used to use nose trimmers for that area but I had a bad experience (my hand still shakes when I put those little scissors in my hand when just clearing my nose).

thevirginiadude 8 Reviews 3634 reads
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Certainly.............not quite as long lasting as nair, but its less harsh on the skin too, just follow directions and use......

gdoggatl 1 Reviews 3339 reads
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Jockeypants 22 Reviews 3604 reads
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I’m hairier than a Chia-Pet on Miracle-Grow but I stood on a flimsy chair in my little bathroom in the middle of the night so I could see my bush in the mirror & I shaved my balls & all the bush around Little Sampson.
Okay, don’t do this after a vodka & coke, okay? I managed fine but it could’ve been very bad. They would’ve found me on the floor with my head split open against the toilet, an electric razor buzzing in my hand, pubic hair scattered about, my feet still draped across the chair, with blood & vodka pooling on the floor. Headline: “Fat Guy Commits Suicide While Trimming Massive Bush”

seansean319 20 Reviews 5803 reads
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OK Ok it's painful.  LOL .Don't ask me how I know.  After seeing all the good responses, I figured somone had to be the A-hole and mention this thing.

netmichelle See my TER Reviews 4432 reads
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Well, next time have one of us do it for ya Okay? It's no biggie.

Folliculitis: To fix the damage done get a loofa and scrub out the trapped follicles, add some 1% hydrocortisone cream THINLY (it is a steroid holmes), and when they grow out tug on them with a tweazer if they look like they are growing as an in grown hair.

Next time: trim to 1/2 inch first, use 5 fresh razors, and go with the grain. Can splash with alcohol, then Aveeno Diaper rash cream and voila! A couple real nut sacs o' gold. Waxing is ideal, can do it yourself once you get the hang of it.

hrnyguy31 95 Reviews 4313 reads
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that no one, especially you, has addressed the area below the balls. That's where it gets really tricky! One of my TER buddies said you had a post a while back about this very issue. I haven't taken the time to find it yet. Gee, i never thought of asking a provider to do it for me. Thanks for the offer!

hrnyguy31 95 Reviews 3822 reads
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Wonder Weenie 3240 reads
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scampr 21 Reviews 5302 reads
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I can imagine wacing the groin area and back door region but how could we wax our nuts without serious pain or injury.  There are veins close enough to see and some of those pubes are pretty thick. I imagine a good yank on one of those could really rip some skin and who knows what else. How could we get them taught enough to wax?

sedonasandiego See my TER Reviews 4254 reads
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pussy shaver (hate that word) and you will get two items for $59. Not red bumps, no pricklies, or itching, and it's for both the ladies and the guys even though it looks like it's for the girls.


-- Modified on 6/8/2004 12:42:21 PM

netmichelle See my TER Reviews 4898 reads
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It works! But I have heard some guys swear by old lather brush work and a straight edge razor.

-- Modified on 6/7/2004 9:30:18 PM

rick2 91 Reviews 2660 reads
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don't call it a "dick van dyke" ... he could sue you  -and that would be a most interesting court case:
Your Honor,  he named his dick after me. I want it removed!!!
nuff said

MfSD 39 Reviews 3855 reads
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Ouch......don't use a scissors or a razor.....try the trimmer option on your electric razor if you have one on there or a beard trimmer. Shaving with a razor like you do your face, is a guarantee for in grown hairs, razor bumps and a very tender condition. MfSD>>>>

Foodyguy 29 Reviews 3818 reads
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hrnyguy31 95 Reviews 5529 reads
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hrnyguy31 95 Reviews 4491 reads
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domek69 17 Reviews 3407 reads
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Try one of the hair removal creams. I have been using this method for years and it's great.

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 6106 reads
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You won't have to jump through all of the hoops or pain (just had a brazillian myself... OUCH!), you will still have a smooth feel, although it will need to be done daily for max effect, and is much less likely to cut the hair beneath the skin - which causes the ingrown hairs.

I know several men who swear by a good electric razor.

kingputt 1 Reviews 3198 reads
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I too tried the shaving bit and received the same painful results and discomfort. I currently keep my hair trimmed short with a beard trimmer. However, if you want to continue to have the clean-shaven look and feel then you might want to try this bikini razor on a daily basis: http://www.allamericanbikini.com/bikini.htm
or you may want to go the expense of using laser. My SO has gone the laser route and I absolutely love it. It costs about $2500, you get 15 minutes treatments every 4 weeks for about 6 months until all hair folicles are destroyed...then never again do you need to shave. It is completely painless, at least acccording to my SO.


The E Ticket 5084 reads
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